Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{Moderate (Leaning Violent)} [Island] Calan, free island


Legend of Altera
Hate that they took the love button out... I mean, I can kinda understand taking the negatives out (Kinda, but not totally, as some threads do need a negative rating because of quality or truth contained, but I do understand that it can be used to bully so it isn't really a complaint) but the love? I really wanted to use it too...


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Nooo, Sae left already ;_;
She will be missed


Lord of Altera
Calan has been neglected by the appointed caretakers for many years. The clear paths have become blocked by shrubs, trees, and foliage. The already obscured sky is even darker with additional trees sucking up any light that comes down. Many animals that lived here have escaped and turned feral. Wild animals are moving into various areas turning former person-centric locales into their homes. ((yeah a gang of jungle cats now lives on my stage in game)). One man remained and kept the energy alive for the small community. He silently and tirelessly toiled away, keeping hope alive. Calan is still green, and a home. . .

Recently stirs from the island have been seen. Including. . . an ominous black and purple and white flag that flies high and proud, visible to any passerby on the sea...

Updated OP, changed some things around, added a wicked new banner image.

Listed the laws, got jail reviewed. 11/20 or 45% chance at breaking out.
Last edited:


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Checked out the Jail. Here is the Security Rating Report:

+2 for stone build
+1 for three layers of iron doors
+1 for bare furnishings that can't be used to bash or pick way out
-1 for climbable structure. Can get on roof from outside and dig a hole through if I want to bust someone out
-1 for fairly open visitor policy
+0 No guards

+2 extra points divided by 2, leaves an additional +1 to the security rating of 10

Final score:
45% chance of breaking out/55% chance of failing