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Lord of Altera
Those with issues will never speak out, this server is notorious for witch hunting, bandwagoning, and ass kissing, and it's simply not worth the hassle. I had my say in private, and that's that.
I don't know if this case is unique, or if it is not, but what I find this server lacks most is transparency, above all else. I understand some serious matters must be kept away from the playerbase, some matters that concern only the staff management. However, i feel, and felt since I took a 7-month break a year ago or so, that there are seriously some things or details that must be shed light onto. I don't know if it's because the original server playerbase is british (Distasteful joke, I just had to put it), but where I come from, we prefer to tell ourselves the facts and the truth. blame me for whatever you want, I know my sins and my errors, but the one thing I would never do is consider someone culprit in a case where they are innocent.

I just felt, and I feel even more this way, that there's way too much stuff whispered around and, excuse my words, bitched from person to person, but I /really/ dislike that, and when I say that, I think also can speak for some of my old friends who aren't here anymore.

Axex, I believe witch hunting can be understandable, usually when people see events like this happening, but have next to no details on the situation, they act like any normal human being would, by trying to invent an explanation for themselves to satisfy their ignorance. For the ass kissing part, I have to agree with you concerning the past, but i sincerely and perhaps naively hope that it somewhat changed now.

sigh.... I just believe we should just sit down, calm down and talk this out. Not just between admins, but with everyone.

I didn't say the other staff was horrible. I know several sides of the events that transported and I am simply disappointed with the staff team for how they handled the situation.

Clarifying edit: I'm not talking solely about the god damn demotion.
I see what you might want to mean, but I think you think that solely because you might not know all the details, and its understandable. I myself do not know a lot that happened their neither, but I /really/ liked Sally's honest post earlier in the thread where she admitted to having made errors. I think most people still expect admins to act 100% perfectly and to take the best decisions. I can easily understand that admin work is a hard and difficult task to perform, that's why I try to have an open-minded view on the situation. I am sure that if you let the admins and people concerned by this situation explain what happened, your view might change.


Yū Yi
Guys don't dislike people for saying their opinion, what kind of vibe does it give that you are scared of saying what you mean, cause a bunch will attack you for not saying anything "positive"? This is for me a general problem that people on this server denies negative critic.
My honest opinion like it or not.


Dark Council Elite
Neither of my posts were truly focused entirely on actions made as members of staff, but more how some things I'm not going to get in to due to privacy went down.

Contrary to the popular belief in this thread, I am not in the dark as much as the next member of the community; I know things that some staff probably didn't, because I've listened to the people who came to me for advice and to simply talk about the matter. Yes, believe it or not, Glados the mentally challenged noob is actually gone to on occasions when people don't feel like going to staff, or are too scared to. This has happened twice.

I'm not specifically blaming the management team. I'm also dissatisfied with the way the overall community attitude is going lately. I'm truly sorry if I've rumpled any jammies.

EDIT: My signature reminds me of my current situation, haha


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
Okay, the very first thing I want to say is this: This is a game. It's a game guys! Yes, this community is brilliant, but if I were to leave right now and never come back, my life really wouldn't change outside of this place. Everyone is getting so worked up over things that can be fixed so easily, if we all just stopped this petty drama.

I am disappointed with the community at this point. The constant hatred and fighting that ensues on a daily basis makes my stomach turn. If you don't like something here, either kindly suggest a solution in a calm matter, or leave. No one is forcing any of you to stay here. If you are honestly struck down to the core with disgust from this instance, then just leave. You don't have to "put up with it" if you don't want to.

The response from the community under Mich's demotion was something I expected. But the amount of disrespect I see right now towards the staff that work their asses off to make this place great is honestly sickening. First off, some of you say that you are disappointed with the staff team? Maybe you should actually look at all the hard-work these people do to make this place great. If anything you should be proud. Yes, all of us are human and sometimes we make mistakes. But that doesn't mean we deserve disrespect. Instead, we should all work together to make sure this mistakes don't happen in the future. Instead of calling bullshit on the staff team, why not try to make amends and work towards a better community? Stop acting like five year old's, grow up a bit, and start taking some responsibility and help fix it.

