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[Korog] Thôrdil Bárúmur


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper


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"Permanence does not waver, the mountain does not bow.
Craft what may be re-crafted, discard what may not."

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Thôrdil Bárúmur

Minecraft name

Overall Tier
Exalted - Tier V



Religious Organisation
The Order of Perpetuality

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Artifacts of Korog

NAME: The Duskhammer
DESCRIPTION: A flawless steel smithing hammer bearing Korog's symbol impressed upon both sides. The entire hammer is covered in intricate geometric scrimshaw with depictions of Aeroch Rimtar, Hurr Nor, Khárûz-Korum, Zustid and Babin.
PASSIVE: The runes on the hammer pulse or glow with a dim bronze light, instilling a sense of courage into anyone within a 10 block radius.
ABILITY: Once every two months, the Duskhammer can be used to turn a Masterwork craft made by Thordil Barumur into a Divine Trinket of Korog. The effects vary from item to item, but one item can have one effect, these are Trinkets and not Artifacts. Note: These items are Masterwork crafts that hold an [Artifact] tag, and the items must be approved by Divine Staff prior, submitted via ticket in the format of existing trinkets.
ATTUNED TO: Thôrdil Bárúmur Jazzper


NAME: Ironbrow's Tear
DESCRIPTION: An Urusgilimthatur maul of flawless design with a textured haft that can be held comfortably and steadily, created by Korog Himself. The head of the weapon is fashioned out of sealed tankard, bearing Korog's divine symbol impressed upon both sides, and further decorated with intricate Horgaahn runes. The golden-bronze metal is of divine perfection and thus wholly indestructible, immune to damage from magic of any kind.
PASSIVE: The maul head quietly hums Dwarven melodies or intones Horgaahn songs, which can be heard within a 10 block radius, granting a gentle soothing effect to those within range.
ABILITY: Twice a day, any arcane missile (including mundane projectiles as a consequence of a spell) can be deflected towards its caster with a swing of the hammer, wherein Korog's sigils glow a dim bronze. A circle of glowing Dwarven runes appear in the air to block the spell and send it back, with a resounding clang. If the initial cast required a roll for aim, the deflection must be rolled for as well.
ATTUNED TO: Thôrdil Bárúmur Jazzper

NAME: Allfather's Fortitude

DESCRIPTION: A Machanite full helm bearing intricate golden etchings of Horgaahn glyphs and symbols befitting Korog's faith.
ABILITY: Once per day, the attuned can try invoking the perseverance of the Allfather after they have been subjugated to an effect that disturbs their mental or emotional state. The wearer rolls a d20, with no effect on a 1-10. On a 11-20 , they are provided with additional resilience that forces the effects to fade over two rounds of combat.
ATTUNED TO: Thôrdil Bárúmur Jazzper

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Univseral Passives

The blessed’s soul is warded by their faith in their Divine. If something tries to possess them, or they’re targeted by an effect that is functionally identical to possession, the blessed may roll a d6 save to resist it. If they roll their tier or lower on the d6, the possession fails and has no effect. They are additionally fully immune to any attempts to lay claim to their soul (in terms of it being trapped, imprisoned, or otherwise by some entity. This is not expected to come up much in RP, but exists for flavor). For curses or afflictions like Vyrism or Spiritblessed, they may resist it outright or optionally roll a possession save against it.

The blessed’s patron grants some form of enhancement to their body directly.
Divine Crafting.

The blessed relies wholly and unquestioningly in their faith in times of confusion, and may substitute Soul for Mind when rolling to resist mental effects.

The blessed can see the presence of magic as a faint aura outlining spells, artifacts, or similar magical items and effects. This aura appears purple for arcane spells, and white for divine spells. They gain a bonus die on rolls to discern illusions, and have no penalty on awareness checks to detect invisible foes.

A divine aegis protects the blessed and extends to those in their vicinity. If the blessed successfully saves against an effect caused by a magical creature/environment, all allies within 10 blocks are considered to have saved as well. If they successfully save against an effect caused by a spell, arcane or divine, the spell is neutralized before having any significant effect.

