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Duchess Luisé Venezia-Entelecheia


Lord of Altera
Yes. :)
Roxy and me worked on the general drafts of the ideas, names etc.
I did only some minor constructions/improvements around the castle of Twilight Falls, but you guys did most of the work.

@Tybalt Well, the city expanded over time and gradually became bigger. However, Jeroxia and Bette were the founders who started building it.
Ahh, make sense


Yū Yi
Ahh, make sense
They founded the region
Then I came and together with Jeroxia, pretty much built the most and hired people.
Even though it is not public knowledge, Amethyst wad adopted into the Azerwind family.
I know that it transitioned into Marr, I have been watching the forums all the time :D
In the original drafts Azerwind was meant to be a peaceful house focussing on diplomacy. However, I think that Bettemus might be able to give you more information than I.
Azrerport was made exactly to enforce their diplomacy, but it took a way different turn.
I really tried to always make it what it was supposed to be.
I believe it was @mokwar who made Twilight Falls
As said, I did not found it, but if we are talking about who built most, it was mostly me.

I did not create the name, but I ended up being the one who built the most and after that, the only Azerwind left.