I hold my highest regard for the Management and the Staff team. They work hard day and out to make sure this place runs smoothly with no issues, and yes, sometimes we get a bump in a road. But guess what? We make amends, we fix the problem, and we move forward. I think right here is the problem we have in this community. Everyone is so filled with hatred and terrible feelings towards one another that any small mistake is treated as something far worse than it is. Let's stop doing that. Stop the damned bickering in OOC chat. Stop the forum fighting, and just get along. Again, this is a game. Why fight over Minecraft? It's rather silly if you ask me.

As a staff member, I try and spend my time communicating with the community to better relations with all, in the hope that people don't fear of coming to me with problems. I think, right now, I have done a pretty okay job with that, and I will continue. But one thing- I don't think anyone should fear about speaking out to staff about an issue or problem they may have. It's not like you are going to get banned for stating your opinion, we are here to help you, and if the community doesn't bring us problems, what are we supposed to do? The worst case scenario is that you are going to be told "No." or "That won't work.".. That's it. You are not going to be banished from Hollowworld or shamed in front of all. Stop fearing the staff and bring us the problems that you want fixed.

I would like to thank Cherbert for building such a fantastic world. I am sorry for the way this community has fallen. I hope to help pick up the pieces and fix the hatred. I wish you the best, and if you continue to stay within the staff, you will always have my support. Thank you, Cherbert.

I think it is time we stop these petty arguments about a simple mistake, and start working towards a better server in general. Let's move forward..

Edit: I am also terrible at writing out my thoughts and feelings, so if this sounds rude or just plain stupid, that's not the intent.
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Dark Council Elite
Okay, the very first thing I want to say is this: This is a game. It's a game guys! Yes, this community is brilliant, but if I were to leave right now and never come back, my life really wouldn't change outside of this place. Everyone is getting so worked up over things that can be fixed so easily, if we all just stopped this petty drama.

I am disappointed with the community at this point. The constant hatred and fighting that ensues on a daily basis makes my stomach turn. If you don't like something here, either kindly suggest a solution in a calm matter, or leave. No one is forcing any of you to stay here. If you are honestly struck down to the core with disgust from this instance, then just leave. You don't have to "put up with it" if you don't want to.

The response from the community under Mich's demotion was something I expected. But the amount of disrespect I see right now towards the staff that work their asses off to make this place great is honestly sickening. First off, You all say you are disappointed with the staff team? Maybe you should actually look at all the hard-work these people do to make this place great. If anything you should be proud. Yes, all of us are human and sometimes we make mistakes. But that doesn't mean we deserve disrespect. Instead, we should all work together to make sure this mistakes don't happen in the future. Instead of calling bullshit on the staff team, why not try to make amends and work towards a better community? Stop acting like five year old's, grow up a bit, and start taking some responsibility and help fix it.

I hold my highest regard for the Management and the Staff team. They work hard day and out to make sure this place runs smoothly with no issues, and yes, sometimes we get a bump in a road. But guess what? We make amends, we fix the problem, and we move forward. I think right here is the problem we have in this community. Everyone is so filled with hatred and terrible feelings towards one another that any small mistake is treated as something far worse than it is. Let's stop doing that. Stop the damned bickering in OOC chat. Stop the forum fighting, and just get along. Again, this is a game. Why fight over Minecraft? It's rather silly if you ask me.

As a staff member, I try and spend my time communicating with the community to better relations with all, in the hope that people don't fear of coming to me with problems. I think, right now, I have done a pretty okay job with that, and I will continue. But one thing- I don't think anyone should fear about speaking out to staff about an issue or problem they may have. It's not like you are going to get banned for stating your opinion, we are here to help you, and if the community doesn't bring us problems, what are we supposed to do? The worst case scenario is that you are going to be told "No." or "That won't work.".. That's it. You are not going to be banished from Hollowworld or shamed in front of all. Stop fearing the staff and bring us the problems that you want fixed.

I would like to thank Cherbert for building such a fantastic world. I am sorry for the way this community has fallen. I hope to help pick up the pieces and fix the hatred. I wish you the best, and if you continue to stay within the staff, you will always have my support. Thank you, Cherbert.

