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"Humble citizens of Azerport..."


Dark Council Elite
In response to


Lord Archaeus Fronte, formerly of House Arduin, formerly of house Fronte, current Overseer of the Alteran Academy for Military Training, bloodline father of the true king of Marr, declares himself to be the monarch of Azerport in the stead of King Tybalt, as he is missing.

All of Marr's citizens are encouraged to organize and prepare for open war against Lavoyard in order to preserve the order and proper ownership of Azerport and other Marr holds. It is recommended you seek out General Gelyk Varyn or Lord Archaeus Fronte in order to state your direct allegiance to the rebellious cause.

Side with the temporary Monarch and his current band of allied armies against Lavoyard, secure freedom and prosperity for Marr for all of the years ahead!


Archaeus Fronte


Lord of Altera
In response to


Lord Archaeus Fronte, formerly of House Arduin, formerly of house Fronte, current Overseer of the Alteran Academy for Military Training, father of the true king of Marr, declares himself to be the monarch of Azerport in the stead of King Tybalt, as he is missing.

All of Marr's citizens are encouraged to organize and prepare for open war against Lavoyard in order to preserve the order and proper ownership of Azerport and other Marr holds. It is recommended you seek out General Gelyk Varyn or Lord Archaeus Fronte in order to state your direct allegiance to the rebellious cause.

Side with the temporary Monarch and his current band of allied armies against Lavoyard, secure freedom and prosperity for Marr for all of the years ahead!


Archaeus Fronte
*plants flag*


Yū Yi
If Amy were to come back she would be the one to have the highest right to claim Azerport back.

I am scared this might been said out to harshly and blunt... Oh well.


Lord of Altera
If Amy were to come back she would be the one to have the highest right to claim Azerport back.

I am scared this might been said out to harshly and blunt... Oh well.
Nono, your completely right~ altho convincing the townsfolk may be in the way~


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
@Tomato150 Ilia: "sir, someone did it before you"


Lord of Altera
Thanks for making a good story.. Janos can see it now.. "The war for Marr" It will be the complicated fight, which monarch shall hold power in tybalts absence!?


Lord of Altera
Goren: ... congratulations old man.. at least it isn't under control of a hated group..