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Inactive Pádraigín Eldrin


Lord of Altera
Name: Pádraigín Eldrin
Nickname/Alias: Padragin, Pádra, Pad, Pidgin


Age: 36
Gender: Female
Race: Forest Elf
Profession: Mother

Height: 6,6 ft.
Build: With a tall, yet elegant frame with both a muscular back and arms, Pádraigín is obviously more built and developed physically than average. However, even with these obvious traits, Pádraigín is still very fragile, and because she is an elf, her muscular build is still dwarfed by a similarly developed human.
Hair: Dark brown and long hair, left to loosely flow down her back, almost reaching her hips.
Eyes: Green, a spark of wild creativity contained in them, often it appears she is looking past a person into nothingness, with that hint of creativity in her expression going wild.
Skin: Sun kissed tan, with a few freckles along her nose that appear almost cute.
Appearance: While varied depending on location, she will always wear silk clothing in white, green and darker colors alongside leather crafted shoes. She also wears two leather cuffs on her forearms that were given to her by Somnastra.
Prized Possessions: Pádraigín holds only one thing closer to her than all else, a silver ring with a diamond on top, engraved with the Eldrin raven. This ring was given to her by Daeron upon their engagement.
Hygiene: Clean, washing themselves every day.
Voice: A light and clear tone, which she makes an effort to sound calm.

Pádraigín has a good eye in her youth, and even better aim from practice. With a calm mind, and clear sight Pádraigín can release several accurate arrows into a target with skillful speed. This skill has only increased over time as she hunts the many beasts of Altera.

Pádraigín’s sharp instincts and usually clear mind allows her to be creative and quick thinking in most situations. While this is an insignificant advantage from day to day activity, it is an essential skill for her hunts, as it allows her to outsmart and trap the game she is tracking.

With her specific build and constant life within the forests and wilds hunting, Pádraigín has become more aware of what to do to survive in the harsh wilds. This comes from her knowledge of, among other things, what plants are edible, where to find them in the wilderness, and types of animal tracks.

Fears: Losing her family.

Pádraigín’s deepest fears have varying effects on her depending on how close she believes it to be, for example: Being put in total darkness as if she was blind will cause her to freeze in fear. While a major injury to her arms, legs, or eyes would cause her to delve into hysteria, trying to feverishly tend to the wound while attempting to escape the situation in panic. If she were to ever be permanently crippled or blinded, her will to live would be irreversibly shattered.

Physically Pádraigín’s bones and muscles are naturally weaker than most, and the superior dexterity she holds is completely useless without her preferred weapons. In addition other races have higher potential strength, endurance, and even speed as their muscular density improves all these qualities.

With a combination of her personality and cultural ignorance, Pádraigín finds it extremely difficult to be comfortable inside modern cities, ruining her concentration when inside them.

Intelligence: While she has a very sharp and clear mind, her education is understandably lacking when it comes to human concepts.
Languages: Amature Common, Elven
Inventory: On her back she carries several broad head arrows in a quiver that also holds her usually unstrung Recurve bow, which was given to her by Tybalt as a gift. The black limbs are stiff with a high draw weight, while Elven runes engraved onto them, giving it a intricate design. Her knife is a long curved blade with elven words etched onto the flat of the blade, it is often used to skin animals. At her home she keeps a expertly made Mandolin, with leaf engravings decorating it. This instrument was crafted by Evangeline Wrenne and is kept tuned perfectly for her, ready for play.


Personality: Her attitude is usually positive in nature, kind and carefree even when doing mundane tasks. Though she can and will take an issue seriously when needed, and is very determined with the right motivation. Otherwise, she simply enjoys being passive towards events.
Religion or Cults: None.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Short Term Goals: Raise her children, tie up loose ends.
Long Term Goals: Live a long happy life with her husband.


: Home
Pastime: Being with her family
Food: Chocolate
Drink: Tea
Colour: Green
Animal: Owl

Least Favourite...
: Theola
Pastime: Being injured
Food: Walnuts
Drink: Brandy
Colour: Yellow/gold
Animal: Scavengers

Pádraigín was born and raised in the deep forests of the Northern Kingdoms, there she was quickly introduced into the many traditions of being a Forest Elf. For her, the boundaries between the wilds and her home were non-existent, and often overlapped seamlessly. She was additionally taught to respect and revere the goddess of the hunt from a very young age, and because of this Pádraigín quickly became devout in her worship of Theodra. As Pádraigín grew up she was taught how to hunt in the name of Theodra, and how to cultivate the crops around her home. With this knowledge in mind, Pádraigín began to farm some roots and berries for her family to eat with the game her parents caught.