I think it is time we stop these petty arguments about a simple mistake, and start working towards a better server in general. Let's move forward..

Edit: I am also terrible at writing out my thoughts and feelings, so if this sounds rude or just plain stupid, that's not the intent.
well said


Yū Yi
First off. Not all said they were dissapointed, so please don't overexegerate.

Second off. I am slowly getting tired of that "we are humans" excuse. I have never seen anyone say otherwise and we do indeed know.

Third off. I do believe that we are quite civil right now and this isn't an ass whoopin for the staff, but just some critic.

Fourth off. There might be a little hate, but a world without that would be sad and depressing. I agree that to much is unhealthy, but currently, what I see, isn't that bad.

Fifth off. I respect all the admins, but I also have my likes and dislikes.

To the end. I love critic aslong as itbis fair and please inform me in a civil way if it isn't.

I am prepared that my comment about "we are humans" isn't gonna make me popular, but I said it knowing that.

Edit: excuse my mistakes, but this was written on my phone in a bumpy train.
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The Alchemist
Retired Staff
First off. Not all said they were dissapointed, so please don't overexegerate.

Second off. I am slowly getting tired of that "we are humans" excuse. I have never seen anyone say otherwise and we do indeed know.

Third off. I do believe that we are quite civil right now and this isn't an ass whoopin for the staff, but just some critic.

Fourth off. There might be a little hate, but a world without that would be sad and depressing. I agree that to much is unhealthy, but currently, what I see, isn't that bad.

Fifth off. I respect all the admins, but I also have my likes and dislikes.

To the end. I love critic aslong as itbis fair and please inform me in a civil way if it isn't.

I am prepared that my comment about "we are humans" isn't gonna make me popular, but I said it knowing that.
Changed "All of you" to "Some of you" so that it does not seem that I am over exaggerating. Again, I have issues with writing out my thoughts and feelings on a subject and it may come across as difficult to understand, etc. Also, there has been a spike in bickering and arguing lately, to the point of it being a hassle for the staff to handle. I can tell you that things have been very.. tense lately. To the point of people leaving because of it. This is not okay.


The Arbiter of the Gods
... May I please point out that whatever any side says would be covered in bias? It's clear that management's decision was thought through based on numerous sources many people don't have access to. My opinions on the issue are my own, and whatever conclusion I was to draw, I know I'd probably be wrong in one way or another.


Yū Yi
Changed "All of you" to "Some of you" so that it does not seem that I am over exaggerating. Again, I have issues with writing out my thoughts and feelings on a subject and it may come across as difficult to understand, etc. Also, there has been a spike in bickering and arguing lately, to the point of it being a hassle for the staff to handle. I can tell you that things have been very.. tense lately. To the point of people leaving because of it. This is not okay.
I am sorry for you if thing has gone tense for you and you have my respect for working so much on the server, but! In some of these arguements I have noticed the staff taking so much pride in HW, that it seems they are forgetting just how much the other players are doing too.

I am not saying the staff aren't doing alot, but I am saying the other players also are playing a big part of it.


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
I am sorry for you if thing has gone tense for you and you have my respect for working so much on the server, but! In some of these arguements I have noticed the staff taking so much pride in HW, that it seems they are forgetting just how much the other players are doing too.

I am not saying the staff aren't doing alot, but I am saying the other players also are playing a big part of it.
I can agree with that statement. A lot of people around here do a lot of work, and I am very thankful for that. But anyways, let's not get any further and slowly rerail a bit.


Lord of Altera
I think it might be helpfull if the complaints are shown (without names if the complainers prefer to be anonymous) but it might answer some questions.


