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Finished A Little Letter To Lavoyard


Lord of Altera
`~ A Little Letter To Lavoyard ~`​

King Thorius I Du Lavoyard
We hereby invite you to a Diplomatic Banquet at the Golden Bay Feast Hall on the 21st of Fogwater, 2259 Year of Rebirth. We would like to extend this invitation to the Royal Family, the Chancellor of Lavoyarde, and the Trade Baron of Lavoyarde, as well as any other esteemed guests of your choice.

We would like it if you were to come unarmed, to keep this event peaceful. We will have security provided to keep your party safe, if any unwanted guests appear. We would also suggest that you come by the way of the sea, as we have no formal bridges for horse and carriage crossings.

Gavin Adama *sealed with the Golden Bay wax seal*​


OOC Notes:
Event tag: The event tag is Violent, but we are advertising it to be Peaceful. Don't worry, we aren't going to go all red wedding on you, it's just the scenario that is set up could possibly have some violent role play. If it helps somewhat, we are expecting you to initiate the violent stuff, and if you don't, it can all be happy and peaceful.~

Time and timezones:
We will be doing this on the 21st of Fogwater, 2259 Year of Rebirth, AKA Sept 20-21. Nice and Vague&iso=20140921T00&

Ok, don't go yellin' at me for doing it too late, this is the earliest I can get on to set up and check everything is going to plan.

Tags: @Michcat @Valonyx ( @Sankera2.0 @Sankera erm . . . )

Disclaimer: If you find out something about this, please keep it to yourself
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
¬_¬ and Tom in what building do you plan to host this? We dun have any building for this, only boring houses, maybe you should help and build as well? Jusy maybe

Edit: Also, 2 am for me¬_¬
time for that.gif
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Lord of Altera
To the lord of Golden Bay. Gavin Adama,

As you might of gotten a few unofficial documents by our heads of state. I must assure you that this letter has been approved by our glorious King - Magistrate Thorius de Lavoyard. Rightful King of the Silver Throne, Protector of Haven, and it's surrounding lands. To arrive without any arms, and ways to protect ourselves is just foolish. We have no wish to walk around with our pants down and waves our willys around inviting our enemies to stab us, I do hope you understand. Upon showing up for this wonderful feast, our hierarchy will absolutely have guards about them, as we would expect yours to have.

This is by no means an insult nor a threat, for we at Court of Haven have no wish for unneeded blood to be spilled. However I must confess that our great leader has on means accepted, or declined such invitations. His planned events are quite numerous you see, and it will take at least a week to decided if he has any desire to show up. You shall receive a letter of response when he has made up his mind.

From those as glorious of the light,

His Grand Diplomat Lord Maximilian,
Lord of de Hilde family
Lord of Beaumont family
Head of Advisory situations
La Inquisitorial Mother.
and, Lord Protector Ser Lavoyard.

Attached letter:

Dear Golden Bayz


Love Fannis


Lord of Altera
((Also, can we get an actual response from the king himself. It just gets confusing when you have other letters tacked on, no letter on at all, and with the little "approved by the king" stickers))
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