When Pádraigín reached the age of ten her sensitive elven hearing began to finish developing, and her parents decided it was time for her first hunt. While Pádra was at first very scared she was determined to make her parents proud and prove herself to Theodra. Taking a bow and quiver Pádraigín headed deep into the forests of her home, taking the first step to leaving the familiarity of her childhood and into the unknown world of both the forest and adulthood. Her first night of the hunt had her finding and failing to kill several small animals, with the cold beginning to set in she was forced to abandon her attempts at collecting small game to create a shelter in the trees for herself. She slept on a rough branch in the cold, leaving her miserable. With her enthusiasm and physical energy drained from the terrible sleeping conditions, her next hunt went even worse than the last, stumbling and alerting all of her prey before she even got a chance to take the arrow from her back.

Thus the second night began, and Pádraigín first noticed that the position of her quiver left it spilling her arrows everywhere with even the slightest duck or jump, and decided to remove it from her back as she returned to the best shelter she had. As the cold set it, she remained awake, working on adjusting the quiver and bow for better use, moving the quiver to her hip and starting up the base for a campfire. The next morning she rested, but knew that she was quickly running out of time to prove herself as a huntress. That night she searched and searched, taking some flint and her steel arrows to start a fire, keeping herself warm during the cold, harsh nights. For the first time in two days she slept peacefully, albeit uncomfortably.

The third day had begun, and she finally got her first kill, a small bunny which she quickly cooked on her fire. Having her first taste of hunting and catching her own food, Pádraigín quickly found herself actively hunting more, collecting the meat to eat, and the pelts to use for warmth and comfort during the harsh nights. While the skinning was difficult for her at first, she soon learned how to properly cut and dry the skin of an animal, even if it wasn’t the most efficient skinning, she was learning how to sustain herself. The fourth day slowly began, and she found herself unable to find any animals in her normal hunting area, and began to travel further from her shelter. Unfortunately she soon found that the animals past her old hunting ground weren’t as helpless as her first prey. Bears, boars, and stags began to chase her down when she came to close, and this left her with no option but to rethink her strategy.

The fourth night, Pádraigín spent her time sharpening sticks in an attempt to make new arrows, though she practiced on shaping larger branches which she kept for later. After creating a new set of weaker, but more numerous arrows, Pádraigín slept until the fifth day. Waking up early, Pádraigín set up her newest creations as traps and lures, using thin branches to hold up leaves on top of a pitfall, to wedging them under toppled logs to push down hills. Using the toppled log she created enough of a ruckus to coax small animals out of their hiding spots, and into her sights. For the first time in days, Pádraigín ate plentifully. After this, she checked her trap to see that nothing had fallen in, and thus continued back to her shelter for a long and restful sleep.

The sixth day had arrived, and knowing she would have to return from this event within the next day, she decided to prove herself. Heading back into the deeper woods she found a Boar’s den, and with patience she waited for the Boar to leave the protection of it’s den. Within a few hours, the Boar emerged from it’s home, and Pádraigín quickly shot it’s side. However, the arrow only caused a shallow piercing, and instead of killing it like she had presumed, the arrow had only infuriated the beast. Spying her hiding the Boar charged her, without any other option Pádraigín ran for her life, trying to escape the enraged and seemingly invincible Boar. However, she found herself halfway to her shelter, and the beast was still on her tail. Fear gave her legs strength, and she continued running, sprinting as fast as she could to get away, only to suddenly trip on a uprooted branch, falling forward she landed stomach first on the ground. Turning back she saw the beast still charging her, and she pushed herself away, trying to stand she felt a sharp pain in her ankle, she had twisted it in the fall. She pushed herself as far away as she could, but only managed to move her legs off of the leaf pile they were on. With a bellowing roar, the Boar charged her down, landing on the pile of leaves she had just pushed herself behind, it came in to gouge her with it’s tusks.