Lord of Altera
I am not even sure what I can say right now.
I've been a part of this server for years, since before the first exodus. I don't play as a legacy character, so I guess that, may not be obvious. it also may not be obvious because of how I had suddenly left the server with no warning, to return about 2 years later.
what does this have to do with Michcat? nothing. except maybe, maybe, similar reasons.
or something like that.

personally, what Corvus said, about being uneasy about this. I agree.

anyways, I'm going to rant about something. tell a story, put it in spoilers.
I joined this server when I was... basically in middle school. I'm a senior in high school now, and it feels like so much more time has passed then what actually passed. I played a werewolf cursed with a bleeding sigl. I did drawings of this character. she had friends, including a cat person who lived in a tree, and I created the goddess Vermella to fill the niche of "redstone god".
honestly, the gods of Altera didn't hold much power back then. they didn't dictate wars, didn't come down as great and powerful beings. they were simply ... concepts. Harateth was a concept. Shalherana was a concept. you followed certain gods if the concept of who they are resonated with you. my character followed Vermella, because she liked the underground the most. simple as that.
this... irrelevance of the gods was because at that time, Altera was ruled by the god-kings: a warriors hall of great and powerful beings who each carried their own distinct powers, but had one great power in common: they had the ability to shape worlds as they fit, and they were the ones who created Altera, as a refuge from the ravages of technology. these god-kings were played by the mods.
I still remember some of the names of the mods at that time. there was Cherbert, of course, the high king. there was Legion, Cubey, Steelcryo, who seems to have left before I came back. Fitz didn't quite have a character, he just did lore. and... thats about it. I think most of the staff got slowly replaced while I was gone.

back to Fitz. way back when, we didn't have a unified lore. the general idea was that since Altera was a safe haven of the multiverse, that your character could be just about anything. the whitelisting process didnt require a roleplay test, or for you to explain your character. there were no core races. it was honestly just us. the players, and the God-Kings. Fitz came around to change that, and, headstrong as I was, I immediately went about sending Fitz about a million messages, writing this and that and the other thing, trying to make sure I could make a worthy contribution to lore.
specifically, I wanted to write about the gods. not the god-kings, the gods: Harateth and Killrox and Shalherana and Sallana and so many others. I wanted to give them a stronger personality, make the modes of worshipping each of them unique. I wanted to encourage an active priesthood for every god, and plain and simple give them more information that a simple "stat block" with some symbols and mottos on it.
but, since I was young, I, er... wasn't very good at this.
it is said that Bilworth hates Jax for specifically mocking his motto. Jax, in return, thinks Bilworth is a tool (which is specifically why he mocked Bilworth's motto).

it should be noted that war is both Good, Evil, and Neutral. it has been long debated by philosophers where exactly the line between good and evil is drawn. for the moment, though, don't trust anyone who says they worship the god of war.

Sallana is often worshipped through love songs and stories. many a bard has considered her their muse. many bards have also proposed to her.

Jishrim's preists are required to be mentally damaged.
that is the sum total of my contributions to the official lore. honestly, I want to go back and mess with them. write more. but, eh. things have totally changed. (for example, Jax's motto is no longer "fortune favors the fortunate", mocking Bilworth's "fortune favors the rich")
Vermella, of course, was actually a part of the main pantheon back then. she was (understandably) removed.
there were other gods that started to be created after Vermella. such as Lycanria, god of snow, the moon, werewolves. I believe I remember people starting to notice all the effort I was making to try and improve the god lore, and they'd come to me with ideas of new gods (or was it just that orc guy coming to me with an orc god?)
anyways, I attempted to make a wide-scale event, with godly battle, demonic forces, and werewolves galore, with the end result being Vermella's followers curing Lycanria of his lycanthropy. but, being young, unaware, and completely lacking in both management skills and moderator power, this whole thing kinda fizzled out.
while that was fizzling out, the entire server was preparing for the First Exodus.

I hadn't been following on the ongoing struggle between the God-Kings and the demons. I was more concerned with the God-Gods. that time, I remember, was a time of great confusion. I could find no information on what the Exodus was, I had questions, all left unanswered. I heard rumors of the mods cracking down on lore, and I feared Vermella, Lycanria, my werewolf character, and ultimately, myself, were all going to be left in the dust. pushed to the side. forgotten.
I tried to forget about the Exodus. told myself it doesn't concern me. tried to focus on my own wide-scale event. but I found myself hitting roadblocks. roadblocks I didn't fully understand.

in the end, I saw that my struggle against these changes was futile. one day, I simply left. no announcement, no farewell speech, nothing. Gabriela the cursed werewolf was, plain and simple, gone. I stopped visiting the forums, stopped playing Minecraft, even. I went on with my life, and HollowWorld went on with their Exodus without me.

