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Finished Dual Summoning Skraag X Korog, PVPRP


Dead Man Walking
Image credit: Svetoslav Petrov I think
The followers of the indissoluble Gods; Skraag, the God of immortality and Korog, the God of permanence
are gathering to hold a dual summoning. Together, they hope to form a stronger bond between the two Gods
so that they may each benefit from one another's power.


What it is: This is a dual summoning for Skraag and Korog for the purpose of Korog forging weapons/armor or something of the like for Skraag.
And for Skraag to do whatever it might be that would help out Korog, maybe a promise of undead followers for Korog.
The idea of bringing back Gromm will be presented to Skraag and hopefully Gromm's corpse will be in attendance.
There will, of course, be offerings presented to each of the Gods. I know Dum'ni plans to make offerings to both in hopes of making them more amiable.
There is also the strong possibility of the Guardians of Immortality moving the Grand Host to the Lost Frontier in hopes of subverting the wards
that likely held back Skraag from accepting the Grand Host in their last summoning. In addition to this, the summoners also wish to inquire on the fate of Silas.
Because summoning Silas after he has been possibly killed but hopefully only maimed would bring undue stress upon the God.
They will also attempt to gain knowledge about the Nether Portal and its workings.

Private or Public?: The event is private, though it may be difficult to keep it secret because the GoI would likely need to
hire a company to help move the Grand Host. If your character does find out about it, they are welcome to try and attend.
If they wish to disrupt or stop the summoning- I would not advise it. The event is PvPRP, this means that if you attend the
event IC and are attacked via PvP by another IC player, that attack is an IC attack. And if you die, that is an IC death.

When: May 26th, 3pm EST

Where: The Lost Frontier

The one song that I feel best represents the event as well as the two Gods at the same time.:

Rossu Jazzper Piratep00f Vincentius Centurion Fronslin Baron Sybbyl
Lannis Elz
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Heya- You should mention if it's private by invite or public

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
What it is: This is a dual summoning for Skraag and Korog for the purpose of Korog forging weapons/armor or something of the like for Skraag.
And for Skraag to do whatever it might be that would help out Korog, maybe a promise of undead followers for Korog, who knows.
...would help out Korog, maybe a promise of undead followers for Korog, who knows.
undead followers for Korog, who knows.
Let me know if Gromm comes back to life >_>
That... would be extremely interesting. I would certainly keep an eye out for that on the forums and spark my interest! :D Even if just for events, an undead Gromm would be extremely interesting to Roleplay.

Undead Dwarves...


Dead Man Walking
Let me know if Gromm comes back to life >_>
That... would be extremely interesting. I would certainly keep an eye out for that on the forums and spark my interest! :D Even if just for events, an undead Gromm would be extremely interesting to Roleplay.

Undead Dwarves...
Hmmm, but does Dums know if this is something that Gromm would like?

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Hmmm, but does Dums know if this is something that Gromm would like?
Given the nature of the Gods, stubborn Dwarves and desperation of some folks dying...
I do not think it really matters what Gromm would want when duty is being called in the name of Korog and Skraag. Literally being called by the Gods to service! And I would gladly come back to Roleplay an undead Dwarf :D


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
That picture you used is amazing Dum
EDIT: the song is cool too!
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Dead Man Walking
Update: "The idea of bringing back Gromm will be presented to Skraag and hopefully Gromm's corpse will be in attendance. "

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Update: "The idea of bringing back Gromm will be presented to Skraag and hopefully Gromm's corpse will be in attendance. "
Oh. Oh. OH.
Here we go again :confused:

I'll, ah... get my essay done as soon as possible. If Gromm actually does come back and has to stay in the Sorrows, I'll be able to Roleplay before going back to my parents (who have no wifi) for the summer for a short time.


Dead Man Walking
Oh. Oh. OH.
Here we go again :confused:

I'll, ah... get my essay done as soon as possible. If Gromm actually does come back and has to stay in the Sorrows, I'll be able to Roleplay before going back to my parents (who have no wifi) for the summer for a short time.
Aight. But keep your hopes real low.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
No response from the gods, and now Dummy died of old age ):
makes sense, I mean, he tried OOCly as long as he has been on this server. At a certain point you just got to give up investing your time into something that doesn't get the response you're looking for.


Lord of Altera
makes sense, I mean, he tried OOCly as long as he has been on this server. At a certain point you just got to give up investing your time into something that doesn't get the response you're looking for.
Couldn't agree more.


Dead Man Walking
Not that I don't agree, but the reason he died isn't because he or I gave up. He died because he only had a limited amount of time to achieve his goals before old age got to him. His hourglass ran out of sand. I've aged him consistently ever since the sisterhood stopped rejuvenating people, so this was his logical end.


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Not that I don't agree, but the reason he died isn't because he or I gave up. He died because he only had a limited amount of time to achieve his goals before old age got to him. His hourglass ran out of sand. I've aged him consistently ever since the sisterhood stopped rejuvenating people, so this was his logical end.
well bummer, I really liked that char.