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~Nakam - Questions & Answers~

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Lord of Altera
Hooray for militaristic technological advancement, because the government is shifty-eyed and questionable at best~!
(translation: I wrote something new. :3)


Lord of Altera
Relation with the nomadic Soolera?

(something along the lines of) "All people are equal within Nakam eyes" ....?
Perhaps you're asking of Verbali's view? The money-grubbing and heavily isolationist city-state without a care in the world besides this month's trade profit?
"...Soolera who? Do they have money? Because we need some more of that."


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
What about politics in the hairless world? How well do they respond to it? Baz'neh (??) became ambassador and Tze is the royal apothecary, but does it end there? Would a Nakat be willing to swim in the shark-infested ocean that is politics? I've read in the lore (Sports and games section) that the Nakam as a general will take a dishonourable victory which in my mind is gained through lies and deceit (And this reminds me of Politics!)

There was talk about treaties of sorts with wolves in which tribes would give scraps to the wolves and in turn they protect the tribe. Would this ever occur in the singular? I read that the word for 'pet' is the same as 'friend' in Verba, but there isn't much more on singular pets. A Nakat and his/her wolf for example.

This also leads me to another question, seeing as 'pet' and 'friend' are the same, is there different ways of saying them (Eg: Body language, tone of voice) / different prefixes/suffixes to the words after/before pet/friend, seeing as in English (or most languages I'd assume) if you called your friend a pet in a demeaning manner, I'd reckon they'd be offended (Unless you live in Ireland/England where jesting at your friends is a common thing :p).

My final question (For now, at least): Magic. How early do they learn to hate magic? Is it instinct to dislike it, or is it taught to them? Also, what would a Nakat do if he/she found out they could use magic? Would they try to hide and suppress it or would they use their talents, even in secret?



Lord of Altera
Alright, let's see..

I dunno if any of this is extensive enough in and of itself to be it's own added section within the lore, but to at least clarify~

As of now, I know that Sajek is an official Ambassador from Verbali. As far as Baz'neh is concerned, her efforts were all for not, and completely unofficial. Currently, Kavdam is serving as an embassy for Verbali, and many other embassies are open throughout Altera's continents, as a product of the project spear headed by the single-eyed grump himself. These embassies serve to allow "lost" nakam a way back home, or at least a home within their current lands where they will be around their own kind. However, due to the massive requirement of governmental figures within Verbali (and the massive paycheck that comes with a governing job), qualified governing Nakam rarely come to light outside of Verbali or Kavdek, and rarely come to power outside the island within a differently cultured area.

I should've worded it more that the word "pet" doesn't exist at all. The idea of owning a living thing and consciously having it below you is unknown to the Nakam. If one is to have a wolf follow them about, they will allow it to do so at it's own leasure, never using a leash or chain to keep the creature close by, allowing it complete freedom, as they would any other friend they should come across.
Just as they see all people in the same light, they treat all living things much the same way. They aknowledge that even the "cultured" and "civilized" of the world are only animals with too much pride.
Any oxen used for transportation are usually treated with respect and cared for well for their efforts, just as any wolf or pack of wolves are paid well for their protection.
Essentially, Nakam (natives, specifically) see no distinction between people and animals.

Magic is never outwardly brought about as hated. People just don't go walking down the street grumbling things about warlocks and such.
But, since I'm assuming you at least need a bit of training before you can execute even the smallest of magical abilities, many Nakam simply go about their lives believing that magic is a simple fairytale.
Otherwise, since it is engrained that magic is essentially against the natural order of things, they will look on magic with a very ominous and hateful viewpoint. Many who see that they can use magic often suffer self-esteem issues.
magic is not, and can not ever be seen as a good thing to these people by default.
it is EXTREMELY difficult to convince them otherwise, and you may just get your face scratched off if you push the issue too far.
Those who are "talented" in magic, in that it's simply something that happens at random and they cannot control, will often go to great lengths to hide their secret. Though, if the problem becomes too overpowering, many are known to traverse the island's frozen forests, alone, seeking enlightenment and redemption for their curse.
Many end up in the southern peak, as the stories of the ominous village within the unnatural cave speak of knowledge handed down directly from the Naklefam.

..Alright, on second thought, I'll put all this in the original postings too.
Long story short: Nakam like to govern their own places and get paid boatloads, People are only prideful animals, and magic is bad. Again.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
As of now, I know that Sajek is an official Ambassador from Verbali. As far as Baz'neh is concerned, her efforts were all for not, and completely unofficial.

Oh. He means, "Ambassador to the Crown". Baz'neh got the job and got involved in Crown politics. ^^;


Lord of Altera
Oh. He means, "Ambassador to the Crown". Baz'neh got the job and got involved in Crown politics. ^^;

Well this isn't the crown's thread now, is it? As far as Verbali is concerned (and the rest of the Nakam should be, really), Baz'neh was a magic using, self concealing human, and thusly was no one of concern~ :3



Lord of Altera
How good is our hearing, in comparison to a Forrest Elf's?

Edit: Reference:

...Well, that reference is written very..vaguely..

*ahem* I'll say that due to their swiveling, high set, large ears, they're able to determine the source of a sound EXTREMELY well. This predator sensory set up allows for an extreme focus on sounds, though an overall perception on sounds in a large area are left to be picked out individually. Let me put it this way: in an pitch-black, silent room, most humans could only make out the squeaks of mice and vaguely tell where they'd come from, Nakam hear the rodent's footsteps with clarity and could easily point out where it's tiny feet reside on hearing alone. However, humans can hear that there is a group of people about a hundred yards away having a conversation, whereas Nakam will have to twitch and spin their ears until they find the direction the conversation is coming from to have any sort of reliable clarity. Think of our hearing as eyes, we can see a great deal of things with some vague amount of clarity, though we must chose and focus on certain things to look at if we want an extremely detailed sight.
This being said, just as with all living things, long-term exposure to loud sounds will degrade their hearing over time.
Unless they're working with explosives on a daily basis, or have some special handicap, I doubt you'd come across a Nakat with extremely poor hearing :p

~I'll go ahead and put this into the original post/lore stuff as well~


Lord of Altera
Does Kavdek have any special ores, crystals, gems or other materials that are used in tools or jewlery?


Lord of Altera
Does Kavdek have any special ores, crystals, gems or other materials that are used in tools or jewlery?

Aside from the massive (almost unnatural) amounts of gold and lapis hidden within the island, I can't say that the Nakam currently have discovered anything of extreme interest in terms of ores or such.
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