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Active Wulfric Bjornsson | The Next Volume


Bored Brit


Normally Quotes go here

Currently: Travelling the New World. Reunited with Ronn.
Name: Wulfric Sarl-storm Bjornsson
Full Titles: None.
Nickname/Alias: Wulf

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Bored Brit

Age: Wulfric is certainly reaching middle-aged, especially for that of a Northern Smith. He is soon reaching his 25 name-day.
Gender: Male.
Race: Wulfric is a Human of the Norvagen Subculture.
Social Status: Freeman. Wulf bears no titles nor does he carry around his previous badge of shame, his illegitimacy.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Height: 5'9.
Weight: Healthy kg.
Date of Birth: Some time in the mid autumn.
Date of Death: 1. [Monday 27th June 2016] ~ Lured the undead away from Fort Toil.
Homeland: Stormhold, Avanor.
Current Home: Wherever the road takes him.

Build: Wulfric's build is that of your typical smith, muscled for purpose, not aesthetic. Most of his muscle seems to be focused in his upper body as his occupation as a labourer and smith often call upon.
Hair: Wulfric has rather long, brown hair has been swept up and tied back so that he can work better with a very well-trimmed beard.
Eyes: A stormy grey-ish blue. Likely bringing thunder to mind, with their resemblance to a summer storm cloud.
Skin: Wulfric's skin has always been pale, and even his trips South don't seem to alter this fact all too much.
Identifying Marks: A scar running along the left side of his face, from his days at Fort Toil.
Appearance: From his looks, Wulfric would seem to be a no-nonsense grizzled Norvagen male who has seen his fair share of fights. Looks can deceive, however.
Clothing: Wulfric has taken to wearing simple woolen clothes for working as the heat of the forge keeps him more than warm enough.
Weaponry: A Steel bearded axe and a roundshield.
Prized Possessions:
Hygiene: Rather good considering he is a smith, Wulfric learned from Eventine the dangers of dirty water and the like.
Voice: The typical lilt of a Norvagen, mixed with that of a simple Northerner. {+} Language Warning.

- Stubborn
- Craftsman
- Loyal
- He isn't entirely humourless
- Stubborn
- Restless
- Aggressive
- Utter asshole
- The Cold
Having lost both his mother and father to the Cold, Wulfric has an understanding of the true threat that the cold actually holds. It is a fate he would not wish upon many, at all.
- Time
Wulfric fears what time will bring to him, as he can already see the strain of age upon Vhilliem, and he is now afraid of seeing time take it's toll upon himself and upon Ronn.
Intelligence: Wulfric is of perhaps average intelligence, able to pick up new things rather quickly and finds himself to be easily devoted to a task.
Common - Fluent.
Elven - Fluent.
Profession: Labourer.

Personality: Family is important to him and he desperately wants one of his own which is likely boiled down to loss of family in the past and a need to replace it in order to feel secure and restore happiness. He works hard because he was raised to value work. He has a strong moral ethic but is highly superstitious, likely to indicate his devotion to his path.
Religion or Cults: The Path. Inclined toward the divinity of Rahas.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Short Term Goals:
- Rebuild.
- Find Work.
- Stay happy.
Long Term Goals:
- Valour above all.

Fort Toil, before the invasion.
Pastime: Being with his family.
Food: Salted Pork.
Drink: Orange Juice.
Colour: Grey.
Animal: Bear.

Least Favourite...
Place: Wherever drama is.
Pastime: Small-talk.
Food: Goat's Cheese.
Drink: Goat's Milk.
Colour: Green.
Animal: Rabbit.
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Bored Brit

Wulfric is the Bastard son of a Smith who died three winters past. His parents, courting at the time of his conception, married soon after his birth but he is still officially a bastard. His younger brother was born in wedlock a few years later.
His father, a Smith of Myrneth, moved the family to Stormhold after the influx of sailors and foreigners surpassed his skill and his need to be there. It was here that Wulfric's father, Sven, worked the quarries for a good two winters. He died in a particularly harsh winter three years back. The same winter Wulfric's mother lost the fingers on her left hand. It was then that they headed to the inner City and that Wulfric learned his trade.

(Basically a timeline of his life so far)
-Backstory ends-
-Leaves Stormhold for trade, meets Themis.
-Meets Odette.
-Odette and Wulf journey to Riseport, where they live for a while.
-Mother dies.
-Goes "missing" to his Mother's funeral.
-Returns to Riseport to bring Odette back to Stormhold.
-They live happily.
-Odette kidnaps Orvar.
-Niallrys takes Orvar back in a big row.
-Wulf leaves to do his own thing for awhile.
-Journeys to the Southern Alteran Colony.
-Works on making the settlement.
-Meets Syr, Ronn and Luke.
-First hunting trip; encounters Bearcules the Mighty. Defeats the mighty Bearcules in a heart wrenching battle. Bearcules Pelt Added.
-Encounters the Children Wisp, is coaxed (and possibly cursed) into travelling miles off course.
-Returns to the Colony exhausted, sleeps.
-Ronn and Wulf travel Eventine and encounter a Crocodile, a battle ensues in which Ronn is Victorious.
-Odette comes to the Fort. They find Bearcules Jr.
-Wulf takes Bearcules Jr. to camp to help him survive.
-Wulf and Odette are going to be parents.
-They leave for a funeral in Odette's homeland.
-The Baby is lost, and the engagement ended.
-Returns to Toil and throws himself into work.
-Builds his Toil Forge.
-Tomb Incident.
-Grafjell journey.
-Adopts Jadyn.
-They decide on the name Yrsr.
-Leaves to Myrneth for awhile.
-Hears of Toil's plight.
-Helps defend Toil, too a bloody extent.
-Dies distracting the undead horde and saving his friends.
-Wulfric returns, and joins the exodus to Eastmere, sailing with the Norvagen.

-Wulf serves under William, to build ships and herd his people.
-Travels South to find Ronn.


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Oh! That's you! I had no idea who was playing this character last night!


Lord of Altera
Paler than usual for a norvagen? That's gona be pretty corpselike...should be fun to rp with :D. he might like Zima, definitely not cold there


Bored Brit
Ima take things slow after a few complaints of speed of his development so I'm just gonna keep it to his social skills fer a bit.


Bored Brit

The horn blew and he ran.

He ran further and further until he could run no more.

Hours of fighting, and running in his heavy armour, Wulf collapsed at the base of a tree.

Yet, true to his word, he did not yield.

He fought till his last breath, his last scream of pain.

His flesh torn from his body by tooth and claw.


Now all that remains is for the Guardians to judge his path. May they judge him



Bored Brit
[Big Updates on the Profile Front:]

>Complete Overhaul of Original Style
>Wulfric is Alive
>Wulfric's Path is updated
>Added in a decent Personality quote

His eyes opened slowly.
The world around him was swaying uncontrollably.
He could hear. . .water.
Then he realised. . .He was on a boat. . .
How he got there; he did not know.
Where he was going; he did not know.
Why he wasn't with Syr; he did not know.

All he knew is that Yrsr and Syrillian must be defended. At all costs.
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Bored Brit
Wulfric will be brought back into play whenever Paint and My schedules decide to give us cooperating times.

All Hail Lonmar.
