Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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100 Chibi Challenge [Complete]

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King ForumStalker
This is Itzza from Headquarters, we have your message loud and clear operative Sparky, you have permission to drool, out.

Edit 1: Headquarters also likes the chibeh.


The Anime loving Brony
... It wasn't taken on the list...
A few don't seem to be marked off...
And I was the one who claimed that 'cause my first one wasn't available, but it seems I actually was chosen for my first choice... so you can use it I guess :p


Lord of Altera
Character name: Jonak Gaelin
Details: Surprise me~
Link to profile: [link]
Music that fits: [link]
Theme: 75, if it's still available~ (mirrors if you're too lazy to check)


Dark Council Elite
[NOTE: Wondering if it's possible for me to time-capsule this post until I hit my 3 month mark. If it's not, somebody please say so and I'll immediately delete this post.]

Character name: Archaeus Fronte
Details: His left gloved hand resting on the hilt of his blade at his left hip. Reference the 'Royalty Armor' skin on his profile page for a detailed representation of his armor.
Link to profile: Archaeus's Profile

Music that fits:

Theme: 46. Family

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Roleplay keeper
Character name: Sheila L. A. Wolfheart
Details: Smiling the brightest to someone, perhaps wanting them to smile aswell.. Much love from such a small creature. Perhaps holding her wolf plush in her arms, perhaps a bit of grass and flowers by her bare feet, the wind playing in her hair? A golden necklace with a small bell by the end of it, attached with a simple thread, and a blueish crystal flower in the necklace. Her eyes are glowing weakly. Lots of colours maybe~?
Link to profile: Don't have one for her yet :/ But I've got references. ~
Music that fits:
Theme: Smile 14.
Changed it- and quote for the sake of it.
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