However, in a moment that almost seemed to have been manipulated by Theodra herself, the leaves caved in with the sound of cracking branches. The boar’s weight had sprung the trap, sending it squealing down into the spiked pitfall. When Pádraigín looked into the trap she made long ago, she found the boar impaled on the largest spike, dead where it laid. Pádraigín found herself exhaling a sigh of relief, a trap she had completely forgotten about before had just saved her life. She quickly found her relief fading into pain and regret, she berated herself for being so stupid to think that her wooden arrows would harm such huge game, let alone kill it. Taking care to keep her ankle from moving, she covered the pit before heading back to her shelter for rest. Later on she returned to her trap, removing the spikes from the pit and with great effort, returning her prize to her shelter. With that ordeal over with, she slept the remainder of the night.

The seventh and final day came, and with that Pádraigín carried the beast she had killed home for her parents to see. They were more than surprised at this, and listened to her story of surviving in the wilds, and the struggle of fighting for survival. Her parents were extremely distressed at this, but also proud that their daughter managed to keep herself so strong in the face of death. They promised her that she would never have to hunt alone again, and then sent her to rest in her nice, warm bed. While Pádraigín enjoyed the warmth and comfort of home, she found herself feeling wanderlust, a desire for adventure beyond the forests she knew so well. That morning she told her parents that she wanted to go and explore outside her home and see what the world had to offer. To dissuade her, Pádraigín’s parents told her of the greater dangers outside her home, telling her of Moor Elves that would burn down the home she slept in, of the twilight path she would head down should she make hasty decisions. While this scared her, her desire to adventure and see the world was not shaken, she was determined to follow Theodra’s doctrine and experience the world.

For the next few years Pádraigín’s insistence to explore the world outside only grew in intensity, and eventually her parents began to plan. When she reached sixteen she was given her first longbow, created by her parents and built specifically for her when she was older. She was promised that she could leave on her own when she could use the longbow perfectly. Even with her previous skill in using a bow, it took her another three years to finally grow strong enough, and skilled enough to use the powerful and heavy bow. With that Pádraigín promised to return home for visits, and to stay strong and healthy. With her skills invested into archery, Pádraigín began her trip outside the familiarity of her old forests, and hearing about the Cathedral in Crossroads, quickly set off to learn more of the gods, and more specifically, Theodra’s teachings.
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Lord of Altera
Daeron is a interesting case. When Pádraigín found herself in a rough part of her life, he showed up to listen to the issues she was having, and offered his advice to her. She very much enjoys his company, finding his personality to be kind and caring, if a bit crude. She hopes to never leave his side.
Tzemik has nearly killed Pádraigín, yelled at her, given appreciation to her company, and ripped out the issues she's been having and taught her a valuable lesson. There is no solid description for how Pádraigín feels about Tzemik, usually being reactionary to Tzemik's current mood and actions.
Sif is a largely hated, violent, and intimidating bear of a man who could snap Pádraigín like a twig if he felt like it... However, he has also comforted Pádraigín over the deaths of others (if in his own way), given her the wisdom she needed to continue on, and selflessly protected her from harm by his family.
@The Courier
Illthilior is an odd man. They haven't interacted much though Pádraigín does enjoy his wit from time to time. It's likely they will have more conversations now with the election oncoming.
Unsure of:
The Rangers no longer welcome Pádraigín, Somnastra having made it very clear that she will never be allowed back into their good graces.
Anhald and The Inquisition are brutal and unforgiving, a trait that she now finds at best questionable, and horrifying when taken to extremes.
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Lord of Altera
Padragin had finally made it to the crossroads after her journey, she had spent only a few moments within the Cathedral before when she first arrived and now she had returned, intending to prayer in Elven before Theodra's shrine and empty her thoughts. "Theodra please give me the strength to achieve my goals and the wisdom to follow the right paths towards doing your work. I've been offered by Dayter the chance to find The Rangers and join them, a group that works to keep the balance of the world, with your agenda for the world in mind. I hope to succeed in becoming a Ranger, so I may not only keep the balance of the world and follow your teachings, but also to help protect those who cannot defend themselves in the face of another event like the corruption." with her final words, she left the Cathedral, a smile on her face.

