Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Journey to Kavdek


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Vukrell, Taught him some basic words and with that he learned basic conversational speech through some studies, ONLY basic stuff though, like "How are you" basic stuff.

ALSO Murdoc is An Excellent cook and he takes pride in his work, you could hire him.
Cool, cool!

And guys- Tayohud did say this was one of their first times organizing an event. Lets not swamp them :)


Lord of Altera
Now, now- Yep, Vukrell have asked Brogan for Hound-Ru to supply, but he also said that he has to ask other nakam first. Scar was an exception because he could act as a translator. All of this is not set in stone, Vukrell doesn't know if Gannet has a secret hated for things~ :p


Lord of Altera
After thinking about it over the last couple of days and seeing how many people want to join in this event, I've decided not to cap it. You'll still need to apply ingame, but as long as we have enough ships for people anyone can come along.

As a note, I'd rather have a lot of people on a few ships than a lot of ships with a few people.
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Lord of Altera
I know, and I would love to, but my characters are tied up at GB too much anyway to leave now ...

And I want to go on random journeys sometimes as well.


Lord of Altera
I know, and I would love to, but my characters are tied up at GB too much anyway to leave now ...

And I want to go on random journeys sometimes as well.
And I love the fact that Sulivan has travelled halfway around the world and is ready to leave anytime.
I guess sulivan has seafaring experiance... But not much.


Lord of Altera
I've set the date for the event as the 30th of August for the time being. This is the targeted date but may change if something comes up.


Legend of Altera
I've had some predictions on how this will go.
A: Tomb Raider or Pirates of the Caribbean like where the boat crashes and we're all being chased around by crazy tribal Nakam huntsmen.
B: Have a fun adventure through some ruins, jungle, and maybe get to put some Nakam in a zoo to make sure they don't go extinct-... I mean say hello.
C: Nakam pirates in a steampunk ship with mounted machine guns on it manage to cripple our ships and hold us for ransom.

It'll most likely be B but hey there's a possibility for C right? RIGHT?!