I guess the reason I'm telling this story is because, reading about Michcat's demotion, I notice the same confusion. the same sense of being pushed out, for something you do not quite understand.

I eventually returned, of course. and looking for a server, I asked myself "hey, whatever happened to that HollowWorld server?"
so I read. found the lore. read on that. tried my best to understand it, as my younger self failed to do. thankfully for me, the lore was in a stable place. stable, it was easy for me to understand. I was perhaps embarrassed about my old character, so I didn't seek to bring her back as a legacy character. I decided to make a new werewolf character, sort of reinvent my old one, tone down the gory curse factor.
obviously rejected. no supernatural powers.
I toned down the supernatural, then. made her a caparii, made her werewolfyness only part of a religious ceremony.
rejected again. no werewolves.

honestly, I found myself being brought under fire again. I saw they removed Vermella from the pantheon, saw Lycanria was no more, saw that the sum total of my lore and rp contributions were pushed aside, and only a pathetic footnote remained...
I was upset. angry. I felt there was some vague injustice going on, that I was being pushed away with all the old Altera, that I didn't have any real place in this world anymore. I was upset. I even texted one of my friends about this, asking what I should do.
in my third piece, I dropped the werewolf. this character was a caparii who followed Vermella, who had family and friends and was happy then, until people came, and pushed them out, destroyed them, because they did not belong, because they followed a god who was no longer recognized among the pantheon. the character did not understand this when it happened, did not know what a heretic was. she fled, but still clinged to her old ways. she was now an outcast. no past, no friends, a beggar of a hated faith, completely and utterly uninfluential.

I don't mean to make this a sob story, I mean, I guess it is a sob story. oops. feel free to move this to the Confessions Thread. I was lost and confused around the time of the Exodus, and now, a lot of my confusion has been alleviated, and now I do actually feel happy with this server. I have a place here, I have friends, and I have made enough contributions to be more than satisfied with them. I honestly have more influence on this server now than I had before. I've had far more success, I have a character I'm far more satisfied with.

honestly, I'd have to thank the team for that. for helping me actually understand, and for being understanding themselves. first would be Somnastra, who helped me with my application, and was always kind, and understanding, and as far as I have seen, has never lost her cool about anything.
then there's Michcat. I think I've talked to Mich more than anyone else on this server. I kept sending her random paragraphs of text, talking about the Vermella lore, asking if it was valid, if it was this, it was that.
that really must have been annoying, but honestly,
Vermella didn't have to be an actual god. she didn't have to appear during the summoning of Skraag. but she did, and I got so excited I forgot reason for a moment.
I'm honestly so grateful for that. that this mod team is one who listens, who genuinely listens. that they're this close to the players, they're friendly, and understanding, and that they know what they're doing.
not that they were not all of the above before. but I'm happy they do such a great job now.

otherwise, I probably would have given up and left the server again.

I don't know why Mich was demoted. I'm sure there must have been some reason, and I'm going to be smart and reserve judgement now, because with the positive mod experience I've had, I'm pretty sure I'm not the sort of person to be offering an opinion.

so yeah, this was a sum total of nothing. cheers.
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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Does Mich know the evidence?
Mich was given all the evidence that easily available. That was given in the understanding that it would be kept confidential. If people want to publicly come forward, that is their prerogative.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I think it might be helpfull if the complaints are shown (without names if the complainers prefer to be anonymous) but it might answer some questions.
It might be better if people weren't silent on the matter or two faced about their feelings. The whole reason Michcat was demoted was because of a general feeling going on many months. Even the break off with Aetheir was told to me to be as a result of hate toward her by those who left. I then proceeded to get lots of stories and comments from people that although initially was ignored - got to a point where it could no longer be ignored and that it was the duty of management to look into the accusations and concerns. Surely people would agree with that?

