Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!



is Barken
Name: Gelyk Varyn.
Appearence/Important Details: A ... large, extremely muscled man. His face a twisted, mangled mess of ropey flesh and scar tissue, wearing a set of chain beneath a large, furry coat, with a wolf pelt dangled around his shoulders. (See skin, for his clothin'.)
Pose: A deep-set scowl, arms crossed, shoulders slanted.
Props: Clawed gauntlets, one upon each hand, which stretch up to about half-way up his forearm. Made of a black metal.
Expression: An extremely dark scowl, his eyes only slightly slanted in anger.
MC Skin:

sketch (72).png

Other than his extremely mangled face, not much. Just look to the skin for his clothing.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Name: Athryl Mithtanil
Appearence/Important Details: All in my character profile. Link in the signature :)
Pose: Over his brewing station, brewing potions.
Props: Cauldron, Potions, Brewing Stand, Alchemist's Journal.
Expression: Focused.
MC Skin: image.jpg
Details: Let your creative genius flow with this one, Mich. :heart:
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Name: Habin Lydel
Appearence/Important Details: Halfling. very short. Is well-fed but not fat. Scruffy hair. Overalls :D
Pose: Standing, smoking a pipe.
Props: Hobbit hole in the background. Like this ---> 2014-01-21_20.35.31.png
Expression: Laid back
MC Skin:SamwiseGamgee.png
Details: Just made the character. But I I have plans for him! Im hoping this can really get a good visual image for him. So have fun with it :D

Thanks so much :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
A mage nakam :eek:
Magic is BAD!
Mmmm I find an IRL year or so in altera seems to change a character significantly enough to.. well, change them. Plus this character sorta got forced into things and theres been a pretty adequate fallout as a result :I