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Finished Journey to Kavdek


Lord of Altera
Well... Trimarans are used all the time for ocean crossings. They have number of advantages including better stability, they sit higher in the water allowing them in shallower water and making them faster and as long as one of the three bows has air it'll float.
To be honest, if any ships hull gets breached it's in trouble. As long as one of three is in one piece at least it won't sink. ^^


Lord of Altera
Well... Trimarans are used all the time for ocean crossings. They have number of advantages including better stability, they sit higher in the water allowing them in shallower water and making them faster and as long as one of the three bows has air it'll float.
To be honest, if any ships hull gets breached it's in trouble. As long as one of three is in one piece at least it won't sink. ^^
I was more referring to one completely breaking down, as it would make handling it extremely hard, which will probably end with the ship sinking which is what I suspect to happen - but maybe I'm just paranoid ><.


Lord of Altera
We'll just axe the other one off! =P
Don't worry, I'm as paranoid as you. The ship is important to my character and I really like it OOC too ^^;


Lord of Altera
Well I kinda expect something there which is also part of the reason why I bring the rest of the Knights (other than it being a nice chance to RP together).
Until the point where I said we won't take it I even stocked our ship up with mats for a Trebuchet ;


Lord of Altera
Sankera said:
View attachment 51176
How I feel if all of you are gone, who's gonna help me to overthrow all other kings and claim the central crown?
I will laugh so hard If sankera takes over the world, and dont mock him, sank use the nighmare frames!!! :p
or just use you weird eye :p (refrence, power of the king)

The Courier

Lord of Altera
I just hope to God I don't die 'cause there's no guarantee we'll get revived... We're so far away from the Sisterhood after all.