Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Europa Universalis Evenings!


Lord of Altera
Yo everyone!

What do you guys think, for next glorious session, about either this Friday or Saturday around 4PM Eastern time?

Tell me yer opinions ladies!

Furthermore, if we are to stick to that time, im going to point at a possible pause in the middle of that for Americans that need to eat, ye know! :heart:
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Lord of Altera
I had this idea for the next game. I converted CK2 Old Gods start to an EU4 map file with the converter dlc. I can give everyone the file and the location and we can play a game that starts in the 700's with all the old religions like norse, zoroastrian, judaism, and jainism.


Lord of Altera
I had this idea for the next game. I converted CK2 Old Gods start to an EU4 map file with the converter dlc. I can give everyone the file and the location and we can play a game that starts in the 700's with all the old religions like norse, zoroastrian, judaism, and jainism.
omg, yuuus


Legend of Altera
I had this idea for the next game. I converted CK2 Old Gods start to an EU4 map file with the converter dlc. I can give everyone the file and the location and we can play a game that starts in the 700's with all the old religions like norse, zoroastrian, judaism, and jainism.
It could be cool, but I'd like to continue our current game as much as possible before changing to another one.