Since Michcat was intending on stepping down I saw that as a perfect solution. I held no personal hate toward her - I was however concerned about the communities dislike toward her and the things I was hearing (as were other members of the staff). It was hurtful to hear and a difficult position to be in not knowing what to do for the best. Would you all not agree that the server comes first? I don't think any one individual should be indispensable or above the server itself. Even me! I have in fact stepped down to keep the peace - I was in a very difficult situation not knowing what to do. Behind the scenes staff and players are threatening to leave along with a general frustration toward Michcat that has existed for 6 months+. The message I got was that the server would be a better place. Then the minute I/we demoted her there was an uproar. And even here in this thread a seemingly gushing love toward her - which is great, but makes me look stupid as well as making me confused and thankful that I didn't do anything more drastic - stepping down seemed to be the best way for me to relieve myself of the stress of dealing with making the right decisions.

I was certainly getting frustrated that the general consensus now seems to be that its all an illusion - nobody hates Michcat and there is nothing but love for her in her position and that she should carry on doing what she does best. Makes me look stupid and makes the last 6 months of rumours, gossip and bitching to have been all a puff of nothing.

I wanted the management team disbanded. I personally think the problem is bigger than just Michcat. I think the management team became too much of a hindrance and seemingly overseeing not just players but regular staff too. Hindering their ability to contribute and make their own decisions based of their own initiative. I tired to disband the management team months ago and it was knocked down.

Maybe without that (I thought) people wouldn't grow to hate those in power so much - nor would they be accused of abusing that power and having a hunger for that power over others. There would be much more of a general staff structure where everyone was contributing and this truly was a community run server.

I just need it to be clear that my position is based on me doing what I thought/think was/is best for the community - not for myself, not because I hate someone or dislike someone. Michcat is a hard working individual and has contributed huge amounts to this server but nobody can be above the community and what is best for the community.

I was also getting frustrated with how players were being seen as the bad guys - non-appreciative, doing it wrong, blah blah blah. Without you guys there would be no server. You are the donators. You are the players. You breath life into Hollowworld.

So yes.. there is lots people don't see that goes on behind the scenes. Lots of personalities clashing and lots of opinions and heated debates. I myself have gone though different stages of attitude over the last 3 or 4 years. I was once a bit of a trouble maker on here - venting my strong opinion and blunt language. I have changed - and irony is that I saw other people on management turning into how I used to be. I started seeing it from your point of view - we all need to make sure that whatever happens its what is best for this community - which is why I am being so open now.


Lord of Altera

Don't feel guilty for doing at the time, what you thought what was needed to be done. Managing a server is hard, let alone receiving a bunch of complaints, or requests to demote somebody ( Not entirely sure what happened there ). You, along with the other management had done a great job in running Hollowworld. From what I understand other members in the staff team had supported the demotion, you were not alone those regards. The decision you faced was primarily a hard one, Keep Michcat as staff, and risk the chance of it blowing up in your face, or demote her and not have to deal with it anymore, however you also risked the community being upset, due to her good relations around the server. You should never let the player base bully you into doing anything, for you give them one step, they start charging the now opened door. All I am saying, is don't feel guilty for doing what you thought had to be done, being managment, you have much more other things to be worried about.


From what I understand it is not a good idea to remove the part of a machine that is working. For just about three years, this part have kept this server from spiraling downwards, if it were to remove itself from the system, who knows what would happen? I cannot tell you want to do cherbert, but from what I have seen, you are a key component to how this server runs. You have given sally the reigns for the server, however I would support the idea of you sticking around to help out. I have seen many communities in my short time of playing online, however believe it or not, the community at Hollowworld is the best. However we are human, and this is just a game. You have grown a great community, do never believe that this community is all bad, due to a few people saying disappointing things, they are not the general voice of the all of us.

Overall IceandFire is right, this is just game. Anyone can do pretty much anything, granted they pit the required time in it.

In my general opinion the only difference between the Staff and the Players should be that the staff team help run the server, and keep it going smoothly. As Cherbert stated, he had both uneasy reports and feelings, the demotion of Michcat seemed to be the best course to go for the wellbeing of the server. One does not have to be staff to roleplay on hollowworld, or to start up projects. If I had wanted to get the greylings to return, I know what I have to do, it would take a lot of convincing, and support from the overall community, but it is not impossible. I do not have to be staff to make changes in the server.

