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Poster [Poster] Dead Heresy


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
If 53 years are considered "another era," I dread to think that ICly, the concept of an Earthspawn killing people (in general) is ancient history :(

"It's not easy being Green."
I think it makes sense in this way, now that you pointed out the exact years. I mean, the generation Dutch people of our age (with common sense) do not hold grudges against the Germans anymore. I can imagine it would be the same for the Earthspawn.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
This sentence helps me get what's going on with the development of attitudes towards the Earthspawn.
They are sort of redeeming themselves if I get it right? Is that also the general with of the Earthspawn race, to fit into society a bit more? They don't feel too good to serve others who have killed their relatives in the past?
(These are genuine questions. I'm starting to get the point of view from the other side now and would like to get it right in one go :p )
Azgir got attacked a mighty number of times in the Crossroads and saw the same people attack others.
He wanted a challenge so he started to fight them.
Most of those attacking neutral places and disrupting them were seen as good/great warriors, so Azgir started to just wait in the Crossroads and fight any troublemakers. At this point anyone else of any race was basically deemed an inept warrior, because those that just attacked people often won. So by fighting these guys, ppl were like "Oh hey, an Earthspawn is protecting us! Theyre not so bad!"
Its basically the lack of a challenge and immense pity for their piss poor combat skills that Azgir doesnt go after the races that tried to eradicate the Earthspawn (Humans, Elves, Dwarves). If they don't fight, he won't fight them.

Yes, Azgir got taught to open doors by using it the way it's supposed to be used, instead of ripping it off it's hinges and putting it back in. This mainly because I was the only active Earthspawn for about a year, basically forcing me to either live around others or solo-rp all the time (gets boring eventually :p).

Last few times Azgir saw a Greyling ended in several people having to stop and distract him from killing it.

All in all, Azgir just deems pretty much anyone as a non-threat so he is fine with being a silly goose around them. The few worthy challengers he faced, read: Sif and only Sif, have become some sort of rival-brother from another mother hybrid.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Azgir and Kraug, on the other hand, immediately fought during their first meeting.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Azgir got attacked a mighty number of times in the Crossroads and saw the same people attack others.
He wanted a challenge so he started to fight them.
Most of those attacking neutral places and disrupting them were seen as good/great warriors, so Azgir started to just wait in the Crossroads and fight any troublemakers. At this point anyone else of any race was basically deemed an inept warrior, because those that just attacked people often won. So by fighting these guys, ppl were like "Oh hey, an Earthspawn is protecting us! Theyre not so bad!"
Its basically the lack of a challenge and immense pity for their piss poor combat skills that Azgir doesnt go after the races that tried to eradicate the Earthspawn (Humans, Elves, Dwarves). If they don't fight, he won't fight them.

Yes, Azgir got taught to open doors by using it the way it's supposed to be used, instead of ripping it off it's hinges and putting it back in. This mainly because I was the only active Earthspawn for about a year, basically forcing me to either live around others or solo-rp all the time (gets boring eventually :p).

Last few times Azgir saw a Greyling ended in several people having to stop and distract him from killing it.

All in all, Azgir just deems pretty much anyone as a non-threat so he is fine with being a silly goose around them. The few worthy challengers he faced, read: Sif and only Sif, have become some sort of rival-brother from another mother hybrid.
Thanks for the discussion man! This really helped me understand what goes on in RP from other people's perspectives and also gave me a new perspective on the whole thing. Kublai'll still be a wee lil bitch, but at least I learnt something today!
Sorry for the temporary derail!


Lord of Altera
No, the reason for burning is because of Divine Law which literally states to burn heretics over birch wood.

Where in the hell did you get that?
When's the last time you saw a heretic being burned by a zealot of Silas? Korog? Skraag? People show their zealotry in other ways, depending on the god they're devoted to. The general divine law is just an excuse for the fire-worshippers to show their zealotry.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Thôrdil doesn't burn heretics nilly willy because that'd effectively reduce Altera's population to 1/4 what it is right now, and Korog isn't the God of Genocide.
Thordil also prioritizes preparing for a Demon/Grief Remnant invasion rather than killing people who've likely never interacted with any of the gods or are called Vorar.


Better than sliced bread
When's the last time you saw a heretic being burned by a zealot of Silas? Korog? Skraag? People show their zealotry in other ways, depending on the god they're devoted to. The general divine law is just an excuse for the fire-worshippers to show their zealotry.
No they do not, Cymic burned a heretic for stealing his rum and not apologizing, and also being a heretic. Cymic is the blessed of Jax.


