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Ulfberht Stålnør - The Artistic Smithy.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff

Name: Ulfberht Stålnør
Full Titles: [Redacted] [Redacted] Ulfberht The Wise,
Nickname/Alias: [Redacted] The Artistic Smithy, "My big friend", Ulf, Ulfie.​


Age: While often assumed to be in his late fifities, he is in his late thirties. It's probably the hair colour. And the beard. What a lovely beard.
Gender: "Is probably being man, is most certain of this thing."
Race: Human. The round ears are a big giveaway, but he is of Nordic origins.
Social Status: Personal guard of whomever the leader of Arcturus is, as well as being town Smithy for Thiil and Vera.
Sexuality: If ever a man couldn't care less about anything, it is Ulfberht with this. However, he is presumed to be heterosexual.
Height: Clocking in at a quite big 6 ft. 6.
Weight: Ulfberht weighs just over 350 lbs. However, he is not fat. A lifetime of smithing has left Ulfberht well built.
Date of Birth: ..
Date of Death: Not applicable... Yet.
Homeland: [ Redacted ]
Current Home:
Traits/Blessings: None.


First, let's start with his facial features.

Flat. Square. Scarred. These are some of the words that could be used to describe Ulberht's face. From over twenty-five years of blacksmithing, his face has taken many a bruising. Sparks flying and hammers swinging have damaged his face. Smalls scars litter his cheeks and forehead, giving a gnarled look to his skin.

His chin is strong, a tough edge evident even through the beard. However, it is not as strong as before, the Kin that once resided in his body is now no more.

When he was first apprenticed, his natural skill was evident. He was by no means decent, but he could handle a hammer well and knew how to work the metal. However, another apprentice was not so natural at the swinging of a hammer, and broke Ulfberht's nose with an upward swing when he was naught but a child of nine years old. Because of this, the normal sized nose he had as a child is now flat and slightly crooked.

Even through the large gray beard that is almost always permanently on his face, a strong jawline is evident.

All of these traits combined make for a mean looking man. However, anyone somewhat close to Ulfberht knows this to be different.

The gray beard that matches his equally long gray hair, falls down to his chest. What starts off as a thick beard slowly thins out to a wispy beard that is rather neat. The same applies to his hair, giving off the effect of a hood surrounding his head. It is, however, extremely well kept and Ulfberht never seems to have to problem of mice or spiders hiding in it (Although they most probably could and not be seen at all.)

His eyes once being deep brown, have now slowly changed back to their deep shade of blue that they once were. Although he may seem rather innocent when talking, especially if attempting to describe something, his eyes tell a completely different story. They seem to sit too far back, and have a look to them that tells anyone that happens to glance upon him that this is a man who has seen things nobody should. That he has been through things no mortal should go through and that he has lived a life that does not fit the number of years he has lived.

Now onto his body.

Standing at six-foot-six, and weighing in at just over three hundred and fifty pounds, means that Ulfberht is not a small man. This comes with both it's ups and downs. His struggles to move quickly at all, unless he is going downhill. Several times he has gone too fast for his legs, resulting in a face full of the ground.

The little amount of clothing he wears is not so he can show off his sexaaay booodaaaay, but because he finds the Northern Kingdoms to be far too warm as a whole. Whenever he is in the north, a cloak made by Elizabeth is found hanging from his neck. Whenever he is on duty as guard, in the glimmering gold plate, it can be found around his neck.

Through the many straps that hold up the kilt-like pants, knotted and gnarled scars are quite visibly seen. Many are due to many hours in the smithy, but some are also due to a combination of fights, the majority coming from the Exodus Battle. Several criss-cross scars can be seen on his back, due to whippings that occurred many years ago. ( Ulfberht is not into BDSM, I swear )

He is by no means toned. He is, however, built. Extremely built. His stomach and chest are hard, muscle taking the place of what looks like fat. Ulfberht being comparable to the BFG, is not a vicious man by any means, but he is a bastard to deal with when in a confrontation.


He wears a simple kilt-like pants, made from leather and cloth, with a layer of chainmail hiding underneath it. It is held up by several straps running across his upper body.

