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[Expired] A Bounty


Dark Council Elite
To any of whom that wish to sharpen their blades and hone their arrows for the good of Altera and for a hefty sum of reward, King Archaeus Fronte of Marr henceforth declares a bounty be placed on the head of 'Alyss Greyson.'

This individual is hereby recognized for the crimes against Altera of human trafficking and purchase and sell; willful conspirator against the Crown of Azerwind; kidnap of the highest regard, a Princess of Azerwind; intent to perform acts of terror against the House of Marr; intent to ransom a captured individual; and evading identification. She is declared an enemy of the Silver Crown and her citizenship and humanity is hereby revoked within the borders of Azerwind.

The woman is known to go by 'Greyson,' commonly detaching herself from her first name Alyss. She may also be identified as Lady Alys, however it is less common. Alyss Greyson is suspected to be Nobility of Silverian origin, and deemed highly unstable and potentially heathenic in nature.

For Lady Alys, delivered Alive and Well
The parties whom deliver the wanted individual to the city of Azerport within Azerwind shall receive one of the following:

Five Thousand Radiants, Even
A Tailered Set of Plate and maille, of Imported Arcturian Steel
A weapon crafted to given specifications

For Lady Alys, delivered Dead
The parties whom deliver the wanted individual dead will receive:

Five Hundred Radiants, Even



The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
.. My grand prize for the writing event was 20,000 Radiants for a book. Yours is 500 Rads for a dead body. Pls.


Lord of Altera
Eh- there wasn't even a lord for this region when the Silverians were around.. It was just an empty mountain.
But hey- if you want to hunt dead Silverians be my guest!
das how it works, itd be metagaming or just plain stupidity if we didn't use the leads we had, whether they will end up dead or to a breakthrough~


Lord of Altera
What? -flips out of chair-

Edit: How'd you get ahold of Greyson's first name? Only ONE person knows that name. If he provided it, sure, but if not, this is major meta. If he provided the name, then I will accept it/not meta in return. @Scardrac @Glados

Edit Again: I don't know why I'm so excited for this but I am :3 COME AT ME​
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Roleplay keeper
*Finger twitch* ...
She's not a princess of Azerwind. They're not related to azerwind- THE SIGIL IS A BLACK BIRD- on a blue sky with white stars-
;-; Not red.. She's a princess of -azerport-.. Aka a Rhett


Yū Yi
*Finger twitch* ...
She's not a princess of Azerwind. They're not related to azerwind- THE SIGIL IS A BLACK BIRD- on a blue sky with white stars-
;-; Not red.. She's a princess of -azerport-.. Aka a Rhett
Come here *hugs*
The real Azerwinds know
The sigil is a mockingbird ;-;


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
What? -flips out of chair-

Edit: How'd you get ahold of Greyson's first name? Only ONE person knows that name. If he provided it, sure, but if not, this is major meta. If he provided the name, then I will accept it/not meta in return. @Scardrac @Glados

Edit Again: I don't know why I'm so excited for this but I am :3 COME AT ME​
They were told the names, can sort it out in a convo if you think this isn't accurate-? Both names were shared in relation to the same person of the same position, they pieced it together. Again, can PM with @Glados/Myself and sort stuff out if this isn't kosher :heart:

although the way stuff looked, I'd say she got betrayed ;o;

((For the convo, you'll want to add myself, glados, balatro, and anyone else you'd prefer ))