I have no ill will towards Michcat, however I agree with Cherbert. however, on the topic of hating those with power, no matter what you do, some people will be jealous. I think this "hate" you are referring too is some of the characters that the some of the staff team holds. Players feel that they can never get characters that powerful because they are not staff. Other then that, I cannot speak for the people, however I think management should only be made up of the two people who run this server, Cherbert, and SallyPirate. In my opinion, it is not a good idea, to have multiple people in charge, two at the most is okay. I am not saying I support the demotion of other management, I am sure they are good staff members.


Non sum qualis eram
Even the break off with Aetheir was told to me to be as a result of hate toward her by those who left.
Seeing as this is a thread for apologizing - from what I've been told by people, this was 100% my fault, caused by the lore decision to remove the Syrie and the manner which the players ended up informed. (Via Leak).

It led to frustration and us losing every member of that race to that alternative server.

For background - the fellow that started that server first started an FTB one, meant to replace the one we turned off. I asked Sally if I could join it and I did, because I really like FTB.

Long story short I got console, Me, Mich, Legion, and Cubey would hang out there - I eventually got console access so I could try and manage Mystcraft for it.

One day I saw another server pop up with 50 slots and wondered what that was about - eventually I found out (And didn't keep console, obviously) but in retrospect it didn't come off as a surprise to me. [Nor did I really put 2-2 together until after the fact]

I can think of lots of reasons for it to have been made, but I don't think Mich was a factor at all.


Lord of Altera
To just play both sides of the story-

This kind of thing is what has lead to HollowWorld having not one but two splinter servers. Now, as I am typing this, Cherbert mentioned one of them. The biggest problem, in my opinion, was what got left behind. We never ever talk about them over here. But, over there, for a solid 3 to 4 months they did there best to resolve their problems with HW. No they did not make friends over here but they resolved their own hate and dislike for HW. We have not really done that. i recently had a discussion with a member of the staff team and he/she had no idea what the deal was with that whole incident. Because none of those issues are ever addressed it breeds suspicion of the motives of these things. Maybe people wouldn't have knee jerked to Mich's demotion if they had thought that she played some part in the split off. Now I'm not playing this for either side of the pro or anti mich demotion. But, from what I've heard the staff did their absolute best with what they were given and, maybe, they didn't collect enough information from that part of playerbase which could be called the silent majority. Those who scream the loudest get their way a lot of the time after all.

On the responses to this thread. I'm sorry Ice but I've gotta come right out and say it. That was childish. Down. Right. Childish. This thread is for people to voice their opinions and you are going about saying you are disappointed in people doing something like that you are going quite near to the area that makes it so that we end up with another situation like Mich's demotion where people are either afraid to say things or don't want to say them. Dummy, I agree that being afraid of talking to Mich is somewhat silly but that staff tag can make anyone scary until you know them. To be honest, IT SCARES THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME TO TALK TO NAELWYN. I know he's a completely normal person but that little tag make me 1,000,000% afraid of him for no rational reason at all.

And, as I type this, it comes up again. People skirting the topic of Aethier. No one wanting to talk about it when they addressed their problems with the people over here already. And yes, Naelwyn, you're right it was a knee-jerk on NiNi's part to leave and he took most of the syrie with him. But, personally, I would have preferred we took the Elf option I heard was rumored for us to take.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Seeing as this is a thread for apologizing - from what I've been told by people, this was 100% my fault, caused by the lore decision to remove the Syrie and the manner which the players ended up informed. (Via Leak).

It led to frustration and us losing every member of that race to that alternative server.

For background - the fellow that started that server first started an FTB one, meant to replace the one we turned off. I asked Sally if I could join it and I did, because I really like FTB.

Long story short I got console, Me, Mich, Legion, and Cubey would hang out there - I eventually got console access so I could try and manage Mystcraft for it.

One day I saw another server pop up with 50 slots and wondered what that was about - eventually I found out (And didn't keep console, obviously) but in retrospect it didn't come off as a surprise to me. [Nor did I really put 2-2 together until after the fact]

I can think of lots of reasons for it to have been made, but I don't think Mich was a factor at all.
There was a lot of not so nice comments directed at the pair of you. I'm not wanting to dig up the past too much or throw said comments into the public domain. You maybe are correct but I'm just saying how things were relayed to me.
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