Better than sliced bread
I'm aware... And I stated this in my post.
I agree with Cynric, however. Ignis was not a God back when I joined in 2012 all the way through to early 2014- and Harateth did not have much followship. While you can draw the parallel that people being burnt is worship to this new sun God (a fair assumption, I think it should be a very credible IC theory), nearly all the Gods weren't followed as so valiantly as they are now.
Read this statement Narvendel


Lord of Altera
Read this statement Narvendel
I'm quite aware of the old pantheon, having been around during the last more than five years. There are always exceptions to a rule. And when burnings were widespread before, it was due to an inquisition. In general followers of the pantheon do not burn heretics currently unless they're followers of Ignis. And just because it's part of the general rules of the divine does not mean it's as ignored as other rules by followers who see that it's barbaric or not worthwhile. For example, no one visits the grand shrine. Sure, it was taken over by undead and elemental water, but those are just trials, show your dedication else be labelled heretic. *shrug*


Bored Brit
haha this is funny because the fireworshippers actually refuse this notice and will burn the heretical makani if they enter their lands so uh.. maybe narvendel is onto something


Lord of Altera
Earthspawn are clearly the higher beings. Letting the other races squabble over their beliefs while we sip our tea and crush those who try to oppose the great Murkztob.


Dark Council Elite
Hey just wanted to say something fun;

Heresy in a historical and theological context wasn’t always a death sentence or something people *gasp* at. Heresy just means something doesn’t line up with the canon doctrine or beliefs in a religion.

Heresy can be any number of things. For example, it would be heretical for a Catholic to say, “Oh, Christ was human but not divine.” According to Catholic tradition- that’s heresy- but all that means is that he’s wrong in the context with the Church’s belief. It’s not necessarily a serious crime- unless you’re talking about the Spanish Inquisition of the Persecution of the Cathars.

(I’m using the Catholic Church here because we seem to be basing the Pantheon’s style off of it, btw)

Moving on;

Did “heresy” get people killed in the Middle Ages? Yeah, definitely; but not always. Sometimes it was just a matter of, “Hey, don’t say that; here’s why we think you’re wrong, now pay us money.” And that’s excluding the general greed or political lambasting that went into things like Crusades and Inquisitions.

I also think we’re confusing scholarly, theological discussion with heresy; a matter that I think we can touch on another time. In short, simply questioning God or the Bible wasn’t going to get you killed (generally). Amongst scholars, asking things like “How do we know God is even real?” or “Did God technically create evil?” was just actually considered a way of clearing away “heretical” or otherwise popular misunderstandings.

Inquisitions were made to prevent the growth of heretical groups. But here, the Pantheon is already split up into a bunch of contradicting sects. Some Gods demand 100% loyalty only to them, but others are more chill about it. It’s difficult to even call the Pantheon a unified religion when even the default version is kind of broken.

As a solution, I think we need to see more philosophical discussions within the religious RP of the server. It fleshes out the dogma of the Pantheon and actually would help a certain sect grow in power because you’re encouraging IC spiritual growth. In-game sects would have legitimate answers to popular, controversial questions rather than just accusations of heresy.

So go out into the server and wax philosophically!!
This isn't real life


ask LANNIS but i, personally, have no problem with it. i would enjoy you calling me a disappointment alot.. maybe a bit too much actually...
I'll RP on the server again if you give me this role.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
You brought up earthspawn, but failed to mention the dark elves. One factor that prolly led to the "dark" races being accepted is 1, queen grief was gone. 2, they stopped attacking. over time, and with introduction of new char's, less and less people held grudges. Similarly how most people don't hold grudges against germany or its people.

as for heretical burnings, it would depend on what god they followed. For example, A silas follower would be more prone to burn someone for destroying books than not following a particular god. Race also plays a part also. Silver elves as per lore I believe don't particularly hold the god's in high esteem, only following ones that align with their own ideals.

Sir Arc

Lord of Altera
You brought up earthspawn, but failed to mention the dark elves. One factor that prolly led to the "dark" races being accepted is 1, queen grief was gone. 2, they stopped attacking. over time, and with introduction of new char's, less and less people held grudges. Similarly how most people don't hold grudges against germany or its people.

as for heretical burnings, it would depend on what god they followed. For example, A silas follower would be more prone to burn someone for destroying books than not following a particular god. Race also plays a part also. Silver elves as per lore I believe don't particularly hold the god's in high esteem, only following ones that align with their own ideals.
Moor elves are hot thou