Padragin returned to the Cathedral, a bit more hurried in her graceful walk than last time, but remaining respectful of the halls she was in. Once again she kneels before Theodra's shrine and utters words in elven. "Theodra thank you for your guiding wisdom and lending me strength, I believe I have my chance to prove myself worthy of you and the hunt. I will use my opportunity to become a ranger to defend the helpless and aid those who cannot help themselves. I also beg for you to aid a child known as Wulfe, she has lost her family and seems broken. Please, help her Theodra, as I cannot aid her." With that, she once again hurriedly leaves the shrine.

This time, Padragin is laying on a bunk in Theola, uttering a Elven prayer before retiring for the night. "Theodra, I am in your debt for your blessings, I have been guided by you for years, and I am now feeling your influence more than ever. I have met Somnastra of The Rangers and gained not only her approval, but teachings in the way of archery. As of now I am staying in a bed she has graciously offered me. I once again ask for your strength and wisdom as I attempt to find and speak with Abel, another Ranger who's approval I need if I wish to become a Ranger. Thank you, Theodra"

Again Padragin prays in Elven, but this time she is inside a cave, practicing her archery. She whispers as she releases her arrows. "Thank you, once again Theodra you have granted me the blessing of your guidance, as I have met Abel and he has also approved of my admittance into the Rangers. Not only that but, I have met a woman named Harlow, Abel's daughter. I like to think of her as a friend, even though I don't know much about her. Something just leaves me more inclined to like her, perhaps it's because she is a initiate like me, a peer even. I hope to continue seeing your blessings smile upon me Theodra, and I thank you for this chance to prove myself to you."

Within the deep forests of Tauredal, Padragin is kneeling before a pillar on top of a hill, believing this to be a shrine to Theodra she speaks in Elven. "I've begun training to become a Ranger, I have begun archery training with Somnastra and Abel has taught me how to use a snare. I've come here because I heard that my forest elven siblings may also be here, but unfortunately I have only seen two visitors to this wondrous forest. However I have also found this shrine, so not all is lost. Again, thank you Theodra for guiding me to The Rangers and giving me the strength to become one of their initiates. I pray that you would continue to bless me with your wisdom."

Padagin is now within the cathedral again, her clothing soaked from rain, freezing her to the bone. She ignores this inconvenience however, remaining cheerful in her demeanor as she kneels before Theodra's shrine, speaking in elven. "Theodra I am thankful for your aid and the strength you have blessed me with, however today I ask for your aid in finding a friend of mine, named Neve. Please keep her safe as we look for her, and guide us so we may find her unharmed. Thank you"

Padragin is once again laying in her bunk within Theola, however now she looks much worse for wear, wearing two bandages on her arm and a simple linen shirt, her once ever present smile and cheerful demeanor missing from her as she whispers in Elven. "Theodra I need your guidance and strength now more than ever, a person I considered my friend has turned on me, attempting to kill me with a blade, she's managed to injure me. I need the wisdom to help her while she can still be helped, I fear her actions will lead her down a path of self destruction. Please, give me strength..." she finishes her prayer, feeling her arm, a expression of fear and concern on her face, the pain interfering with proper movement of her arm, giving way for her worst fear to affect her.

Time has past, much to long has it been since she has prayed, and now she prays out of desperation and confusion. She lays on a bed in the Home Tree, searching her feelings as she speaks softly in elven. "Theodra I thank you for helping guide me back to Neve, however something is taking priority this day and I need your help. Theodra, I do not know what to do, I need your wisdom. A tragic man has been my companion for the last few days, he has helped heal the wounds my friend gave me, and given me advice and happiness through his actions. However, he now desires to become my lover, expressing his affection for me, telling me that I make him happier than anyone else he has ever met. I, I have never had feelings beyond friendship for anyone, and now I simply do not understand how he feels for me. I've never worried about relationships, or love, these two topics are completely new for me... I don't know what to tell him, I want him to be happy and I want to make him happy as my friend, but saying that only seemed to hurt him, and I don't want to see him hurt anymore, he's had enough tragedy in his life... How do I help him Theodra, and... Who do I love? I know this isn't your domain, but you have more wisdom than all of us combined, and I feel closer to you than my friends now. I ask you again Theodra, what do I do..?" She finishes her rambling as she falls asleep again, still seeking the answers even in her dreams.