Korog Passives & Sustained Effects


1. The eyes take on a ring of color about the pupil thematic to their Divine, intensifying in spellcasting or heightened emotional states.
2. Their hair takes on the color of any mineral, appearing somewhat metallic, and it grows thicker and longer than average. This applies to facial hair as well.
3. Divine markings thematic to their divine form (in color as well as design) upon the body. This can be as simple as bands around the wrists, or an entire intricate design across the back, left up to the player.
4. Their hands glow like iron in the forge, but are of normal temperature to touch. Any armor they wear may take on hues of brass and gold.

1. They are able to lift and haul heavy objects in their arms with ease, up to a maximum of 150lbs. This does not play a part in combat.
2. They can summon forth a small clockwork companion/golem of crafting material no larger than a rabbit, stylized however they wish, that is capable of mundane tasks such as telling them what day it is, keeping hold of their coin, etc. Disperses into coal dust if pulled out of a 10b range from the blessed. Can be two active at a time, but cannot be used as a source of material.
3. They are able to summon forth a small metallic orb that can passively move within arms reach to ignite sources of flame, or extinguish them.
4. They are untouched by the heat of the forge; fire does not harm them, whether from natural, arcane, or divine means.

Sustained Effects

The Price of Archon's Folly]

Thordil's fight with with Archon's Sentinels left his torso a gaping hole, before Archon flung him off the mountain. Bones broke and both skin and organs alike were malformed as Thordil became a puddle within his mangled armour. His insides and bones have been remade, and every is in their designated place once more. Should anyone ever cut through Thordil or use Magic to gaze within, they would find Thordil's fight against Archon left its mark forever. His broken joints have been replaced by titanium replacements. The broken and fractured bones have been fixed back into place by titanium pins and plates. The gaping hole that once enveloped most his torso has been covered in steel, yet not in a way that weighs him down.

[Steadfast Against Qlippoth]
Upon the battlefield of The Deadlands, Thordil faced off against Qlippoth's hordes. Holding the center by himself left him open to a colossal being. It brandished its stone spire like a club, and beat down upon Thordil. Through clever engineering and Korog's Blessing and grace, Thordil survived with only his arm being obliterated.

Pain begets pain, as the healing process was not much less painful than the obliteration itself. With a sudden searing pain his arm is straightened, the fracture mended. If ever someone were to vivisect his arm or use some magical effect to look within, his bone has been repaired with a metal brace inlaid directly onto the bone. It has no effect on making his arm otherwise more durable than it would be under normal circumstances.

[The Price of Life]
Once Life was freed by Archon's sacrifice, Thordil formed a united front against Evil alongside Uriel, Podric, Bennett and several others. Ultimately, they proved succesful in their gambit and managed to hold Evil's attention long enough for Life to begin fracturing both him and herself. In the resulting collapse of The Cathedral, Thordil dealt a few more blows to Evil to do as he could to prevent Evil from ever gaining the upper hand against Life. When he was cast aside by Evil and subsequently broke his leg, Daeron and Thryss came in to get him out. A chunk of ceiling pinned Thordil and Thryss down, prompting Thordil to cast Unmoving on his shield so Thryss could revert back from her bear form. Being slowly crushed to death, Thordil elected to release the spell and join Korog in His Divine Hall. When Daeron, Olga and Edger called upon the Allfather, He summoned Thordil before Him. Given the opportunity to craft his new body, before it reverted back to Dwarven flesh three days later, Thordil reported for his perpetual duty once more.

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Current Divine Status
-Aiding the Realm where possible.
-Restoring Hurr Nor.

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Divine Spells



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Credit for the Thordil image goes to Inkary
Credit for the dividers go to Elz for her rendition of Perpetuality
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Thordil's Divine Log

All major events/happenings regarding Korog are tracked here.

[Divine Item Log]

Imbue Gem

-2020-11-02: Imbue Gem II set within Sugar's silver crown. Imbued with Resist - Sugar Silveira
-2020-11-03: Imbue Gem II on a citrine gem with Beacon.
-2020-11-04: Imbue Gem II on a yellow sapphire with Beacon.
-2020-12-01: Imbue Gem II on colourless/white quartz set within a Synnove pendant (at the center of a golden sun set upon a silver pillar) with Resist.
-2021-01: Imbue Gem II on a light blue sapphire set within Cassius West's wedding band - Cassius West.
-2021-01: Imbue Gem II on a pink sapphire set within Sophie Velour's wedding band - Sophie Velour.

