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[NationStates] The War of Roach and Blood


Lord of Altera
(Should note, MR has non-nuclear methods of wiping out entire countries which are also quite eco-friendly. Nanites that actively convert iron and iron alloys into rust, for example.)
(Are they resistant to very high temperatures? Am just wondering)


Retired Staff
(Are they resistant to very high temperatures? Am just wondering)
(How high is very high? They're electronic and would fail above or below certain thresholds, but a tropical climate would be fine for them. Maybe slightly better since they run on basic heat engines [The rusting process is exothermic and causes a feedback loop]).


Lord of Altera
(How high is very high? They're electronic and would fail above or below certain thresholds, but a tropical climate would be fine for them. Maybe slightly better since they run on basic heat engines [The rusting process is exothermic and causes a feedback loop]).
(I am not intending to go offensive or anything, really, but I was wondering how endurant they'd be to high-end promethium Flamer weaponry?)


Retired Staff
(I am not intending to go offensive or anything, really, but I was wondering how endurant they'd be to high-end promethium Flamer weaponry?)
(Not particularly, but when there's trillions of them they'd just keep coming)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
the duskilorian railguns will begin aiming for where the aircraft carriers are from afar. setting the railguns aim towards the carriers. they would be prepared to fire at the two aircraft carriers. though they see that they are gonna need a few more railguns to sink the carriers quickly, and the subs are nowhere near the fleet yet. (I'll continue when brian is awake. since duskilor and Morgnatha are working together)
Morgnatha's ships would do the same with missiles and begin to fire upon the carriers.
Not having any subs in the water at the moment so they cannot do anything against Tarjiki's subs.

@Jstar - Ellathyr would know of Morgnatha's aid of Corvermell. It is up to them to decide if they wish to aid or stay out.


Lord of Altera
Tarjiki subs would also engage with anti ship missiles against Morgnatha's ships.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
The second that Tarjiki began firing upon Morgnatha'a ships, Ellathyr's own submarines would move to intercept the Tarjiki subs in an all out underwater battle.

Ellathyr would open its borders to Corvermell refugees should they seek projection. If Corvermell allowed it, Ellathyrian military, aviation and armada would move in to support Morgnatha.


Lord of Altera
(How many RP days would you guys say it's been since the battle began? My fleet should be here soon.)


Lord of Altera
Tarjiki subs would also engage with anti ship missiles against Morgnatha's ships.
since the ainti-ship missiles came towards the Duskilorian ships, they would use SeaRAM's to blow the anti-ship missiles from the sky, and since there was only two firing they would have enough time I figure to blow the next two out of the sky as well


Lord of Altera
since the ainti-ship missiles came towards the Duskilorian ships, they would use SeaRAM's to blow the anti-ship missiles from the sky, and since there was only two firing they would have enough time I figure to blow the next two out of the sky as well
To quote dearest comrade Val, explain? Also, it's at least five anti ship missiles from each Sub every time they fire a volley.


Lord of Altera
seaRAM. RAM standing for Rolling Airframe Missile. it is an anti-ship missile defense system used to protect vessels from missiles that aim to destroy the ship.
That really doesn't explain anything. How does it work?


Lord of Altera
To quote dearest comrade Val, explain? Also, it's at least five anti ship missiles from each Sub every time they fire a volley.
and when you replied, you said 2 fired upon duskilorian ships. but these systems can hold at least 16 of them


Lord of Altera
That really doesn't explain anything. How does it work?
I was explaining what it was, and the weapon system allows naval vessels to effectively engage high-performance, supersonic and subsonic threats including sea-skimming, anti-ship missiles, high-speed incoming vessels, rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and other surface targets.
The low-risk SeaRAM anti-ship weapon system can be fitted to any class of ship and is designed to offer superior protection for marines and ships. The system is fitted with the same above-deck system and mechanical hardware as Phalanx CIWS and requires minimal shipboard changes. The above-deck system weighs 16,901lb.

The SeaRAM close-range protection weapon system is equipped with a latest rolling airframe missile (RAM) guided-missile weapon system. RAM provides superior accuracy, extended range and high maneuvrability.

The RAM lightweight, fire-and-forget missile is designed to provide quick response and superior protection for naval vessels. It is equipped with infrared guidance and autonomous dual-mode passive radio frequency (RF) system, and requires no shipboard support after launch.

It is capable of destroying anti-ship missiles and can be launched from the MK44 guided missile round pack (GMRP), coupled to the MK49 guided missile launching system, housing 21 missiles. It also offers high firepower and multiple simultaneous engagement capabilities.


Lord of Altera
Close-up of Corvermell map:

Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 1.25.34 PM.png

the islands of Petra Veyr, Veyr-Parai, Sellivara, Dinici, and Gaori are initiating evacuation measures. fearing the Curachan military will seek to attack population centers (rather than nonexistent military bases), the larger cities are being evacuated.

tourists are being asked to leave the country as soon as possible, and are being directed to the airbase in Veyr-Parai. with the airplanes, priority is being given to the tourists, as vermellan citizens in the larger cities are being asked to board boats towards Falari, Veria, Seisha, and Sangue Lune. the idea is to prevent diplomatic mishaps from dead tourists, and start an evac caravan through Morgnatha and Ellathyr. (and let me see which other countries have offered refuge)

the citizens are in a peculiar situation. Veyr-Parai and Petra Veyr are the most populated islands in the entire country. their evac locations literally cannot hold those populations.

furthermore, any more evacuations will have to be from helicopters, aircraft carriers, or ships. Corvermell's only landing strip has been abandoned.

to further complicate matters, this evacuation includes the migrants from Legisa @LightTwig you know them better than I do. hep.


Housekeeper Veritas Milari is remaining in Petra Veyr. she's opted to lead her militia in careful defense of the near-abandoned islands. small villages have remained intact, of course. joining her are four more housekeepers, more knowledgable of vermellan tactics.

Housekeeper Milari's daughter cannot accompany her. said child was sent to the father, Kouam Galtare.


Lord of Altera
With anti-ship missiles being shot down, the force of subs that is now eight strong (I'm assuming enough time has passed for the other six subs to arrive) fires torpedoes at Duskilor's vessels.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
God Send's airships would begin to land in the densely populated cities, carrying around five hundred passenger per airship. Around forty of these were being used as Morgnatha was being used as a refueling and person drop. All airships returned to the large mass that had moved from God Send to Morgnatha. Any and all were being brought upon these airships, always working in a constant flow with thirty minutes being the maximum time limit between airship reaching land and deploying.

All these airships have the God Send flag, peace flag, and the [Equivalent of the Red Cross] flag raised and flying as they go to and fro the islands of Corvermell. They have an escourt of DF-14s [See: F-35 Lightning II] protecting them from any and all aircraft that would target them. These vessels are high above the skyline making only use of long range sea/surface-to-air missiles capable of hitting the airships and the jets.