Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Jan 18] The Past, Present, And Future of Thiil


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Are you suggesting I donate Katie's ... omy.. haha xD
I don't know how that would come across at the event, not only will all current players think I'm strange but in a year, the new ones will too.. ehhh...
You mentioned the manure bucket. :oops: Oh gosh. Weirdness ahoy! But seriously though. Bring whatever you like! I still haven't decided what I'm doing. So many possibilities!! :D


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I'm definitely gonna come. A shame I can only put 1 item, I'd love to put 1 serious, and 1 joke :D

OOC Information: If you'd like to participate, bring one or more named items to the event. Books are also allowed in place of a named item. Each person who wants to participate will say a few words about their item, why they want to leave it for posterity, and will put it into the chest. It will be buried and forgotten. In one IRL year, we will hopefully reopen it. It will likely be a whole new batch of players, and vets mixed in. We will see what sort of trinkets and goodies old players- Er, characters... left behind.
So it is requested. So shall it be. ^_^