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Trade, Trade, and some more Trade

Do you think we should have a trade system

  • Yes, and this system is good.

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • No, we shouldn't have any system.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Yes, but we might need a different system.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Lord of Altera
"don't reinvent the wheel"
this is the concept that runs in hollow world from it's lore to it's architecture.
the archetypes for the races are the clearest example of this as three races are lifted from LoTR (dwarves, elves and earth-spawn as uruks) and even the norvagen lore and caparii is both based on fictional archetypes...
*looks up from my now 7 google docs on caparii lore* excuse you.

... *ahem* on to more... pertinent subjects.
I will have to agree with staff in that this needs to actually have a schema for implementation.
I attempted to create a system to manage the resources and trade routes of a town. nobody took my position seriously, I was left out of the loop on everything, and for the most part, I couldn't catch up with all the new things the burgeoning town was making with I-don't-know-what.
they got steel and didn't even bother to tell me they could.
it was a complete logistical mess is what I'm trying to say.

what I'm also trying to say is that
nobody actually wants to have limitations on their towns.
sure, they want it, because everyone wants fair roleplay.
in theory.
but they're too lazy to tackle actual issues, they don't want to go through the logistics of what can actually be theirs and what can't. too much work. so obviously, the job of actually tackling these issues is going to go to someone who actually wants to do the work, probably someone who really loves working out logistics. like it's their favorite thing in the entire world, and they want to be an accountant when they grow up.
but as soon as that aspiring accountant says "hold on, you can't do this,"
people will argue it like no tomorrow, they will argue in spite of the facts.
and why? because a lot of people still have this mental image of making a town and achieving instant awesomeness. they got this idea of the sudden new player who nobody expects and who's actually really competent. the Daenerys Targeryen to our Northern Kingdom's Westeros (you know, cause she got dragons and amassed a loyal army and a whole nation from nothing in only 2 months does anybody get what im saying here? no?). They have this idea that they have to be impressive and awesome or whatever, and ahead of the curve and blah blah everyone tries to be better than everyone else.
it's the tall poppy syndrome, it's the orphan assassins who fight like ezio, it's the guys swimming rivers in steel plate, it's the ridiculously atttractive women.

people don't want an engaging story, they want to beat the game. and until we can change that basic attitude, guess what?
nothing's going to change.

wow that got depressing.


Lord of Altera
I already somewhat go by this system.... It works yo. Just take a look around you at your geography and the buildings you have, occupations citizens have, and there you go.

Like A mountain region, good mining material exports. But it can't grow good worth crap so hey have to receive imports from other countries.


Lord of Altera
I agree with most posts here, and this is just a proposal. If something like this was to kick off, I would put a metric tonne of my effort ( and I'm sure other people would like to help as well ) to make this happen.

The whole reason for me making this post was because people were already arguing about stuff like trade and all that here. All I want to do is to try and remove that argument. Yes, this could possibly create new arguments with the community. It could also solve them.

See, a thing like this could possibly help the whole topic of trade, it could also damage the whole way trade works. Yet, without a system, I bet there will be another repeat of what happened with the KO DOLSH'BASH'LAVOYARD one day. It might not be for a while, but it would arise eventually.


Lord of Altera
I agree with most posts here, and this is just a proposal. If something like this was to kick off, I would put a metric tonne of my effort ( and I'm sure other people would like to help as well ) to make this happen.

The whole reason for me making this post was because people were already arguing about stuff like trade and all that here. All I want to do is to try and remove that argument. Yes, this could possibly create new arguments with the community. It could also solve them.

See, a thing like this could possibly help the whole topic of trade, it could also damage the whole way trade works. Yet, without a system, I bet there will be another repeat of what happened with the KO DOLSH'BASH'LAVOYARD one day. It might not be for a while, but it would arise eventually.
If you want I could help, also, trade does go on, just not in depth.
if you want I could right some giedlinez like layter today


Lord of Altera
*looks up from my now 7 google docs on caparii lore* excuse you.
erm... sorry, that was aimed at @Naelwyn as i thought he was dismissing this idea for the reason that it may or may not be similar to something else..
as both of those examples are made in a vacuum to a lesser or greater degree. the caparii bare similarities to beast-men and the norvagen bare similarities to the nords, but hat does not mean that they are either directly inspired or lesser because of this.. you know that i love the caparii lore.
but it appears that he was in fact dismissing the concept over the fact that there is little to go on, both more understanding and confusing. an error on my part.


Just do it yourselves! Set up your own trade agreements, organise events with the pirates, etc. It's not difficult, an official system isn't really required, just make sure it makes sense. Only trade goods that your town can produce and doesn't need itself.
There's no need for staff involvement in this.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Just do it yourselves! Set up your own trade agreements, organise events with the pirates, etc. It's not difficult, an official system isn't really required, just make sure it makes sense. Only trade goods that your town can produce and doesn't need itself.
There's no need for staff involvement in this.

No ones stopping you! Heck, I'd totally get in on it IC.
If it looks super successful and could totally improve the server experience with some help from server administration, then you'd probably get 'staff support' to keep it running strong/make improvements (Not trying to imply the original creators would be discredited, no, they'd be left right center stage!). The implementation is probably best left up to the community, though :D


Lord of Altera

No ones stopping you! Heck, I'd totally get in on it IC.
If it looks super successful and could totally improve the server experience with some help from server administration, then you'd probably get 'staff support' to keep it running strong/make improvements (Not trying to imply the original creators would be discredited, no, they'd be left right center stage!). The implementation is probably best left up to the community, though :D
:heart: still think i'm gonna type some stuff up so there inst a "that guy/girl" who goes, "we have dwarves, so we made swords and mine stuff!" when there on flat land with no mine, just to be on the safe side, if anyone disagrees with this being needed, speak now or forever hold your peaces~.