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Finished The Noble's Ball


Roleplay keeper
Also- May 1st, what day is that? Like, friday, saturday..
Forum Name: bettemus99
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Sheila Somnius Cor
House: ... Cor (Although it's not really a house, nor the reason -why- she is noble)
How you're a noble: Her father who is a knight, but also ex-Arbiter of the high church of Altera.
Plus One: 'Dominic' (may not show up at ALL)
Plus One's Forum Name: @Michcat


Yū Yi
Forum Name: mokwar
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Amethyst G. Azerwind
House: Azerwind
How you're a noble: Duchess of Twilight Falls, Leader of house Azerwind and head of foreign affairs.
Plus One: Thyia (Personal maid, can not promise he will come, probably should have asked if he could first.)
Plus One's Forum Name: @Jstar


Lord of Altera
dunno if i have to fill in a thing, but Aldi is accompanying Alanna as her lady-in-waiting.
she might bring someone. i have someone in mind. we'll see~

probably worth mentioning that your plus one isn't the maids or ladies accompanying you.
the person you bring should be the friend or partner you want to dance with.
you don't have to bring anyone, though.


Lord of Altera
dunno if i have to fill in a thing, but Aldi is accompanying Alanna as her lady-in-waiting.
she might bring someone. i have someone in mind. we'll see~

probably worth mentioning that your plus one isn't the maids or ladies accompanying you.
the person you bring should be the friend or partner you want to dance with.
you don't have to bring anyone, though.
What if your Sister that is hosting the event promised to slit your throat if you didn't?


Lord of Altera
dunno if i have to fill in a thing, but Aldi is accompanying Alanna as her lady-in-waiting.
she might bring someone. i have someone in mind. we'll see~

probably worth mentioning that your plus one isn't the maids or ladies accompanying you.
the person you bring should be the friend or partner you want to dance with.
you don't have to bring anyone, though.
Yes! Thank you! My partner in crime is correct. Your plus one will be your first dance partner.

ALSO! Towards the date of the ball, I will need an entrance announcement provided by you, the guests! This will make it easier for the announcers to announce your arrival and who you are.

What if your Sister that is hosting the event promised to slit your throat if you didn't?
You better bring a date or Alanna will be forced to dance with you and embarrass you.


Lord of Altera
Yes! Thank you! My partner in crime is correct. Your plus one will be your first dance partner.

ALSO! Towards the date of the ball, I will need an entrance announcement provided by you, the guests! This will make it easier for the announcers to announce your arrival and who you are.

You better bring a date or Alanna will be forced to dance with you and embarrass you.


Lord of Altera
There will be a list!
Unless you RSVP and guarantee your name, you will most likely NOT be allowed in.
Thank you!


Legend of Altera
Forum Name: Samchrist
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Tiberius Lavoyard
House: Baguette (Lavoyard)
How you're a noble: you know that place where the ball takes place... well it's mine :cool:
Plus One: Forever alone
Plus One's Forum Name: @Mysadness


Lord of Altera
Forum Name: Fraser028
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Galdor de Brelingen
House: Brelingen (Turia)
How you're a noble: Knight of Turia, Lord of Castle Westpoint, brigadier of Azerport
Plus One: None
Plus One's Forum Name: none

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Realised it's at 2am the next day.. A strong possibility I will be irl plastered, buut an even stronger possibility that I can make it!

Forum Name: The Living Ghost
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Sir Alistair Kane
House: Kane
How you're a noble: Ruler of House Kane, advisor to the Jarl of Stormhold
Plus One: Niah Dacar
Plus One's Forum Name: @Niah


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Realised it's at 2am the next day.. A strong possibility I will be irl plastered, buut an even stronger possibility that I can make it!

Forum Name: The Living Ghost
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Sir Alistair Kane
House: Kane
How you're a noble: Ruler of House Kane, advisor to the Jarl of Stormhold
Plus One: Niah Dacar
Plus One's Forum Name: @Niah


Lord of Altera
Forum Name: MaelstromPuddle
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Lord Fulgrim Eldrin-Arralon
How you're a noble: (king of the moor elves at one point ) Noble of House Eldrin and the Natrizi'ma family
Plus One: tbd
Plus One's Forum Name: tbd


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oo- Perhaps a certain @Naelwyn would want to swing his noble buttocks into this x)

@Megadonkey30 we should totes let daydream be a server if the emperor allows her too!
Hey, thank you! I will add that in.
I would absolutely love too! Daydream IC would only travel should a Noble and eventually her Emperor and Lord request it @Megadonkey30 , so I suppose it comes down to RP in the end :D

Eudoxius is definitely coming. And... miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight maaaaaaaaaaaybe perhaaaaaaaaps have a few shenanigans in mind, so, Barthelemy, try not to ship Daydream off before I get a chance to RP wif 'er.

Oh, and, if ya can, please don't host this on a weekend- I wouldn't be able to attend, per my job. If possible, perhaps a Friday.
oh lord what

Daydream is currently a servant to my household, I don't see why I would make her serve outside of it. If you want her as a servant feel free to rp with her.
Ah well there we go then xD
Daydream sure is popular :p

A heads up if you folks want to come RP with Daydream about having her serve at the Ball- She is a sworn attendant to Lavoyard, and wouldn't ICly feel allowed to do anything without the express permission of her Lordship and the Lavoyard nobility :heart:


Lord of Altera
Good afternoon/morning/evening lovely friends!

The Noble's Ball is indeed one week from tomorrow at 6PM Pacific Standard Time.
To check your own time according to your time zone, just hope back into the first page and click the link under "Date and Time."

I will need RSVP's by the 27th. The 28th at the LATEST.
If I don't have your name and your plus 1 by then, I'm sorry- but you can't get in!

If you have any more questions please feel free to private message me at @Sir_Ashington or my trusty side kick Ella at @Landem

Can't wait to see you all there!​


Lord of Altera
Forum Name: kyle1322
In Character Name (Of Who is Attending): Sir Duncan Arcturus-Lavoyard
House: Lavoyard. [duh]
How you're a noble: Born into the family, Serves as an adviser to his brother the emperor at court, yada yada.
Plus One: Alanna Rhett~
Plus One's Forum Name: the one and only @Sir_Ashington