Helping Hand
-2020-11-04: Black steel and bronze Dwargar golem, yet to be named. Accompanied by a black steel key, decorated with bronze. The remaining Golems were all used as Constructs at least once, leading to a total of 13 Helping Hand constructs.
-2021-05: Refined steel golem.
-2021-05: Refined steel golem.
-2021-05: Refined steel golem.

Runic Archway
-2020-12-08: Aeroch Rimtar.
-2021-06-20: Hurr Nor.

Construct of Korog
-2020-11-02: First Construct of Korog created on the second of November 2020. Chonkus perished when The Cathedral collapsed.
-2021-07: Second Construct of Korog created to avenge the untimely demise of Chonkus. It stands at 10ft tall and 5ft wide.

Divine Cores
-2020-11-03: Divine Core - In possession of Thordil.
-2020-11-05: Divine Core - Sent to Aryn on the 3rd of August 2021.
-2020-11-08: Divine Core - In possession of Sugar.
-2020-12-01: Divine Core - In possession of Podric.
-2020-01-15: Divine Core - Sent to Ventare on the 3rd of August 2021.
-2020-02-03: Divine Core - Sent to Linden on the 3rd of August 2021.
-2020-03-12: Divine Core - Sent to Ashna on the the 3rd of August 2021.
-2021-08-03: Divine Core - Sent to Daeron on the 3rd of August 2021.
-2021-10-15: Divine Core - Sent to Lana via Linden on the 22nd of October 2021.


-Thordil's Glimmersteel gauntlets
-Dárudbaruk, the Masterworked Blooded Silver and Archblossom poleaxe. It was crafted in 2309 as Thôrdil's response to the Demonic surge.

-Cleansing the hatred for Korog that had been reigning supreme prior to Thôrdil's participation within The Northern Kingdoms from the minds of the Dwarves
-Cleansing the traits holding Dwargar back where possible (racism, stubborn when doing it wrong, overaggression)
-Laying the foundation for a Dwarven Capital with Yorrick Goldfist before putting it to practice with Erik Stoneshield, Kris Linkolns, Khorug and others
-Serving as Priest of Korog, educating and consulting regarding or converting to the Faith of Korog (Roy, Yorrick Goldfist, Erik Stoneshield, Kris Linkolns, Grimmier, Ventare, Edger, Olga Stonecutter, Borgrus Greatbane, Grimli Stonesack, Gromm Brownbeard (converted, lost and converted back prior to his death), Kublai Kull, Kethron)

-Bringing The Dwargar to safety, ferrying any and all kinsmen and any stragglers over to the new continent
-Rebuilding Aeroch Rimtar in Korog's Name
-Repair and Cleansing of Hurr Nor after Khorug's departure

-Protecting the Permanence of The Realm by preventing the removal of The Bastion Stones by the player party
-Fighting Demons and Grief Remnants alike to keep the people safe
-Creating and revealing a smaller Statue of Korog, used as 'witness' to smithing events.
-Many prayers
-United 7 other Dwargar under Korog, converting several of them back to Korog each time they lost faith (Kublai and Gromm twice)

-Perpetually pledged himself, in Life and Death, to Korog
-Called together a Neutral summit in Aeroch Rimtar to compose a plan with which to vanquish The Wicked Scion. Although Neutrality was broken by several other Faithful (Maceo, Podric, Ashna), Thôrdil and Ventare tried their best to maintain it.
-Asked Korog to bless Rimtar and Thôrdil with His permanence. Korog did not respond.

-Led the efforts to vanquish The Wicked Scion Aldred, with great succes
-Crafted a Golem shaped after Korog's Golems that opposed Aldred
-Pledged himself to Neutrality

-Kept mostly Neutral when The Blight first rose up. Provided Faithful with crafts, delivered several supply trains of resources to the main hub of Anti-Blight efforts (Linlea) and provided them with a gargantuan ballista (which saved both the supply train and Linlea from the Blight Dragon)
-Asked Korog to bless Rimtar and Thôrdil with His permanence, and provide aid against The Blight. Korog did not respond.

