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[IC Wanted Poster] Scardrac Dormus


Lord of Altera
*Any posters that were burned or taken down, IC'ly or OOC'ly, were quietly and quikly replaced. This time however, the paper is of cheap material, easy to tear down and/or burn. Yet, the message would remain the same*
.... I'm not sure thats possible for your character to do. like, did they have a copy? how did they know what poster used to be there?
maybe I'm asking too many questions.

Just so you guys know, I did actully write the wanted poster in an in-game book, went around, and emoted put them on. I'll likely do the same thing again.
I uh... my questions are still relevant, I guess. how'd you write the posters, though. what did you copy from?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
.... I'm not sure thats possible for your character to do. like, did they have a copy? how did they know what poster used to be there?
maybe I'm asking too many questions.

I uh... my questions are still relevant, I guess. how'd you write the posters, though. what did you copy from?
She posted earlier.
Just a final question- could I post a direct copy of this bounty on the Crossroad's with an actul book, stating that you issued the bounty? Or would you yourself need to do that?

I'm frankly sick of all this argumentative bullshit put the poster up tear the poster down
why can't people actually engage in meaningful roleplay, is that so hard?


Lord of Altera
People are too scared to actually face eachother; they prefer waging the poster wars.
...A bit like modern cyberbulling, although on a much different scale, if you ask me xD
I prefer finding my problems head on, and deal with the consequences.


The rosiest of forests.
People are too scared to actually face eachother; they prefer waging the poster wars.
...A bit like modern cyberbulling, although on a much different scale, if you ask me xD
I prefer finding my problems head on, and deal with the consequences.
More like "I'm not one for fighting and would prefer to be a neutral party so other people can do the dirty work for me." than "f1ht me irl bru i swer on mh mum"


Lord of Altera
More like "I'm not one for fighting and would prefer to be a neutral party so other people can do the dirty work for me." than "f1ht me irl bru i swer on mh mum"
I disagree. If you put a poster up, it's either because you want to get into trouble, or you're already in trouble/at odds with someone in the first place. If so, why not go all the way through and face your own problems, rather then doing it halfway?
As we've seen, putting posters up amounts to nothing but others answering by pulling their own posters or ripping yours. It's silly and quite hypocritical, if you ask me. Please note that I don't have a problem with most posters in themselves, when they're actually being used for their purposes. But like Michcat said, the ''putting posters up'' ''ripping posters down'' is getting quite annoying in my taste.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
I can confirm that I didn't burn Alphonse's poster of the elven language being meant only for elves. As I had taken direct measures to remove his poster, burn the board's poster of this, wait for flames to die down, and then put that poster back on.



The rosiest of forests.
In this particular case it isn't like that, however. From what I would think most people would put a poster up because they or their family have been harmed or effected by an individual and needs them 'sorting' out as they do not wish to delve into the matter all guns blazing and hurt themselves (due to them being most probably a high lord, lady, king etc). Just my two cents! Also agree with ze Mich.


1. Why the hell would you make an effort to destroy a message board?

2. Naelwyn spoke to Scardrac in-character. Naelwyn is making an effort to enact justice. Scardrac is aware, and has agreed to terms. It is not like Naelwyn is being cowardly and doing this just so he doesn't have to do it.

3. It's really stupid that we're debating and battling over putting posters up and tearing them down. It seems really passive aggressive, and makes me really not want to be involved at all. I was having fun with the roleplay until this whole thing happened.


Lord of Altera
What's the point of burning posters if they've been up for so long that everyone has already heard about the bounty.


Lord of Altera
What's the point of burning posters if they've been up for so long that everyone has already heard about the bounty.
Because people want to be an edgy Robin Hood that tears down wanted posters of himself or they just are trying to get some OOC satisfaction that they did something even though they have produced no results.


Non sum qualis eram
*Because Naelwyn Talreyn possesses adaptability, tenacity, and stubborn snark, one would find the poster replaced by an indented steel plate, screwed securely into the wood of the poster board in four places. The screws themselves are quite stuck in and harder than one would assume to remove.*


Lord of Altera
Alright. . .I don't know if I should be posting or not, but I feel like I should.

@The Courier I ment no harm no foul, I'm perfectly ok with you tearing down my poster. I just got ishy when you decided to burn the whole board, and along with all the other messages. I didn't even know you removed them for them not to be burned until after my orignal comments. So, apologies for starting a flame-war.

@Michcat Again, my apologies. I never ment to start something and turn this into a giant flame war, I mearly was pointing out to The Courier something that I should have mailed him privatly over.

@Scardrac Sorry for all of this.

@Naelwyn And finally, I'm sorry Naelwyn.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alright. . .I don't know if I should be posting or not, but I feel like I should.

@The Courier I ment no harm no foul, I'm perfectly ok with you tearing down my poster. I just got ishy when you decided to burn the whole board, and along with all the other messages. I didn't even know you removed them for them not to be burned until after my orignal comments. So, apologies for starting a flame-war.

@Michcat Again, my apologies. I never ment to start something and turn this into a giant flame war, I mearly was pointing out to The Courier something that I should have mailed him privatly over.

@Scardrac Sorry for all of this.

@Naelwyn And finally, I'm sorry Naelwyn.
Please don't apologize, I've just been in a rough mood lately. Nothing to do with anyone here.


Dead Man Walking
*Because Naelwyn Talreyn possesses adaptability, tenacity, and stubborn snark, one would find the poster replaced by an indented steel plate, screwed securely into the wood of the poster board in four places. The screws themselves are quite stuck in and harder than one would assume to remove.*
*The message board has been chopped down, dragged from the inn via horse with ropes and thrown into the river where it sits facedown and unreadable from the surface*
(Not really)


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I feel like this kind of thing needlessly happens every single time a poster is put up. It's ridiculous.


*Would walk into a secret room located deep in depths of the nether, inhabited by Barrack Obama. Casual conversation is made over a cup of tea and scones. After they are both finished, the president of the United States takes out a small detonator with a large red button. He looks deeply into my eyes and presses the button in a seductive manner. A nuclear strike hits the Crossroads Inn 60 seconds later*
(all posters are removed guys, but I put my own back up so it's cool. Did all this in legit RP.)