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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


Lord of Altera

*saying to Murdoc in the afterlife*

"We'll see you on the other side~ Morna will be here shortly~"
*gives a salute while slowly fading away*


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Tiny relations update~ Rather sad one too....
On the plus side everyone Morna hates /appears/ to be dead.... fer now :heart:

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Tiny relations update~ Rather sad one too....
On the plus side everyone Morna hates /appears/ to be dead.... fer now :heart:
Well, she and Robert did try to kill Cyyr with pretty much no provocation when his allies were less than 100 feet away. You shot him in the side with a bolt, making him scream. Then you somehow got Zulin to betray them and kill Jayden, then ganged up on Goren and murdered him in front of Mila who was crying at you all to stop, then Cyyr showed up to stop the massacre and you had Zulin finish him off. Again in front of Mila. So "rather sad" is kind of an understatement, considering Morna and Rob pretty much committed a bloody massacre. XD


Lord of Altera
Well, she and Robert did try to kill Cyyr with pretty much no provocation when his allies were less than 100 feet away. You shot him in the side with a bolt, making him scream. Then you somehow got Zulin to betray them and kill Jayden, then ganged up on Goren and murdered him in front of Mila who was crying at you all to stop, then Cyyr showed up to stop the massacre and you had Zulin finish him off. Again in front of Mila. So "rather sad" is kind of an understatement, considering Morna and Rob pretty much committed a bloody massacre. XD
Funny thing. Tybalt was going to arrest Zulin and put him on trial.(he was going to receive the death sentence. Noway for him to defend his actions as he already admitted them.(

And Mila Rue and Ced stopped him :/

I don't understand Mila at all now xD


Legend of Altera
So wait wait- rob killed /one man/ apparently. And he comitted a 'bloody massacre' when he only killed one, i thought he killed both goren and Cyyr?

French Roast

Lord of Altera
So wait wait- rob killed /one man/ apparently. And he comitted a 'bloody massacre' when he only killed one, i thought he killed both goren and Cyyr?
Oh I thought Zulin killed Goren XD And he -helped- with a "bloody massacre", along with Morna and Zulin.


Lord of Altera
Aellyrians bring death and destruction wherever they go.

Ah, its a southern house thing, you wouldnt understand


The Brainz
Retired Staff
After recent events, Morna has begun having nightmares. Each night she is plagued by these dream.
The dream begins with Morna running through a dense forest. The sky is black as a raven's feather and without stars. The forest smelling damp as if it had just rained.
Morna turns her head as she runs, hearing the footsteps of another, of the pursuer. A figure in red, tall and slim, swiftly following. Morna runs fast but no matter how fast she runs the pursuer is constantly just steps behind.
Suddenly the forest appears to spark to life and it wants one thing, Morna. The leaves wave at Morna and the vines whip and grab at Morna's arms and legs. She manages to escape them but only barely.
As she does, she enters a large circular clearing. In the center a vary large funeral pyre. Morna glances back to check for her pursuer and finds nothing. She thinks to her self that they must have wanted to lead her here. This is what she needed to see.
She approaches the pyre slowly and with caution. As she gets close she notices the faces of the people on the pyre. Every single one is someone she knows and cares about.
Morna falls to her knees feeling overwhelmed at what she has just found. She places her head in her hands and begins to sob loudly.
Morna hears footsteps again, but much slower, softer, footsteps. She glances up at the sound to see the figure in red beside her. The figure removes her hood slowly to reveal it is a unknown Caparii woman.
The woman looks down at Morna, disappointment in her eyes. She points to the pyre and says coldly, "You see them? They die for you. You promise you change, but I see none. You beg me forgiveness, yet you show none. You disappoint."
After she finishes she looks back at the pyre, the fire reflecting in her eyes clearly. Suddenly Morna's vision goes red and she is startled awake.
These dreams making it nearly impossible for her to sleep.

(OOC notes: This is JUST a dream probably caused by a guilty conscious and her feeling she has failed so many.)
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