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Trade, Trade, and some more Trade

Do you think we should have a trade system

  • Yes, and this system is good.

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • No, we shouldn't have any system.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Yes, but we might need a different system.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
Ok, so a while ago, I was looking over the forums and I saw an argument about trade (KO DOLSH'BASH'LAVOYARD). This got me thinking about actual IC trade, and how it would work in the game. So this thread could be a good place to start a universal, working, and a decent system.

Point 1: IC and OOC goods.
So basically, IC and OOC goods become separated. This could mean that nobody dies of starvation and they can still run around in their magical diamond armour, but IC, they would not have such luxuries. A good example of that could be a fortress in the snow. They can have tonnes of chests full of steak OOC, yet in IC, they could have just a few potatoes under the counter and a steak or two.

Point 2: Dependace of IC goods.
So, if that snow fortress needs to be stocked with food IC'ly, this could bring in the need for trade. They could be sent food from neighbouring towns in exchange for coin or defense, but they would definitely need the food to survive the cold.

Point 3: The goods themselves
This will cover pretty much most things about the stuff that you actually get from the trade. There are many things affecting what goods you get from where and who such as climate and regions, distance and transport, piracy, production of goods, diplomacy, and war.

Climate has a big factor on what goods can be produced where. You wouldn't expect there to be farms in a desert, tundra, or in urban environments. The same goes for the region, as you would expect mines to be built near mountains and shipyards near large open water sources.

Distance and transport are also other key factors of trade, as fresh food can only be transported a small distance without going off, yet, things like iron products and carpentry products can be transported forever as they will not go off. You also have to take in the modes of transport, such as ship and carts.

Piracy . . . Ooh boy, tideborne, we got you a job now~ (see post below)

Productions of goods are also another factor to take into account. Some places like Queensport and other farming towns would produce raw material from the earth (primary industries) which could then be shipped directly to a consumers market, sent to another place for refinement (secondary industries), or then made into something more useful at the source.

Now for some of the bigger ones. If a system about trade takes off, trade embargoes, blockades, political relations,cscorching earth, and many more diplomatic and military actions can all take huge IC concequences now. Not only if you burn someone's wheat fields down, they loose all IC wheat supply, forcing them to go trading with other parties. Also, all their trade partners would loose that trade themselves, then forcing up their demand, and raising their buying price or needing more from other trade routes.

If there was an actual trade system for RP, it would bring a whole new level of immersion to the game. I will be posting what I think is a good system in the next posts

I'll be reserving posts, so if you would wait till that's done all is great.~
People who might like this
@Valonyx @Tybalt @Lord_Sinclair @Deathseal123 @Darko @Kvothe @whoever else from the north


Lord of Altera
(Note: If this was a game, this would be in really early alpha, this still has a lot of work to do and I would love some feedback)
Ok, so if we could implement this system

The way trade would work would be simarly based of Civ 5. This basically means your empire/country/city has so many trade routes they can do, and once they reach their cap, no more can be implemented.

Some factors to determine the cap would would be the size of the city/farm/mine where it is being sold or shipped from, who is supplying the vehicles for the route, how many ports/cities do they have. It would run something like this.

Using Golden Bay as an example.
Since it's not really a big town by any standards, yet not small (just~), you would give it a cap of . . . Let's say 2 ( this is the part where feedback is nice) trade routes possible. Since they only have one ship, they are restricted to one sea route. If they were to utilize this trade route at sea, they could always build more ships, or just have a land trade route.

Then, with this boat, the could then start trading with Queensport. They could offer said amount of stone for the wood from the north. Assuming that this route is not plundered by pirates for holds full of precious stone~, this trade would then open a source of Iron to Golden Bay for IC use.

Eventually, the trade can develop into a more used route, then getting more boats used to make the materials more common and diplomatic relations better between the two factions

More coming soon~
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Lord of Altera
I love this! Ive been waiting for something like this and pondering over it for awhile now.. THANKYOU!!!!!! Murdoc! Prepare to defend the Apple Orchirds...we shall dominate the Cider Market! @Kyle1322


Lord of Altera
You had my curiosity... But you now have my attention.
Another thing could be that management could be a factor... Producing/refining or even moving goods is a big ordeal... Something to touch on.


