Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Plans For A Town - Scottish Style


Lord of Altera
I am currently planning a Scottish town on the server. It will be like many Scots towns of the medieval era. There will be a Castle in the centre (different to HR) with residential areas and a market down below. I plan to lay it out similar to Edinburgh (where I live) materials will be wood, maybe sandstone and maybe bricks. I know i have a lot of saving and preparations to do but I reckon I can do it. What do you think?

Im currently saving to start this town

Donations are deeply appreciated :D *grin*

Lore to follow

Here is a pic of Edinburgh so you know what I'm aiming for :p



Lord of Altera
Yes i like it, maybe we can establish trade routes to my town, economical capital (to be) of the world Dakseil_Rose


The original mute
sounds cool, you'll have my support when you manage to get it all ready, resources and all.


The original mute
hmmm, well, the redstone required to make a working clokc would probably crash the server if we screwed it up.


<3 Hollow World
As a Scotman I shall visit upon occassion and urinate in the street, drunk whilst singing Flower of Scotland*

*Granted this song wasn't invented then.. but it's tradition in Glasgow.


The original mute
half, if someone tries to make a city called york kindly tell them not to. Because i will (and this is legal) meet you there and shoot you with a long bow, while in the walls.


Lord of Altera
Savings going not too badly. Donations are welcome as I said. Other than that I shall try to get some pics up tomorrow of the singleplayer version i'm working on :)

I am going to try to save up 80-100k (50 for town rest for plots)

I am working on a lore and name so bear with me.

I am also working on anti glaswegian defences :D


The original mute
if you need help with the defences i'm always available, i can sneak into alot of places.