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[NationStates] The War of Roach and Blood


Lord of Altera
the duskilorian railguns will begin aiming for where the aircraft carriers are from afar. setting the railguns aim towards the carriers. they would be prepared to fire at the two aircraft carriers. though they see that they are gonna need a few more railguns to sink the carriers quickly, and the subs are nowhere near the fleet yet. (I'll continue when brian is awake. since duskilor and Morgnatha are working together)


Lord of Altera
Sincronian Orbital Weapons Platforms would be locking onto any and all Roach space craft, such as stations and satellites, though no weapons would yet be fired.


Lord of Altera
Of course; if it prohibits boat from coming out, there will be an all out naval war.
Curacha has a huge coastline; preventing your navy from moving around would be basically impossible.

As of now, Sincronia's navy is simply there to say "watch your back" and "don't do anything stupid".


Lord of Altera
Both Tarjiki subs would fire anti-ship missiles at Duskilor's railgun vessels.


Lord of Altera
Sincronian Orbital Weapons Platforms would be locking onto any and all Roach space craft, such as stations and satellites, though no weapons would yet be fired.
Now this is unexpected. Might have me trumped here. Though, some of Roachen space craft are apart of other nations satellites.
the duskilorian railguns will begin aiming for where the aircraft carriers are from afar. setting the railguns aim towards the carriers. they would be prepared to fire at the two aircraft carriers. though they see that they are gonna need a few more railguns to sink the carriers quickly, and the subs are nowhere near the fleet yet. (I'll continue when brian is awake. since duskilor and Morgnatha are working together)
Roachen subs will begin to fire at the opposing ships to have them sink. Railguns will meet railguns. (Yep. Good with me.)
Curacha has a huge coastline; preventing your navy from moving around would be basically impossible.

As of now, Sincronia's navy is simply there to say "watch your back" and "don't do anything stupid".
Navy have already been mobilized, only left would be the coastal guard. With back up of the air force.


Lord of Altera
the two islands of......
ah heck, just look here.

Vermellan Islands.jpg

ya gonna have to squint or zoom in but there ye go. all the islands I bothered to name.
Curacha's current attack plan is targeting the islands of Petra Veyr, Veyr-Parai, Gaori, and Sellivara. Dinici and Cuevara are not part of the attack, but they're in a serious threat zone.

note, there's a lot of tiny islands that are not part of the big islands named here. Dinici is part of a group of 3 different islands, for example.

also, who wants to roll for a natural disaster happening?


Lord of Altera
Nice map, Gaby.

I should also add that the remaining submarines of the Tarjiki submarine fleet will arrive in three days RP time to aid the Roachen fleet. Six vessels, all capable of launching anti ship missiles, and three with nuclear warheads on board, will join the two aiding the Roachen fleet. The remaining thirteen subs of Tarjikstan are waiting with the fleet at the edge of Sincronian claimed waters.


Lord of Altera
The remaining thirteen subs of Tarjikstan are waiting with the fleet at the edge of Sincronian claimed waters.
Sincronia would dispatch a small fleet of 10 submarines to monitor the Tarjik submarines off the Sincronian coast. No hostilities would commence.

Sincronia would continue to allow Tarjik ships to pass through the Serpentine Strait, in accordance with historical policy, for the time being. This shows that Sincronia does not fully consider Tarjiikstan to be a focus of the war or an enemy of Sincronia, at least not at this stage.

Furthermore, the Serpentine Strait is lined with heavy defenses to greatly deter any rebellious activity from passing ships, anyways (this is factbooked). Any attempt by Tarjikstan to make a strike from the strait would be suicide, on every level, so Sincronia trusts that sane heads will prevail and deter the Tarjik fleets from trying anything foolish.


Lord of Altera
The Tarjiki vessels make no hostile action. The entire fleet except for two destroyers and one aircraft carrier journey through Sincronian waters. As soon as Sincronian subs are spotted, the Tarjiki submarines surface and identify themselves.


Lord of Altera
((Heading to bed, will only be available sporadically tomorrow. Assume that any aggressive action against Sincronia would be aggressively retaliated against, such as an immediate destruction of Curacha's satellite communications network, assuming they have one.))

The Courier

Lord of Altera
God Send's airships would be known to be in operation, currently a LARGE movement of what looked to be land was seen by all satellites and other orbital systems. It would be shifting to God Send's waters and the airship fleet would be moving closely around it. Naval aircraft carriers are near the large mass as it seemed to be preparing for a long journey.

Should anyone wish to contact these groups, you'd be told that they are merely for the evacuation of Corvermell Non-Combatants. They all wave flags of peace, medicine, and God Send.


Retired Staff
(Should note, MR has non-nuclear methods of wiping out entire countries which are also quite eco-friendly. Nanites that actively convert iron and iron alloys into rust, for example.)


Lord of Altera
(Should note, MR has non-nuclear methods of wiping out entire countries which are also quite eco-friendly. Nanites that actively convert iron and iron alloys into rust, for example.)
(Which I'm waiting for, before I start dropping things.)