Non sum qualis eram
Reserving post. Initial impression: "Not this again." Will add more in an addendum post-read.

Addendum: Not enough here to go on or for me to do anything with. Will not be implementing a straight rip from any game to make anything whatsoever for HW.


Lord of Altera
Reserving post. Initial impression: "Not this again." Will add more in an addendum post-read.

Addendum: Not enough here to go on or for me to do anything with. Will not be implementing a straight rip from any game to make anything whatsoever for HW.
"don't reinvent the wheel"
this is the concept that runs in hollow world from it's lore to it's architecture.
the archetypes for the races are the clearest example of this as three races are lifted from LoTR (dwarves, elves and earth-spawn as uruks) and even the norvagen lore and caparii is both based on fictional archetypes...

bit of a rant, i know, but im saying that a system like this could work as the biggest immersion breaking element is that everyone is rich... im not saying starve everyone, but the idea that you are limited in politics/war is a big factor in how a nation/city/town operates... and the system just look like many different ones as they simulate this effect, which is the same as what we're doing (presumably?)

i think a better question would be, how can this work in terms of mechanics... forum management is the easiest... but that not the best, IG plugins may work... but require more time on behalf of the staff...

is it perfect? no. is it bare bones? yes... does it warrant further discussion before shooting it down? yeah, i think so.


Non sum qualis eram
Don't you dare tell me that "Don't reinvent the wheel" is a concept in my work in lore and architecture because that tells me everything I need to know about how much attention is paid to it by you.

If you want to suggest something, fine. I am equally within my rights to express my own opinion that it is insufficiently developed and unoriginal when it is brought up as a suggestion with a poll, because I look at this and I see that the suggestion has absolutely no idea how much work setting up and managing all that stuff would be, combined with the fact that there's already a large demand on staff time to administrate things, either in forum administration or heaven forbid, trying to get a new custom plugin working in the current state of Bukkit.
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Lord of Altera
Don't you dare tell me that "Don't reinvent the wheel" is a concept in my work in lore and architecture because that tells me everything I need to know about how much attention is paid to it by you.

If you want to suggest something, fine. I am equally within my rights to express my own opinion that it is insufficiently developed and unoriginal when it is brought up as a suggestion with a poll, because I look at this and I see that the suggestion has absolutely no idea how much work setting up and managing all that stuff would be, combined with the fact that there's already a large demand on staff time to administrate things, either in forum administration or heaven forbid, trying to get a new custom plugin working in the current state of Bukkit.
This doesnt need a plugin, say each town had a form post made by its owner where they post what routs they have established through rp, instead of saying how it wont work, say how it can.
also with the lore, its good but its not quite carling (befor you go on a rant, this line is a joke)

ok, I do belive this could be completely player run, and no-one is saying "oh ye, let's givethe staff MORE work, cuz they dont have enough already"


Non sum qualis eram
This doesnt need a plugin, say each town had a form post made by its owner where they post what routs they have established through rp, instead of saying how it wont work, say how it can.
also with the lore, its good but its not quite carling (befor you go on a rant, this line is a joke)

ok, I do belive this could be completely player run, and no-one is saying "oh ye, let's givethe staff MORE work, cuz they dont have enough already"


"Argue argue argue."


Lord of Altera


"Argue argue argue."
So another problem? Ok, easy solution, If town x doesnt have a blast furnice then they cant make steel, no baker? No ic bread, hell if you need someone to make ruils in this system, I volunteer, and if push comes then the PLAYER RUN SYSTEM will adapt, hell, I've found me something to get behinde.

All you need to do is apply logic with guidelines , worst case scenario? Remove it from forns and rp, headache over


Retired Staff
Okay, logic with guidelines. You mean like every other system in place on the server? There is nothing people won't argue over if they have something to gain, and they'll sometimes argue just because they can. And in your worst-case scenario, you're going to have people complaining about staff censoring threads etc etc.

Right now, this proposal is more threadbare than a hardwood floor and there's nothing to discuss because there's nothing about implementation and management.