-Helped vanquish The Deep One only once he posed a threat to the balance of the world, for Korog did not object when asked.
-Crafted a Golem, Hárrvey, designed to resemble a male Duskhammer Dwarf
-Initiated Edger Kress into the Order of Perpetuality
-Crafted a Golem, Minirva, designed to resemble a female Duskhammer Dwarf
-Began investigating Khorug's deception further during the first Dark Order dungeon crawl
-Crafted a gigantic replica of The Forgemaster's Hammer (provided with a golden ring bearing Korog's tenets) [Resides at Hurr Nor: x]
-Creating Hammers of Korog in his other holding [Sul Feir]
-Investigated Khorug's deceptioneven more during the second Dark Order dungeon crawl. Evidence was found that Khorug turned the Frostpeaks against Thôrdil and Korog's path through lies.
-Preparing to ensure the balance is kept by striking whatever remains of Aldred's allies, if they pose a threat [Visage located and thwarted].
-Announced the completion of the Tower of Korog's shell, and the commencement of placing Hammers of Korog in all of Thôrdil's holdings
-Announced the completion of the Tower of Korog.
Korog greatly approved, allowing him to ascend to the rank of Prophet.
-Finished investigating Khorug's deception during the third Dark Order dungeon crawl, followed by sealing the Mad Spider's main chamber and burning all bodies that could not be carried across the lava. Those that he could take outside, were buried.
-Initiated Kublai Kull into the Order of Perpetuality. Announced the Order's goal to spread knowledge of craft to the next generations to keep it alive & improve upon it, and gave three offerings. The Arcane mirror of fear has been broken for Him, and is to be remade into something worthy. As the shards of glass rained down upon Thôrdil,
they did not cut his skin.
-Used up two of the three offerings, and some of the Arcane Mirror's frame, to make a Korog Statuette.
All present found that they could practice their craft more easily.
-All crafts that remained were taken. None remained,
yet the room now bears a golden hue.
-Offered three items, including another Arcane Artifact, to Korog in return for
His wisdom.
-Made an offering for His guidance, and was
told to "Join Together in a Neutral Place". As a result, Thôrdil immediately invited all Blessed to Aeroch Rimtar.
-United the Good and Neutral Faithful within Aeroch Rimtar.
From his offering came forth Divinely Crafted Manacles and Divine Ash.
-Asked Korog for His guidance regarding Vyres,
receiving the quest for The Cure to Vyrism.
-Hosted a sermon within Rimtar, offering up the Twelve Golems of Dwarven Craft to Korog.
In return, Korog (re-)creates Zustid and Babin, the two original Dwarves from legend.
-Traveled to Archon's rift to speak with Archon. As Zustid and Babin have fought with Archon and his sentinels, Zustid paying with his life, Thôrdil asked Korog for guidance.
Thôrdil's path confirmed anew, he managed to nearly take down one Sentinel single-handedly, before being impaled by the spear of another.
Archon then cast him off the mountain, shattering every bone in Thôrdil's body.
-Thôrdil reaches out to Korog after failing to take Archon down.
Thôrdil's body is given shape once more, leaving him closer to his creations than ever before.
-Thôrdil, recovered, sets out to meet with Archon again and hear of the supposed choice. He leaves early, venturing back into the mountains that housed Babin to set up camp by himself. Thôrdil's camp soon turns into the Attacker's camp, as more and more align with Korog's opinion on the matter.
-Thôrdil prays to Korog, providing offerings and revealing unto Him The Cure to Vyrism, resulting in
a feeling of satisfaction and pride.
-The Attacker's camp prepares their first and final assault. Thôrdil prays to Korog, giving him one of the rarest offerings to date.
In return,
he ascends to be Korog's Oracle, and acquires a grand tool with which Babin can break the Pigman forces in a single, precise strike.
Trusting in the success of the peace discussion and not wishing to harm others needlessly, Thôrdil orders the trebuchet, ballista and cannons to be aimed towards the forest.
-Archon and The Grey Lady discuss and agree upon terms, ending the conflict between the two sides. As a result, Thôrdil issues the order for the Attackers to merge with the Defenders. He signals the Attacker's camps, commencing the bombardment of the Pigmen hiding within the forest.
Thôrdil stands against Pigmen, lava monster and Strange, helping ensure the victory against the latter. When the Eviscists' heartstones were about to blow, he used his own body and armour to shield Joseph Seeker from the blast. Once the battle had been won, injured safely tucked into their beds for the night and the dead buried, Thôrdil gathered Babin and Zustid's parts, transporting them both back home to Aeroch Rimtar.
