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Deceased Faelandi Hammarsjköld


The Brainz
Retired Staff

Character Chart

Character’s full name:
Lady Faelandi Hammarsjköld
Reason or meaning of name:
Character’s nickname:
Reason for nickname:
Birth date:
1st of Winterfeast

Credit to: @ForestRose

Physical appearance
Race: Silver Elf, and proud of it
Age: 66 years old
How old does he/she appear: 20
Weight: *Slap*
Height: 6 feet tall
Body build: Slim, fit and curvy
Shape of face: Oval
Eye color: A very fine blue color
Glasses or type of aid for the eyes: None at all
Skin tone: Pale, slightly tan if she spends a lot of time outside
Distinguishing marks: A small black tattoo of a rose on her shoulder
Predominant features: Her flaunting good looks alongside of her perfectly fit body, although she trains regularly she's never prepared for combat.
Hair color: White as the snow around her home where she was born
Type of hair: Long and curly at the end
Hairstyle: Usually well coamed, but gets messy very easily
Voice: Very smooth, when she can hide her northern accent she got from her father
Overall attractiveness: 8/10
Physical disabilities: None that she knows of
Usual fashion of dress: Usually not dresses, mostly wears pants and a shirt along with bandoliers to fit all her things, seeing as she commonly doesn't have a place to stay
Favorite outfit: Her 'pirate' attire and her red-white dress.
Jewelry or accessories: Wedding ring


Good personality traits:
She can be rather kind and caring, but this rarely shows as she does her best to appear as tough as possible, but make no mistake, she's tough but not very good at it. Very motivated.
Bad personality traits: She can be rather cold to people when she first meets them.
Mood character is most often in: Happy at least she thinks she is.
Sense of humor: "Two ducks walked into a carrot"
Character’s greatest joy in life: Spending time with her children.
Character’s greatest fear: Lossing her children and her husband.
Why?: She loves them so much.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Lossing Robert
Character is most at ease when: At home in Queen's Port
Most ill at ease when: When she's in a cell
Enraged when: Not easily angered
Depressed or sad when: When she hears... things... about her husband being unfaithful
Priorities: Staying alive and out of tight spaces.
Life philosophy: "If life gives you lemons, plant the seeds and grow more and gradually form an enterprise of sweet, sweet delicious lemonade"
If granted one wish, it would be: She is happy with the way her life is.
Why?: She has everything she could ever dream of.
Character’s soft spot: Someone in the same situation she was.
Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Yep
Greatest strength: Her ability to kind of use a dagger, and her speechcraft and she can run fast
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: She's fit, but not very strong in her arms and is not relying on brute strength.
Biggest regret: Noit being a better wife for Robert.
Minor regret: She lit the kitchen carpet of a tavern on fire and lost her job
Biggest accomplishment: Getting married and having two beautiful children.
Minor accomplishment: She was welcomed into the alchemist guild
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: She left her sisters alone with her father when she ran away.
Why?: Her father was a vile man.
Character’s darkest secret: Find out IC
Does anyone else know?: No

Drives and motivations:
Learning new things, her children.
Immediate goals: Learn as much about Alchemy as possible.
Long term goals: Master Alchemy, become a healer.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Work hard and spend lots of time working towards these goals.
How other characters will be affected: Not very much at first but she will be a benefit to society once she is finished.


Hayden's Reach
Type of childhood: Turbulent, pompous and spoiled.
Pets: A group of cats
First memory: Playing with Katherina
Most important childhood memory: Getting a golden necklace from her mother
Why?: She truly felt important and wanted for the first time
Childhood hero: Her mother
Dream job: Being somebody important.
Education: She got good education, she just didn't listen.
Religion: Sallana
Finances: 145 thousand radiants

Current location:
Currently living with: None
Pets: None
Religion: None
Occupation: Apprentice
Finances: A couple thousand radiants.

Gretel Hammarskjöld
Relationship with her: Loved her with all her heart
Father: Undvar Hammarskjöld
Relationship with him: Hated him with what remained of her heart
Siblings: Lucy and Katarina
Relationship with them: She loved them both and constantly wonders what happened to them after she ran away.
Spouse: Robert Senatoor
Relationship with him/her: Married
Children: Morella, Rhaella and Rhaenor
Relationship with them: Loved and adored
Other important family members: -

The New Faelandi.png

Least favorite color: Pinkish blue
Music: Soft music
Food: Steak and potato's
Literature: Guides and other books containing knowledge.
Form of entertainment: Reading and taking care of her children.
Mode of transportation: Horse
Most prized possession: Her family

Reading, Care taking, Studying, Cooking
Plays a musical instrument?: Harp
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Trying to avoid the rain
Spending habits: Very little, she tries to save as much as she can.
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: Definitely no
Other drugs: No
What does he/she do too much of?: Doing absolutely nothing
What does he/she do too little of?: Traveling
Extremely skilled at: Pickpocketing
Extremely unskilled at: Fighting
Nervous tics: Scratching the back of her leg whilst looking down at the ground specifically to her left
Usual body posture: She has pretty good posture.
Mannerisms: Usually very well mannered..
Peculiarities: None


