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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


Lord of Altera
After recent events Morna has begun having nightmares.
She is plagued each night by visions of being chased be a cloaked, red, figure through a very dense jungle.
The vines reaching and grabbing at her legs and arms as if the very forest wants her.
As she manages to escape the vines and the figure she comes to a clearing to find a huge funeral pyre.
Among those with in are all those she cares about.
She begins to kneel before the pyre when the cloaked figure in red moves to stand beside her.
Morna then looks up at the figure seeing clearly now that it is a Caparii woman.
The figure looks down at her and says in a cold tone.
"You see them? They die for you. You promise change, yet me see none. You disappoint."
After this Morna's vision is enveloped in red and she awakens.
These dreams making it nearly impossible for her to sleep.

(OOC notes: This is JUST a dream probably caused by a guilty conscious and her feeling she has failed so many.)
Ohh, I have another nightmare to add to her list. But a black cloaked figure ~


Lord of Altera
Hey, don't take that tone - he's quite right! You do need to be rough and tough in the South.

...To survive all the armoured-swordy-flingy-folk with the collective IQ of exactly three and a half medium-sized potatoes.

;D :heart:
Well, I can assure you there is at least one intelligent southerner ;) however immature he may be


Lord of Altera
...To survive all the armoured-swordy-flingy-folk with the collective IQ of exactly three and a half medium-sized potatoes.
I'd like to think my IQ is more than a bundle of potatoes. (what's that phrase about "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king")


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Update to the dream for when I first wrote it I was a little rushed :p
Also Update to relations and 3rd comment :D


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I'm going to try and keep tabs on Morna.
If that means im going to have to watch her second fall then so be it.
I don't know any of her recent transgessions but I'm sure I'll hear about 'em.
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
+Relation Update @Monster_Dan
+Notes: Morna has to use a spear as a cane to help her stand. She can no longer hold herself up because of the wounds to her legs.


Legend of Altera
Hey, don't take that tone - he's quite right! You do need to be rough and tough in the South.

...To survive all the armoured-swordy-flingy-folk with the collective IQ of exactly three and a half medium-sized potatoes.

;D :heart:

I guess the only thing northerners can compare their IQ's to are potato's~~

That joke works both ways. Since i am a swede.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
+ Huge Relations Update
  • Added someone she fears
+Two attempts on her life in one day.... one by a stranger... the other by a friend......
*Claims 200th Post :3*

Also... I know I am forgetting people... PLEASE let me know :heart:
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French Roast

Lord of Altera
*kicking himself at the fact that there's all this tension that I can't be a part of until Cyyr is revived*

Also, ye haven't added Kell :3