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[Citadel] Bane - Capital of The Dominion of Cimmeria


The Anime loving Brony
Settlement Name:Bane - Tower of Malice
The Warlord Halfmad
Assistant Mayors:
The Dark Mage Shadowsmalls,
The Mage Shadowsrunn,
Apprentice Blood (JustShadow)
Current Wealth:N/A
Daily Tax Rate:N/A
Cheapest Plot Cost:N/A
Biggest Plot Cost:N/A

Description / Introduction:
Bane is fortified citadel, created by Queen Grief countless years ago. After the defeat of the Demon Valzus, High King Cherbert placed a curse on the towers to prevent anyone entering them and raised them from the ground, the towers of the citadel now float - preserved forever as a reminder of the Dark Queen's failure.

The structure is primarily made up of 4 towers surrounded by a large fortified (now ruined) wall, the largest one called "Malice" the two smaller frontal towers are known as "Shadow" and "Blood", the final tower at the rear is known as "Death. The Scribe Fastidious Quinn is attempting to rebuild these histories of the towers and uncover it's dark past.

More information on the studies of Fastidious Quinn regarding Bane and the Junfeyn can be found here and here.

In more recent times there have been rumours that the Towers have become inhabited once again, although nobody at the nearby town of Breakwater is willing to speak of it and the residents have become very wary of visitors.

Bane is the only confirmed site where a Junfeyn Demon has been killed, as such it has become a rite of passage for enlightened, but dark-hearted citizens of Altera to pay homage at the Shrine of Valzus. If the rumours are true it is likely that it is these pilgrims who have found a way into the towers and will have access to the dark secrets within.

Political Relations:
Currently unknown

All talk must be in RP, no OOC talk what's so ever.
No PvP'ing other member's of the town, The punishment for this is death.
Outsiders are free game, by entering the area they take their live's into their own hands.
No showing anyone the Citadel or it's surrounding area unless they are potential recruits

In order to be accepted into the Citadel
The members chosen to personally serve Queen Grief's generals are chosen from among the citizens of the Dominion. Our watchers will nominate those they thinks worthy of joining the Religious Capital of the Dominion. A member of our order will then watch that person for a certain amount of time, and will decide if they are worthy of becoming part of our order. A ritual will then be preformed, and we will decide.
Certain People may be asked to join the town by High Ranking members of the Citadel only.
The rest of Altera and the Dominion may be watched and visited by certain members of the Citadel regularly.
We watch and we are always here.

Application to be PM'd to me to be accepted into the town (for now 20/2/2012)
Name (RP):
Race: (Dwarf, Elf, Fae, etc...)
What your RP profession is: (Mage, warrior etc...)
Reason for joining Bane:
Link to RP profile:
How you think you will be able to fit joining Bane into your profile:
Why you wish to Join Bane(OOC):

Requirement's to stay living here:
You must be willing to take order's from myself, or any Vassals of the Dark Queen,
You must be an evil character,
You must be willing to serve Queen Grief,
Having a background involving magic will help you be accepted,
You must have an RP profile done,
You must be willing to work with gullible races and preform assassinations,
You will be required to wear a uniform, (not yet created)

All these rules and such are still being hammered out, and are liable to change at a moment's notice.

List of Residents:
Halfmad Head of State for The Dominion of Cimmeria.
Shadowsmalls Assistant Mayor - In charge of Bane.
JustShadow Assistant Mayor

If you place a block in the Citadel or on the ground below it to get to the floating island, you will be given a 36 hour temp-ban. You have been warned



Bellon the Wise

Ah so it's Shadowsmalls who's found a way in!
Shadow is mature, a wonderful rper, responsible player and stand-up guy that will actually make this entire conflict rp fun and not 'dumb'! lol!


The Anime loving Brony
Thread unlocked, about time it was opened up to anyone to comment
Good point. I only had it locked whilst I was writing the major rules, which are done now, so I don't mind.
Applications still must be made VIA PM , yet it isn't really suitable to live there just yet. We are still building it atm.


The Anime loving Brony
Okay, slight change to the way you are invited to the Town, you still PM me on here, but if I accept here, you must come to Bane when next online with me, and we'll have a little RP session there, then if you are accepted, you get your apprentice name, and room.
I will also not be accepting people who have been on the server less than a month and a half, or if you are younger than that on the server, I will only accept you if I know you well and RP with you frequently.


Zalenfal Guardian
Okay, slight change to the way you are invited to the Town, you still PM me on here, but if I accept here, you must come to Bane when next online with me, and we'll have a little RP session there, then if you are accepted, you get your apprentice name, and room.
I will also not be accepting people who have been on the server less than a month and a half, or if you are younger than that on the server, I will only accept you if I know you well and RP with you frequently.
Apprentice name, eh? Sounds familiar... :p
But I can say that from what I've seen, this town is pretty amazing. Few things aren't built yet, because it's relatively new, but for what it is, it's awesome. Looking forward to being around :D


The Anime loving Brony
Apprentice name, eh? Sounds familiar... :p
But I can say that from what I've seen, this town is pretty amazing. Few things aren't built yet, because it's relatively new, but for what it is, it's awesome. Looking forward to being around :D
Oh, btw 1 or maybe 2 other apprentice's will be sharing the room with you :/ I wasn't informed of this part when I was on with you Sorry :oops:


Zalenfal Guardian
Yeah, he never told me.... Even though I'm the mayor -_-
He only told me after you left and he came online - he noticed when the door wouldn't open for him, just for me.
By the way, he'd like you to remove that xD
I tried, but you put it up, so I can't :p