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Dragon Religion


Dark Council Elite
Temples of Worship




Recorded Priests and Priestesses

=Melanie Brom'Krah=

=Monah Felicia Brom'Krah=

=Bormah Archaeus Fronte=

=Kaia Fronte=

=Brii Fronte=

=Alanna Sigurd=

Recognized Divines

There are three recognized divines in the Aar Do Kendov branch of Dragon related worship.

Azthet, lesser divine of the burning spirit.

=Divine Sigil=
The details about Azthet's origin are not extremely well outlined by the texts which are still able to be read. Some suggest he was birthed during a great conflict between Krien and Dinok before the lesser beings were introduced to Altera, and some suggest he was created beforehand as an Essence Drake. Neither have been confirmed or denied, as the last recorded sighting of Azthet is rumored at several thousand years in the past. Due to the fact that neither have been decided as truth, both will be detailed below.
=Divine Colors=
Azthet's colors are the same as his body is rumored to be. A combination of a molten or crimson red with ashy grey and black, the colors of fire and its aftermath.

Krien, supreme divine of the illuminated spirit.

=Divine Sigil=

Krien, originally the god of all life and creation, was first on Altera solely with his brother - Dinok. The two ruled in a balance for many hundred years, before Dinok began to lay claim to more than he was designated at the Great Creation. This, of course, angered Krien. In retaliation, Krien breathed life in to many lesser beings in a mirror of himself. Tens of unnamed Light Drakes, he referred to them as. Sending them to breathe light and life back in to the lands that Dinok had begun to twist and destroy, Dinok's holdings across Northern Altera diminished greatly. Sensing the ripples of spontaneously created life while within the Planar Infinity, Dinok quickly returned to the moral realm to find his wastelands restored to life-filled forests and fields.

This angered Dinok, of course; the god swept across his restored land and struck down all of the Light Drakes that Krien had created - all but one, it is rumored. This one he captured personally, and experimented on. Changed aspects of its appearance, and abilities, and even towards the end of its alteration, breathed a soul in to this mindless beast. It is said that this Light Drake went on to be named Azthet by Dinok.

Once Krien learned of his brother's manipulation of his own creation, he was infuriated. This final spark was all that was required to spark an enormous conflict between the two Ah'kto. Krien even resorted to killing the creatures he had breathed on to the land of Altera, taking their souls and bodies to create more Light Drakes. But, these additional dragons were not as weak in will or ability as those that had come before them. Made up of much more than Krien's essence and will, they in turn were granted a gift of free will. These lesser divines numbered five in total, five that are no longer recognized in modern-day Altera, but rubble from their most recent shrines may be found buried beneath the grounds of New Stonefolk.

These creations were indeed matched by Dinok, and his creativity surprised Krien. Scriptures are not clear on whether he created four Essence Drakes or five, and that information depends on whether or not Azthet was indeed the altered Light Drake that had sparked the creation of more Essence Drakes.

Krien's five represented the five recorded virtues of life; Honor, Trust, Sacrifice, Selflessness, and Perseverance. They were indeed given more eloquent names, but for the sake of this documentation, they will be left out.

Dinok's Essense Drakes numbered five total in the end, to match Krien's. However, they were more designed with Dinok's will and spirit, which was much darker than Krien's. His drakes were known as War, Betrayal, Pestilence, Untruth, and Greed.
(To be continued)

Haaven, lesser divine of the frozen spirit.

=Divine Sigil=


This literally translates in to Supreme Divine.

Once again, literally translates in to Hand.


This word mixes common and KT, meaning child of the hand.

Translates in to Supreme Warrior. Term used for those who guard the temple(s). Essentially, the equivalent of an inquisitor, but for this worship specifically.

Kruziik Tinvaak
This is the language used by devout worshipers. It translates in to Ancient Tongue, as it's been mythos through the ages that it was what the dragons spoke.

This is not a religious title as it is in real-life religions. Once a woman mothers a child who is raised in to the worship and given a path to follow, they are given the title of Monah. It literally translates in to mother.

Similar to the above, but this one literally translates in to father.

This term translates in to guardian. It is usually one of the three Ah'kto that is chosen to be the patron of a temple or city. Example: 'Vahlok Haaven', of the Brod'do'Fro.

this is RESERVED ;3
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Dark Council Elite
Q: If my character converts, does this mean that they are marked and known as a heretic automatically?
A: No, absolutely not, unless Silas happens to let that slip while reading you. Any instances of metagaming the information that your character follows a heathenic worship should be reported to the staff team ASAP.

Q: What if I make my own dragon? Can we work together to change the lore?
A: With no intended disrespect, no. The 'lore' in question is primarily what is recorded in the remaining tomes and journals in-character, and what Archaeus chooses to describe to devout or nondevouts. And, because three is stretching it really, really far, any additional dragons added would not be at all taken lightly. Nor would they have 'been there all along, just not worshipped'. So, unfortunately, I am not taking additions or suggestions for the worship.

Q: Do you actually have things written out, or do you make this up as you go along? Is it confirmed by the lore team?
A: Quite thoroughly, I have details about Azthet described and have adapted Peculiar's old writings and details to fit with the newer age worship. Each of the dragons are thoroughly fleshed out. To answer the second question here, I must stress that everything here is folklore and myth. You can consider everything in this thread true as a devout, but ultimately, the details of the actual dragons and their mechanics are up to @Michcat, @Naelwyn, @Faelin, and @Somnastra, and that's if I am able to summon one/them.

Q: Did you know there's already a drag-
A: YES. Yes, I'm very thoroughly aware of @Mryosi's organization and worship of Asgar. I as well as Mryosi are also aware that this heathenic organization was founded before the one devoted to Asgar. As I have detailed numerous other places, comparing the two of them would be similar to comparing the Catholicism and Judaism in real life. According to the current-date and protected texts held in Dracor, there is no record of Asgar existing, nor is there any writing about him or his origin. The views and worship of the Ah'kto and Asgar are very different both in origin and in implementation. No, I don't mind that Yosi does his own thing with a dragon. I do not have copyright. But we are not connected in any way, even behind the scenes.

Q: Are you going to post details on the suggested history and origin of the dragons in this thread?
A: Maybe, maybe not. Stay tuned.

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