-After having returned to Aeroch Rimtar, Thôrdil ventures to Queensport and aids them in rebuilding.
-Thôrdil hosts an event to put Zustid to rest.
Zustid's throne turns into Bedrock, a gemstone pattern forms on the floor, Daggers of Permanence are acquired and Korog gives unto Babin a crown for the next Khárûz da Dwargar.
-As Blackrush was attacked by the Cult of Kilrox, Thôrdil was one of the first to aid with more than words of support. He traveled to Blackrush, smashed through the Cultist's ambushes and resupplied Blackrush in time. Lives and morale were rescued, with the weapons then being used to beat back the Kilroxians.
-Once the Kilroxians had been dealt with, Thôrdil caught wind of Jishrimites having interest in Hurr Nor. As such, he ventured there on a sort of pilgrimage, both to be closer to Korog and to fend off anyone wishing to defile His name. He promised Raalvara he would return shortly, should his holdings not be attacked.
-Thôrdil united those loyal to Korog within Khárûz-Korum, as requested by Korog through Babin. There, they voted for the next Khárûz da Dwargar.
With the majority vote, Khorug-Khárûz Thôrdil Bárúmur of Clan Duskhammer became more than just religious leader of the Dwarve
-When word spread of a Cathedral Shrine being desecrated, Thôrdil ventured there to undo the damage done. Having found the Korog shrine desecrated by a Jishrimite, he returned the spiders and rabbit to where they belonged and repaired the damage done. Then he knelt humbly, scrubbing the floors clean.
-As promised to Raalvara, Thôrdil returned to Blackrush after the repairs were finished. There, he checked the state of things, and made sure all was fine again.
-Having learned of trouble brewing within Blackrush once more, Thôrdil ventured back. He imparted unto Rowley and Quill two rings for their impending marriage, in the hopes of it lasting for all perpetuity, and granted Raalvara a boon that would serve to keep her people safe from further harm. For the next time conflict arises, Thôrdil may either be unable to help, or simply arrive too late.
-With the peculiar weather, Thôrdil asked Korog for His guidance. Having received such, he has set out to warn the Realm and dispose of this threat.
-His warnings struck true, resulting in the end for one of the creatures uncovered. The remainder was then hunted, but had withered before they could be otherwise killed.
For the time being, one seems to remain and is as such being hunted.
-Thordil aided several attacks/ventures against Qlippoth and its brood through weaponry and generic supplies.
-When Life came forth, Thordil was the only one to preemptively position himself for an interception. When his prediction became truth, he managed to both severely injure the assailant and get the Moor far away from Life. Alas, his speed was not sufficient to intercept a nimble Elf with further aid from alchemy, and so Life became corrupted. When all others either fled or raised their weapons, Thordil gave due thanks unto Life as he attempted to dispell the foul Divine influence corrupting her at the risk of being hit by either Glory or Life's corruption.
-Participated in several battles against Qlippoth, its forces and their allies. During the battle in The Deadlands, he held the lines by taking the center for himself. While the left and right flanks were covered by approximately six fighters or more each, Thordil had to strafe back and forth in between every blow. Although it rapidly exhausted him, he managed to then save the line once more when a massive colossus of a creature came down upon them with a stone spire. Through the use of the All-Father's gifts and clever design, he managed to survive the spire being brought down on him at the cost of just his arm. Although it disabled him, the crater provided an apt obstacle for the creatures none the less. During the battle at The Sisterhood Temple, he diligently dispatched of any and all creatures he could find within his range. After coming to the aid of the Theodrans, he was the sole protector of the healers' 'tent' as the others rushed off.
-Jenette sought him out, leading to his promise to keep Daeron, Ronak and as many others safe during their next venture. During said venture, he abandoned the idea of guarding the portal when his two charges and most others entered it. Within that realm, he fulfilled his promise and set his sights on the artifact that had once belonged to King Jaret.
-Succesfully calling upon Crossroads and striking a Korog-condoned bargain with this figment, Thordil acquired the artifact once wielded by Exalted King Jaret Ironbrow I.
-Scouted The Deadlands to test the strength of Qlippoth's legions. The group brought down one of the cow-like flying scouts of Qlippoth, before Thordil ended its existence.