When he is on duty, he is kitted out and ready to rock. The gold polish on the steel plate makes him stand out in fights, which is exactly what he wants: Draw attention away from his protection detail. A small quiver will hang at his back, by the waist. This is used for bolts, making it easy to fire his crossbow. One weapon will always hang on his left side, be it his large hammer or Zweihander. However, a smaller warhammer will hang at his right side, normally hidden by his cloak.

The sword that hangs at his left hip, when the hammer is not being used.
The hammer that hangs at his left, the handle is roughly three of Ulfberth's hands long.

The smaller hammer that hangs from his right hip when he is wielding his Zweihander.
Small warhammer.png
The dagger that he uses in combo with his hammer.
NB: The reason he uses his weapons like this, is so that he will always have one blade and one hammer in a fight.

Prized Possessions: The cloak given to him by Elizabeth, his Zweihander and his warhammer. [Was lost, eventually found by a 'kind' stranger]
Hygiene: Although he cleans regularly, he always reeks of metal.

Strengths: Well, he's strong. He's perceived as an oaf. Very big.
Weaknesses: He's perceived as an oaf. He's also very big, causing in to be slow. Suffers from joint aches. Is a biiit tooo fond of a few drinkies at night.
Fears: '....... Is being for you to wonder and is also being for only me to know.'
Intelligence: '....'
Languages: Speaks common, [Redacted], Has a written language that he uses to brand his weapons, however there is no spoken version of it.
Profession: Blacksmith through and through.

Personality: Generally jolly, but his opinion is not changed easily. You'd have an easier time shifting a mountain.
Religion or Cults: Ulfberht doesn't much care for religion, however he still acknowledges the presence of the gods and sends a short prayer to one of them when he is in the church. However, he does not strictly worship one, or several gods.
Alignment: One could say Lawful Neutral, but it still remains to be seen.
Short Term Goals: Smith things.
Long Term Goals: [ Redacted ]


Place: Vera Vigi, in his forge
Pastime: Oddly, making nails. He finds it calming.
Food: Boar Stew, it's about the only thing he can make.
Drink: Does it have alcohol in it? How much? Nope, that's not enough alcohol.
Colour: Brown or the light grey that freshly polished steel gives off.
Animal: A bear. It's big, strong and hairy. Like Ulfberht!

Least Favourite...

Place: In jail.
Pastime: Being threatened.
Food: Poorly made boar stew.
Drink: Watery ale.
Colour: Not Applicable.
Animal: Rats, he doesn't like them when they go into his storage room.

(Where's it gone? Nobody will know!)

Thanks to @Faelin for the layout!

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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Reserved for happenings in RP from a 3rd person point of view.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
My desire to play Ulfberht came a while back. I knew I wanted to play a Nord, and it took quite a while. The original plan was for the man to be a duel-axe wielding Nord, inspired when I saw a picture depicting a Nord on his own, fighting several opponents. Sadly, I cannot find this picture again. However, at the time I also wanted to play a Nakat, but I did not feel like I knew the lore well enough. (I did know it quite well, I think. Buuut, I do eventually want to play a Nakat, and I want to do it right.)

The idea of playing a Nord came from two things. I love Nordic mythology, and had watched 'Thor' a few weeks previous. I had also found the aforementioned picture again. I was going to play a Nord. When I first heard that Cherry was writing Nordic lore, I decided to do it there and then. I had played a little bit of Ulfberht before, but under a different skin. This comes from his backstory, arriving in Port Silver on a boat that had crashed and burned. He did look quite different then.

At first, Ulfberht was going to be a really stupid Nord, who was only good for smashing things. His leader was going to be @Cannonalch 's character, John. John is still in charge of Ulfberht, but we hardly ever get to RP anymore.

The name 'Ulfberht' came from a documentary I watched on nordic metallurgy. The sword 'Ulfberht' was a top quality sword, like a Bentley of modern times. There I decided to play not only a Smithy, but a man named Ulfberht.

The skin idea came from playing Skyrim, partly. I really liked the studded armor, and to this day I wish the ability to transmog in Skyrim. Anyhow, I liked the pants in the studded armor, so I wanted to have Ulfberht wear them.

The idea for a long beard came from a character I played for a few hours, during the

Welp, I don't have much more to say on that at the moment.


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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff

@Faelin Do good with grammar I did?



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Earthspawn no longer exist. Just normal people now.
Care to quickly summarize what would happen if the Kin left the body? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
