Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Dec. 10th] Council of The Lords


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
I'm doing ticket taking from 5-8 that day. May hop on for 15 min or so before I have to leave.


Lord of Altera
Shouldn't Etow be tagged as well?
Yeah I just got worried cause he called it "Kingdom of Amalfia" so I thought he just decided to take it over and make it into another of his Region

Even though we are in fact a Republic xD

and what do you mean from the independance thing? I made a Freaking contract to be a client state xD if he changes that I leave xD thats it
Copying that over from the thread with the map claim or whatever. I'm not in-charge but that seems more like a: "Yeah we're not really wanting to be part of Anhald fully"


Lord of Altera
Copying that over from the thread with the map claim or whatever. I'm not in-charge but that seems more like a: "Yeah we're not really wanting to be part of Anhald fully"
they're not part of anhald they're a client state

see dorne from game of thrones or more accurately any of the kingdoms in the holy roman empire


Lord of Altera
any amalfians who wish to intend are welcome to but be aware we value silence and if you're gonna come to blab about info to our enemies you might get tangled up in something you really dont want to be tangled up in

Sir Arc

Lord of Altera
any amalfians who wish to intend are welcome to but be aware we value silence and if you're gonna come to blab about info to our enemies you might get tangled up in something you really dont want to be tangled up in
That sounds like a threat ;)