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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Dear HollowWorld,

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Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I'm not just thinking about Michcat and my own opinions here.
I'm thinking about how this isn't placing a democratic system of any sort so the server can decide where to go from here.
with all due respect, I'm sure you know what's right for your server, but it could cause problems with other people in the playerbase who might leap to conclusions and assume you're trying to simply enforce your own will. which is what I know you do not intend to do, but it could easily be misinterpreted that way,
and in practice, might end up like that, honestly.

and I'm also thinking about how none of the people who complained against Michcat have spoken up against her in this entire thread. I mean, the entire mod team still look like fools, and we still don't know what these complaints even are.
as Ced said, transparency is a big issue here. Mokwar wanted the staff to be more forthcoming with their reasons for doing things exactly like this. I didn't see any evidence in this entire thread that the situation truly necessitated a mass demotion.

I thought we were getting somewhere.
I said I don't want to talk about it. Its done. Deal with it.


So.. if i could make any comment on any situation at all, it would be this. So i'll just post a screenshot of a skype message i sent yesterday.
Now, this isn't me trying to start anything, or being suggesting in any manner, but really what i'd love to see is this community live on and thrive, past any problem that can ensue. This was my first role-playing server. I may have only spent 6 months here before the unfortunate happened but i still think it still has the same great potential it always once had and a wonderful community to back it up.

Don't give up. I'm a huge fan of the old days here.. and not just for the Syrien and the sorts. I miss the good old drama free days where everyone was friends, and we never had near as many issues as we see in the common day. 3 Years this server has been here, it really says something doesn't it..

I'd rather not comment on things in recent events as i feel it is not my place, but my honest advice to everyone here, is to push on through, and do everything you can to keep this community thriving as it always does.


Lord of Altera
I have taken back control of the server and disbanded management. I will be willing to share my views with people on a one to one basis but I don't want to get drawn into public questioning, explaining or any other drama relating to my decision (unless its positive).

I want the server to become a true community run server rather than being lead by an overseeing management which I believe is core to many issues. You are either staff or you are not and if you are then you have the same rights and privilages as the rest of staff. However, you will have certain responsibility e.g lore etc...

So as to start from a clean slate I have demoted all staff in game so that I can begin to evaluate where I stand with everyone. If you are one of them and you wish to help me achieve my goals and play a part in taking this server forward then please contact me to be re-instated. If you are unhappy with my decision then I request you either leave by the nearest exit quietly or you keep your head down and go back to enjoying playing the game.

I feel I have made the right decision - any long drawn out negative replies will be deleted - so don't waste your time.
To be short:
This is a extremely high risk vs reward scenario the way I see it. However if people take this calmly and respectfully when acting on this choice, I can see how this will be a great and auspicious clean slate for the future. Thus I can only hope that people do so, good luck to you with your mission and I do hope it results in a positive change for everyone that is a part of the community, staff or not. That is all, no discussion/argument needed, what's done is done. We can only look forward to the future and those decisions at this moment, in order to help improve HollowWorld.


To be short:
This is a extremely high risk vs reward scenario the way I see it. However if people take this calmly and respectfully when acting on this choice, I can see how this will be a great and auspicious clean slate for the future. Thus I can only hope that people do so, good luck to you with your mission and I do hope it results in a positive change for everyone that is a part of the community, staff or not. That is all, no discussion/argument needed, what's done is done. We can only look forward to the future and those decisions at this moment, in order to help improve HollowWorld.
I guess sometimes.. you just gotta roll the dice.

We can only look forward to the future and those decisions at this moment, in order to help improve HollowWorld.
Exactly :)


Lord of Altera
What the heck is with every old member and their mother coming back to say their very personal and- I must admit!- very useful and pertinent opinion on what is happening??
What's wrong with you people..


Lord of Altera
Too many server managements are falling apart, it's uncanny.


Lord of Altera
What the heck is with every old member and their mother coming back to say their very personal and- I must admit!- very useful and pertinent opinion on what is happening??
What's wrong with you people..
Maybe because their main reason for leaving the server is the existence of the old management?


Retired Staff
@cherbert this should probably be made into an official announcement so staff in other time zones won't wonder what happened and have to dig through this thread.


Lord of Altera
@cherbert this should probably be made into an official announcement so staff in other time zones won't wonder what happened and have to dig through this thread.
I suggest we lock this thread.
It's causing too much negativity and it's sickening. We shouldn't get all riled up over staff changes. Who is and isn't staff should be smaller on our priorities than we make it. I mean, it's an important part of the server but if we wouldn't argue about this and just remember that we are a community of friends we would get through this much more easily and it would leave less people feeling hurt.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I suggest we lock this thread.
It's causing too much negativity and it's sickening. We shouldn't get all riled up over staff changes. Who is and isn't staff should be smaller on our priorities than we make it. I mean, it's an important part of the server but if we wouldn't argue about this and just remember that we are a community of friends we would get through this much more easily and it would leave less people feeling hurt.
Yes, this. Exactly this. Thread has been locked!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
For the past hour or so I have been worried that confusion and backlash from all perspectives on past, present and future happenings might severely impact upon our community. There's been a lot of panic, and I'd like to thank everyone, whether patient or passionate, for doing what they feel best for the server. For this, I remain optimistic for the future; I have seen no malice here.

As to what happens now, I have spoken with Cherbert, and recent actions are being reconsidered. Some reforms to the staff structure are still expected to take place, as per the discussion on the thread above. Forum bans will be lifted in due course and things are expected to proceed from there.

Until then, I urge you all to remain patient. I know myself and others want this to work out.

Thank you.
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