Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dragon Religion


Dark Council Elite
-Added Krien history stuff (look in his tab on the OP, you cannot miss it)
-Added the beginnings of Azthet history stuff


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Q: Did you know there's already a drag-
A: YES. Yes, I'm very thoroughly aware of @Mryosi's organization and worship of Asgar. I as well as Mryosi are also aware that this heathenic organization was founded before the one devoted to Asgar. As I have detailed numerous other places, comparing the two of them would be similar to comparing the Catholicism and Judaism in real life. According to the current-date and protected texts held in Dracor, there is no record of Asgar existing, nor is there any writing about him or his origin. The views and worship of the Ah'kto and Asgar are very different both in origin and in implementation. No, I don't mind that Yosi does his own thing with a dragon. I do not have copyright. But we are not connected in any way, even behind the scenes.
Psh, nooblets, the lot o' yer! *Waves walking stick around, cackling*