Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Exodus!


Non sum qualis eram
Order of the black..? What the living...?
No, so you're basically saying something that couldn't have possibly been ever achieved, even on an immortal level, was done by like five or six (very mortal, may I add... at least I'd like to think some of them were somewhat mortal, God knows about the rest), people with a black box anyone can go and mine out in the Sorrowlands? Or is it that those mortals turn out to be smarter than their creators ever were?
This kind of starts getting on my nerves, sorry to spoil the fun. I sit at the Cathedral or run around burning freaking heretics, Darkbloods, curing possessions and essentially having already defeated three demons and you get to kill one and have a nice title to go with it. Trouble I see with that is that I still continue to blindly do all that crap and am clearly getting ignored, and I don't blame those that ignore what I do, after all the Queen and her Boyband of Hell knows how created not-really-lore-related-but-staff-and-part-of-the-lore-so-allowed things can easily handle the Grief itself! Am I really starting to see a trend here?
You're trying to destroy all that is too high end fantasy, I can see that. Well, I'd like to see you kindly stop. You will never get Medieval Europe out of Minecraft. You're battling limitations of the game, lacks of knowledge about Medieval society, and, most importantly, psychology of the people. People won't stop wanting at least that little bit more freedom than choosing between a fat bearded guy and a tall skinny spiky ears (if even that remains...)
I know the staff tries its best to make us happy, however not once have I seen a thread that asks us what we want to see done about the lore and about the server in general. You, the staff, cooperate amazingly. I have complete respect to what you do and try to see happen on the server. However, there are players you're doing it for. These players have no idea what is going on until it happens...

My rant is over. Sorry to do it, punish me if you really wish though I'd still prefer to remain playing on the server. It's a fun server, my biggest issues being stated here, especially my blindness as to what is happening and lack of communication. You can all blindly disagree all you want, but please state a counter-opinion before doing so, because just saying you disagree will get us no where. I'd like to resolve the issue as much as you probably do...

Gee thanks.

Ever since I was promoted by default, I've been doing my best to, as smoothly as my limited abilities allow, do what I was told to do.

Do you want to know something?

I don't like being the lore manager.

I don't like it at all.

I have to spend most of my time hurting people's feelings by telling them no, and seeing them get pissed off at me for upholding what the management of the server wants.

I don't get to RP as my developed character, one that mostly advanced as one without me being remotely involved in the loreteam, without shouts that I am using my position to advance my own character. I cannot do any of the fun things I legitimately earned because people will simply scream at me without knowing anything.

People continue to heap abuse at me, and make me feel unwelcome, when all I am trying to do is help the server I like to RP in out.

What do you want from me?
What more am I supposed to do?

I'm not good enough, obviously, to do this without hurt feelings, but what?

Some of the event stuff is supposed to be a surprise!

Do you want me to tell you the whole damn plot of the movie before you even walk in the door?

If you want to rant at me? Fine. There is seriously very little more I can do for you.

Can we please just understand that we're here to have fun? I'm not doing any of this out of some crazy desire to make things worse, I'm trying to make things better.

What happened to FUN?


Lord of Altera
Gee thanks.

Ever since I was promoted by default, I've been doing my best to, as smoothly as my limited abilities allow, do what I was told to do.

Do you want to know something?

I don't like being the lore manager.

I don't like it at all.

I have to spend most of my time hurting people's feelings by telling them no, and seeing them get pissed off at me for upholding what the management of the server wants.

I don't get to RP as my developed character, one that mostly advanced as one without me being remotely involved in the loreteam, without shouts that I am using my position to advance my own character. I cannot do any of the fun things I legitimately earned because people will simply scream at me without knowing anything.

People continue to heap abuse at me, and make me feel unwelcome, when all I am trying to do is help the server I like to RP in out.

What do you want from me?
What more am I supposed to do?

I'm not good enough, obviously, to do this without hurt feelings, but what?

Some of the event stuff is supposed to be a surprise!

Do you want me to tell you the whole damn plot of the movie before you even walk in the door?

