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I need a good picture drawn, winner gets reward.


Lord of Altera
100k to the artist who can move their hand the best and draw me an amazing picture.

The Task:
This man: (Broad shoulders, pretty well muscled with same skin color as the picture, with several scars.)

Wearing this Tunic (Black Woven Leather):

With these pants.

Optional: Off to the side, maybe you could draw an partial body with this tattoo in blue and black.

Again, I'm looking for a high quality picture, not some crayon drawing on a used napkin.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Daaaaammmmn- That is a lot of money. I soooooo wish I could draw. ;_;

Good luck to those interested tho.


Lord of Altera
Several scars where exactly? Have you made a character profile for this man yet?
I have not made the profile yet. There would be a number of small scars on his face, nothing that big. The character is a 30 year old farmer/fighter, if that helps.


Lord of Altera
Oh, and also for any who are drawing, don't rush it, there's not really a certain time by when I would want this picture, but posting in this topic saying "I am drawing" or something like that would help, so I know that people are actually doing it.


Lord of Altera
It would be considered
Unless you are completely opposed I may do a realistic photoshop for this character.
If it's really good, It might win, but in my opinion, drawn artwork looks better. If anyone needs more photos of the top, it's Ragnar Lothbrok's top during the Siege of Paris of Vikings Season 3


Lord of Altera
This is also a clever way to get several pieces of art.
Yeah, but it also feels like there's quite a bit of judgement. I.e:
100k to the artist who can move their hand the best and draw me an amazing picture.

Again, I'm looking for a high quality picture, not some crayon drawing on a used napkin.
I dunno, maybe that's just me.