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Celebrity Lookalike of Your Character

Which character fits their celebrity best?

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera

The title is rather self explanatory. Find a celebrity that looks like your character and post it here. If you wish, you may suggest one for someone else's character, but please make sure to tag them. The area of most concern would be the face of course, though if the actor had a similar body it would be a plus. It is also recommended that you would specify any differences. For instance, Rex would have a vertical scar across his left eye, while the celebrity does not. To display this information, use the demonstrated format.

The following pictures are endorsed by the characters' creators.

Character: Gelyk Varyn
Player: ArkenGuard @Arken
Celebrity: Dan Bilzerian
Notable Differences: Would have more scars on his face and longer hair.

Character: Nwalme Fuvur
Player: BLargtheAwesome @blargtheawesome
Celebrity: Ben Barnes
Notable Differences: Longer hair, tanner skin tone, pitch black hair.

Character: Rex of Lonmar
Player: FrostGuardian @FrostGuardian
Celebrity: Chris Evans
Notable Differences: A vertical scar across his left eye (right from our perspective). More muscular.

Character: Syr Edaren
Player: Arngeir_Brument (D47DR34M) @Mitch
Celebrity: Mark Killeen
Notable Differences: Wouldn't be wearing a modern day suit.
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By the way, anyone who votes for Blarg has to be stuck in a Skype video chat with him for an hour.
While he's taking shirtless lantern-holding-boxer-only mirror selfies.

Edit: That's actually his Skype picture.


The Kingdom Crusher
Character: Chalkan Engem.
Player: Me, on goldengem26.
Celebrity: Jason Mamoa.
Differences: Eh. Not in a kilt, pretty much. Plus no tattoos :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
By the way, anyone who votes for Blarg has to be stuck in a Skype video chat with him for an hour.
While he's taking shirtless lantern-holding-boxer-only mirror selfies.

Edit: That's actually his Skype picture.
I laughed for a solid minute, and can confirm the truth to his words.

Character: Nwalme Fuvur
Player: BLargtheAwesome @blargtheawesome
Celebrity: Ben Barnes
Notable Differences: Longer hair, a larger beard that is a different color.
My phone is a horrible excuse for a anything; Nwalme's got a different skin color/tan, and his hair (mind, not facial hair) is a pitch black color. Everything else is surprisingly accurate. :p