Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Beirut Badass


Retired Staff
Earthspawn are muscley and have 68 packs... Okay just 6 packs, he looks like a fattie with a beer belly! He needs abs ALL OVER HIM, even on his nose and eyeballs! Us Earthspawn are so big we even have six packs on our eye balls!

Or he has a 6 pack, but he's also well-fed on human meat and whatnot so he's got the belly of a rich man or a king.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Or he has a 6 pack, but he's also well-fed on human meat and whatnot so he's got the belly of a rich man or a king.
Actually it's the way the sun falls on him... It like makes it hard to see all his six pack and stuff, yeah the suns always doing that


The Arbiter of the Gods
It's not actually the case of them being fat;
It's clear they may have a different muscle structure than humans to adapt to different environments (would need further elaborating for proper reasoning). This does not mean to say that Earthspawn's stomach is "fat". For all we know this could be muscle, and punching him there may be just like punching a block of iron.