Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Town] Malgareth


Loyal Servant of Altera
Settlement Name: Malgareth
Mayor: Darthcorey
Assistant Mayor(s): Thea_Paronell, Danie_d, schendi

Current Wealth:9,050
X: Y: Z:251, -42
Link to location on map:
Daily Tax Rate: 20, to be moved to 0 later.
Cheapest Plot Cost:Free, unless willing to donate
Biggest Plot Cost: Up to 2k.

Description / Introduction: You are an adventurer, wandering in the mountainous region of Altera. You spot a river to the south, and decide to follow it. It get's narrower and narrower as it approaches a new mountain, and right when it would seem to disappear, the mountainside opens up to a small valley, stunningly beautiful, with a small fishing/woodcutting village. Citizens roam the lands, children at play, swimming, old men with straw hats and leather vests sitting on the pier, fishing, the women washing clothing, trading, cooking, the men cutting wood, farming, mining, and much more.

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If you would like to hear more information on Malgareth, contact Thea_Paronell or Darthcorey via In-game or PM us on the forums.



Loyal Servant of Altera
that town was only temporary and for rp but now thea_paronell owns it.
this town is permanent


King ForumStalker
Doesn't look like you have a lot of room there, and it would be a shame if you carved out those lovely mountains.

Do you have some kind of housing alternative if it gets really popular? Or will you just stop adding residents when the valley fills up?


Loyal Servant of Altera
I plan on building along the ledges and down in the valley and on top the mountain. I will try not to dig to much ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I am also looking for some good builders who might want to join.. I want this town to be very fancy :)