Optimist or pessimist?:
Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious?: Cautious
Logical or emotional?: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: She tries to be neat...
Prefers working or relaxing?: Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Confident
Animal lover?: Somewhat

How he/she feels about himself/herself:
She feels confident in herself that she can get anything done if she tries hard enough.
One word the character would use to describe self: Tough
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: Confidence
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: Coldness
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: Her hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: Her nose
How does the character think others perceive him/her: That one nobles wife
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Her lack of anything to do. She needs something to keep her going now that her children are growing up

Skärmavbild 2014-08-25 kl. 23.18.42.png

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
If they are nobles she does not like them. She sees nobles as people who only work to better themselves and do not care for others.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Nope
Person character most hates: No one
Best friend(s):
Love interest(s):
Robert Senatoor
Person character goes to for advice: Robert Senatoor
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
No one
Person character openly admires: Robert Senatoor
Person character secretly admires: Frost
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Her mother, Aesar
After story starts: Robert Senatoor

my hero.png
Credit to @Gaby


Faelandi grew up in the cold north in a long forgotten noble house where she got everything she wanted, but it was always taken away from her. Her mother was always so sweet and caring to her, giving her all the love she could muster. But her father was an abusive lord which'd often come home after long treks into the towns taverns wenching, fathering multiple bastards. Her mother would give her something beautiful, and her father would simply taint it. One of her cats she loved the most he ordered his chef to kill and make him a stew, which he fed his poor daughter. And eventually when her father died and her mother forced into marriage with another lord, she attempted to run away. She almost froze to death in the cold north and her new father beat her for what she had done, and when her mother died he attempted to marry her, so she successfully ran away carrying only what she had on her back. And when her money started to run out she had to sell the jewelry her mother had given her which she held so dear, to part with it..​
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The Brainz
Retired Staff
Robert Senatoor - Loves - Her loving husband whom she can never be mad at. He is doing all he can to keep her family safe. He is often busy but he tries to spend as much time as he can with her.
Morella Senatoor - Loves - Her non-biological daughter that she loves just like her other children.
Rhaella Senatoor - Loves - Her darling daughter, she has high hopes for her.
Rhaenor Senatoor - Loves - Her only son, she hopes all his dreams come true.
Lossy Senatoor - Loves - Her adoptive daughter, she loves her and wants to take care of her and help her forget her horrible past and move on to a wonderful life.
Katarina & Lucy - Loved - Her sisters. They are twins and she always cared for them. She worres what happened to them after she ran away.
Frost - Befriended - A man she met at the crossroads. He showed her to Thiil and she considers him a friend.
Salheira - Concerned - She seems to have run in to a lot of bad luck. Faelandi will do what ever it takes to make sure she gets better.
Alder - Liked - A caparii man she met in Azerport. He sure does love asking questions but he seems nice enough.
Dartrale - Liked - A Moor elf that does not know much. She has agreed to teach it everything she knows.
Lilese - Liked - A moor elf living in Thiil that showed her to the library and welcomed her into her home.
Aracena - Liked - She is a nice woman she met in Thiil, she helped Faelandi find Athryl so that they could help the caparii. She is very interested about her 'mark' but she keeps it to herself.
Athryl - Liked - He has accepted her as an apprentice and she has seen him fix wounds once. He seems genuinely nice if not a little bossy but that is part of the job.
Corvus - Neutral - He seems to be in a bad way. Reminding her of herself only a few short weeks ago.
Sankera - Neutral- - A rather rude man she met in the crossroads.
Cyyr - Neutral- - A rather rude man she met in Azerport.
Vorik - Unsure - She met him in Azerport. He seems nice enough but they only talked briefly...
John de Beaumont - Pities - A mindless man that listens and believes whatever his 'masters' tell him to. Even putting his full faith into an imaginary man made of fire.
Damon - Wary - He seems really weird. He tried to get Faelandi to go off with him somewhere by herself. She refused and when she did he said that she was just afraid.
Ilia - Dislikes - Murderous insane wench
Selena - Dislikes - Yet another of the weak minded. She cannot face reality and feels the need to force her beliefs on others.
Garris - Hated - Rude, hateful, and doesn't know when to stay away. He has annoyed Faelandi one too many times.​
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
*sits down and east popcorn I like*


Lord of Altera
*throws slipper at character(whose profile I need to finish), hitting him in the back of the head, getting his attention*
Pariah! Put yer boots on. We're goin' roleplaying


The Brainz
Retired Staff
So you're going to be fat a food lover that tries to steal someones wallet and run away?

I also didn't know there was a place called Hayden's Reach.
1. Eating to /stay alive/. Not like eating over and over again... Maybe I worded that wrong.
2. Backstory town yo
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
who is this?

Oh neat looks like someone fun to RP with
*ties bell around coin purse*


Lord of Altera
Love interest(s): Robert Senatoor (Growing)
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Robert Senatoor
Person character openly admires:
Robert Senatoor
After story starts: Robert Senatoor

(idk where this rivalry with acu started but by god im gonna finish it)


The Brainz
Retired Staff

(idk where this rivalry with acu started but by god im gonna finish it)
Hue Hue Hue... ;)
But he will not... She likes him too much now to do that..
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