Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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Lord Zanros Hawklight
If you are accepting non-dwarves i will be happy to assist you, though i may have trouble with dwarf sized holes...


Aye we will accept non-dwarves after they have proven their worth by wrestling scantily clad bearded dwarven women in mud and lose, because our women are just that awesome !


Question though, Will this town be built from a giant plan from the get-go or will it be something more improvised?


Everything will be planned improvisation. I will know what I want it to look like before we start digging a project (let's say, the Main Hall, the forges etc.) but I don't have a plan for the entire town from the start. I'm inventive enough to decide things on the go and I am also open to input from other players.

One thing I do know is that you will all be sleeping in very tiny quarters until you are promoted :D A bed, a chest and a cabinet, right?

Also I was thinking of making everything based around a central staircase, oh wait... :p


This just gives me the mental image of living in a giant lighthouse... only going into the ground insted of up into the sky :p


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
We'll see about that when we have scantily clad proper bearded dwarven women wrestling shows !

Also to clarfiy this WILL be a town. People who are already in other towns can help out, especially in the beginning, but eventually I'm looking to build up a strong base of regular players in the town.
Aye we will accept non-dwarves after they have proven their worth by wrestling scantily clad bearded dwarven women in mud and lose, because our women are just that awesome !
But betty would beat the pants off of everyone!

on a side note, Lord Robert of Skadi will attend, under protest


Real life redstone crafter
Tinkerer Barryg haven't been around that much. But he would be honored if he could join the Dwarfs in their expedition in hopes to find new ways to blow things ... erm... contribute to the citizens of Hollow World!

OOC: When are you going to start this? As I'm pretty busy (you know why ;)) I need a time frame when to go online.


I'm looking to start this after the coming weekend, playtime for me will be most evenings European time. However my plan is to get an active community going so we have people online at all times.


Legend of Altera
I dont know, I hear Dwarves sink like rocks.
how dare you insult dwarfs i was with them under ground for 100 years i was a slimeman slave and i was very usefull i never grew tirde i never went to sleep i love dwarfs and dont your forget it also that have great taste in many types of brews and they are honorable gold horders !!!


I want to start an event tied into the starting of my town next wednesday in the evening UK time.
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