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Active Jarl Freya Lonmar


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
My God? Mine or Freya's? Hurhurhur.

As it's on a character profile, we'll assume the latter, so I shall explaaain.

The Norvägen believe in the powerful (but not all powerful) Gods of the Pantheon, though did not, until lately, recognise them as having separate identities or moralities - previously they were assumed a mere powerful force held in precarious balance by their extremes. Historically, they have no history of prayer or worship.

Instead, though arguably not one and the same with "deities" and such, they have two patrons of their faith originating from an old myth - one a warrior, one a dragon. Though, as with the Gods, they do not worship. Moral guidance is the focus of the faith as opposed to physical gains such as a good harvest or health.

If you'd like to read more, there's a rather chunky section on philosophy on the Norvägen lore thread, the link to which can be found somewhere in my signature. :D


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
So the new extended relations list trend is nice,

...but so candid.

The indecision is real, ladies and gents.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Formatting looks /weird/ viewed on a phone. Spooky scary potentially requirey editsies...


The Lurker
Retired Staff

Loved: King/Jarl Draco Lonmar
Trusted: Thane Ulrych Lonmar of the Motte; Joshua Storm
Befriended: King Seth Jenkins of Yearnen; Joshua Storm; Cloud; Verity
Respected: [Redacted I]; King Axex Hawklight of House Aeyeras; King Seth Jenkins of Yearnen; Elsendir Silver; Joshua Storm; Duchess Lucia Silverian
Liked: Thorvard of Lonmar; King Jaret Ironbrow of House Yearnen; Amire; Lord Rex Chevalier of House Lonmar; Cerh Kievja; Anna Falkiir; Alyshia Alae Cor; Sven Wulfaald; Sir Barroes; Thordin Warblood of House Yearnen; Chalkan D'mitri Engem; Arganaer Cor; Somnastra Elenthalion; Keran; Mairin; Rune Pendagon
Favoured: Vidar Lonmar; Watcher Dagur Snowhawk; Gunjar Dagnvir; Edland Lindholm; Eimar Chrisholm; Tarron of Saeradan; Lord Septimus Aetherson of House Renatus; Rygan Varyn; Prince Neorey August of House Aeyeras; Trysten Varyn; Sayd; Lord Babus Ironbrow of House Yearnen; Sir Nwalme Fuvur; Gvenscar Falkiir; Ulfberht Stalnor; Eldin Bronnt; Birgir Ferngard; Harleen-Rose; Athryl Mithtanil; Loke Odin; Asbjorn; Signe Dagmar; Archaeus the mule; Adrian Farke; Gwendelyn; Krimil Thorinnson; Lord Eldric Hawklight; 'Miss Hawklight'
Neutral: Lord Kvothe Noldor of House Aeyeras; Lord Drake Hawklight of House Aeyeras; Sheila Lorean; Neghed; Katherina Lorean; Regent Light Fuvur of the Commonwealth; Syr Varyn; Lord Gelyk Varyn of House Syke; Arvellon Engem; Haroall Prongs; Connie Prongs; Domran; Dayter Arretez; Hope; Mist; Darius Engem; Lord Tybalt Marr; Brogan Marr; Danniella Fronte; Aster Master; Calder Swiftstern; Aryus Fuvur; Ylva Rei; Luna Wolfheart; Elrohir Talreyn; Abel Thorne; Godric
Unsure of: [Redacted I]; Queen Leminth Silver of House Arduin; King Jaret Ironbrow of House Yearnen; Duchess Kataja Silverian; Scardrac; Dazin Frakthe; Aewin; Alistair Kane; Aracena Mithtanil
Disfavoured: Baron Kyro of House Cromarcky; Daeron Eldrin; Lord Vlad Hare
Wary of: Lord Daniel 'Legion' Draiden of Wintermourne; Naelwyn Talreyn; Ced J'Sera; Sir Nwalme Fuvur; Vorar; the Elementals; Vallahad; Mogul Marcus Helix of House Cromarcky; Tzemik Kevasn
Disliked: The Inquisition; Old Arcturians; Lord Albareth; Duke Arthur Silverian; Archaeus Fronte; Lord Bolvar Firestorm of House Aeyeras
Distrusted: Lord Leorthor Ararodwen; Darko Tideborne; Baron Grimar Ironheart of House Cromarcky; Ezorel Nightstalker; the Pantheon; King Arthorius of House Lavoyard
Feared: "Bravery is the brother of fear."
Hated: Jarl Tywin Lonmar
It kind of makes me a little bit giddy that Aracena makes it to the relations of people I've never actually RPed with. I guess her reputation is known all the way in the north. :3


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Have I told you that your relations list is scary?