If you don't like something, why do it...


Lord of Altera
I never asked him to do anything, and if someone is not happy doing a volunteer job then what I say is why do it.


Settling in Altera
this has gone into nether fire, every one go play a shooty game, go outside, take deep breaths then come back. We'll -all- have a clearer mind and see better.....

/re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rail and -really- save this for later, wait intill it's over. Okay? okay.


Lord of Altera
Someone has to, yes, but if someone is not having fun or enjoying what they are doing then you have to ask yourself, why do it.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Is it too late to abandon thread?

Naelwyn, I just want to let you know that you do an amazing job at keeping things fun round here, and I really admire the way you handle things; kudos to you for being awesome!
Don't listen to the people who think its an easy job, they wouldn't last two minutes in your shoes!

Everyone give Naelwyn a round of applause for being awesome!


Settling in Altera
Is it too late to abandon thread?

Naelwyn, I just want to let you know that you do an amazing job at keeping things fun round here, and I really admire the way you handle things; kudos to you for being awesome!
Don't listen to the people who think its an easy job, they wouldn't last two minutes in your shoes!

Everyone give Naelwyn a round of applause for being awesome!
View attachment 30038

*claps furiously*


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Some people have a heart, and do things they don't enjoy much, just to help someone.

We make mistakes (really big ones too), forget things, make unpleasant decisions, even ban players we thought were/are friends.
We like constructive criticism, but we can't please every single player to the fullest.


I JUST read my own flippin comments!

Gee thanks.

Nael, you have permission to slap me.
My comments were downright rude and horrible! I should be more careful about what I post, really.
I'm not going to lie and say "I understand mate." Because I'm not/never been in your current situation, but now I think we all are aware.
If Your Not Aware, Read Nael's Post Over And Over Until You Understand It.
I am sorry Nael for my rudeness.


Lord of Altera
Not directly, but you were making it seem like it was an easy job.
Did I say the job was easy, all I said was if he is not happy, then he shouldn't do it. This is why I never post on the forums, people take the words you say and form them into what they think it sounds like to them not taking in account what people may actually mean when they post them, that is exactly what happened to the first post.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Did I say the job was easy, all I said was if he is not happy, then he shouldn't do it. This is why I never post on the forums, people take the words you say and form them into what they think it sounds like to them not taking in account what people may actually mean when they post them, that is exactly what happened to the first post.
Re-rail. NAOW.

Like we've said already, Nael is one of the few people who could do the job well.
By saying "if you don't like it, don't do it", you're suggesting its a job that anyone could do, which is simply not the case.


The Arbiter of the Gods

I can see your point of view, but please try to understand mine... I know you're more than right to say what you did and as I said I respect yours, along with rest of the staff's work. I got angry because I was told nothing of what was going to happen and I often feel like I get ignored despite what I was intended to do. I'm sorry for what I said, but again lack of understanding caused by lack of communication is what I see as the main issue, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything of what I did.


Settling in Altera
/re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail Dear god re-rail.


Lord of Altera
/re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail re-rail Dear god re-rail.
27 re-rails in that post.

Number '15' is in your name

27 - 15 = 12

6 letters in your name

12 - 6 = 6

Your post is on the 7th page of this thread.

6 - 7 = -1

Numbers '1' and '5' are in your name.

1 + 5 = 6

-1 + 6 = 5

Your post is #122 post on this thread.

Number '2' is in that sentence twice.

5 - 2 = 3

Half Life 3 confirmed.

Now let the re-railing begin!


is Barken
27 re-rails in that post.

Number '15' is in your name

27 - 15 = 12

6 letters in your name

12 - 6 = 6

Your post is on the 7th page of this thread.

6 - 7 = -1

Numbers '1' and '5' are in your name.

1 + 5 = 6

-1 + 6 = 5

Your post is #122 post on this thread.

Number '2' is in that sentence twice.

5 - 2 = 3

Half Life 3 confirmed.

Now let the re-railing begin!
That was beautiful. I am amazed.