She was sleeping upon her bunk in Thoela, restless, her expression tortured as she dreams. In her dream she was running, carrying the lifeless body of a woman, trying her best to stitch the sword injuries all over her body. Eventually she lost her footing, falling to the ground with the corpse in front of her, staring her in the face. Whispers invaded her ears, "You let me die." it said in a cold, hissing voice. She could only turn to face the dragon behind her in shock, it's eyes piercing into her very core. "Why did you let me die, why did you fail?" it asked the forest elf finally screaming back at it. "No! Please! There was nothing i could do!". Swiftly the dragon inched it's head closer, it's teeth like daggers as smoke flew from it's mouth, clouding her sight. "Please, don't kill me.." she said, terrified. The beast merely laughed in response, waiting before continuing with it's intentions. "Death? No, I will not give you such sweet release, I will give you a reminder, a reminder of your failure you will never remove!". With these last words, the beast released a controlled breath of flame, searing heat hit the Elf's eyes before she screamed in utter horror. She opened her real, and uninjured eyes as she screamed, finding herself in bed at Theola, her breath short and her heart racing. She sighed in relief and depression, uttering a prayer in elven. "Theodra help me... Please, help me...".

Padragin was kneeling before Theodra's shrine, wearing her new clothing, which was oddly stitched together at the front. She prayed softly to the goddess of the hunt, concentrating heavily as she whispered. "Theodra, may your wisdom guide me and give me strength as I teach Serella how to be a proper Forest Elf, and how to follow the way of the hunt. As I head down these paths I pray you give me and my new family in the Ranger's your blessing and protection against hardships and strife. Thank you for all you have given me Theodra, I promise to spread your word and follow your teachings. Thank you.". She finishes the prayer, and returns to the entrance of the Cathedral, smiling gently once more.

Padragin sat before her bunk in theola, sighing deeply as she closed her eyes, beginning a prayer. "Theodra, please help Alustrum in his time of need. He's been harming himself, letting his body go into disrepair and sorrow has besieged his life. Please give him the strength to avoid harm and sorrow, and please give me the wisdom to make the right choices... I wish to continue giving you glory Theodra, I wish to one day join you in your hunt, please guide me on the path I have taken. Thank you..."

Padragin has prayed now and then, but this was a extremely important and prompt prayer, she lay in her bunk in Theola now, whispering. "Theodra please aid Saelihn in her crisis, it appears that she lost me to the cold grip of the void, and fell apart while I was gone, please aid me in returning her to normal. I, do not understand what has happened, but I thank you so gratefully for giving me a second chance at life Theodra, and I can only hope this means you are delaying my chance at joining you in the eternal hunt, so I may grow stronger and help my family and friends. Thank you Theodra, thank you so much."

Kneeling before the grand shrine to Theodra within the walls of the cathedral was Padragin, once again praying, but this time setting her prized possessions near the donation box. First was the first longbow she had ever had, one her parents had bestowed upon her at the age of sixteen, a bow she spent three years attempting to master, a bow that was her test to see if she was ready to go beyond her family's grove. Finally she also set down a elven longsword, verdant green wrappings on the hilt, a emerald within the pommel, and runes carved in the blade which transition into vines as they flow down the metal. This blade was given to her by Tybalt as a gift which she treasured. "Theodra, I offer you my prized bow, one that my parents tested me with, one that assured I was strong enough to continue the hunt beyond their grove, with you at my side. I also offer up a extremely beautiful elven longsword, this one is named "Voronwë", it's name meaning Faithful within our elven tongue. I offer you these as a testament of my faith, and if you find these not suitable for yourself, I hope they are donated to those who follow your ways. Perhaps my first longbow can be what pushes another young elf to become strong and wise. While my sword serves as a tool for one who strongly desires to protect their family. I again pray that I may one day join you in the eternal hunt when I am worthy, and that I continue to serve you for the rest of my days. Thank you, and please, aid those who weather the storms of late. Finally, I pray wisdom guides me, and all of my family."
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Lord of Altera
I may have overstated, understated, or generally messed some things up, if anyone has criticism please do comment!


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Oh ho ho, YOU are who Deash RPed with! I hope we get to sometime, as well! :D :D


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Pádraigín sounds like someone took Patrick and Josephine and mushed them together.

You get a +1 from me!



Lord of Altera
Separated clothing and inventory, and added a few relations as a quick late night update. Pádraigín needs to learn more about people, it's hard to fill out relations when she knows so little!