Life, Evil and lots of rubble
-Thordil held the perimeter of The Cathedral until it was certain there were no enemies from this side.
-Once the fight against Evil commenced, Thordil entered The Cathedral and began attacking Evil alongside Uriel, Podric and Bennett.
-At risk of death, Thordil continued his attack even when it became apparent Life might take The Cathedral down. He watched Life be corrupted once, and would not risk such again.
-Daeron and Thryss attempted to extract a battered Thordil with a broken leg, but were halted when a piece of debris pinned Thordil and Thryss down.
-Steadfast to the end, Thordil utilized Korog's Divine Spells to hold up the rubble so Thryss could be extracted. As a result, Thordil was crushed to death shortly thereafter.


[Routine Activities]
-Prayer to Korog after waking, so he may do it right the first time
-Doing his round of Rimtar/Hurr Nor/Ghuldaar/Sul Feir
-Praying to Korog before every craft, dedicating them to Him
-Reviewing, transcribing and sorting Dwargar Knowledge
-Aiding others in the path of The Craft
-Prayer to Korog before bed, so He may guide his hand the next day

[Current Followers/Fellow Faithful]
-Olga Stonecutter (Blessed)
-Edger Kress
-Drew Swift
-Nuvan Kegheart

Oath of Neutrality

This one got lost but, during Incursion, Thôrdil swore to uphold Neutrality by acting only to protect the Balance, Permanence and Neutrality of the Realms, free of pride or prejudice. To stand for the preservation of the Balance and realms of Altera and beyond.

Oath of Iron {Forlorn}

By the iron and ale within my blood, as granted by You, our Vada, I swear that I will do all that is necessary to keep You, Your tenets, Your people and as many others I can save safe. I will remain faithful, as I have been all my life. I shall observe all Your directions. I shall defend Your name and wield Your artifact and all You bestowed upon me wisely, as I work towards my goal with dignity and humility. I shall let my hammer and axe strike true without remorse nor hesitation, and I shall improve upon myself instead of coveting the work and actions of others. I shall be truthful within my worship, within promise, within scripture, as I have as long as I can remember.

Blessed be You, Vada da Dwargar.
Blessed be the battle about to commence.
Blessed be the tools with which I will vanquish the great evil threatening You, Your faithful and all Life.

Oath of The Hammer
Korog, Vada da Ur, we hear Your sign! We will stand with You, as You stood with us, for all eternity!
We will continue to spread Your Craft!
We hear Your approval, and are gladdened! We will continue our path to serve You, humbly, thoroughly and eternally!
Soon, ae will be introducin' atleast three more to t'e Craft of Smithing, in Your name!
Two t'at desired to learn are Dwargar!
I will craft with that what they have that can be used for crafting, and reforge that which cannot.
This, so they may carry on the craft You bestowed upon us.

Oath of Permanence
It shall be as You will it, Grâit Vada! We shall aspire to make from it a craft worthy 'nd enduring for all Perpetuality!
As permanent as t'e mountain from which we were hewn and our devotion to You, it shall be! As radiant as t'e gold and ale flowin' within Your realm!
As you wish it, we shall craft! To preserve t'e realm and Your children from t'e madness that may yet be lurkin' within this Mirror!
May t'e Evil be balanced out by Good! May Neutrality, Balance and Permanence reign in t'ese lands, and may our Perpetual Patron, Korog, guide us!

[Destruction of Incursion's 'Mirror of Fears']

Oath of The Oracle
No word, action, or inaction of mine shall ever distort, conceal, or contradict the truth.

Oath of The Exalted
A figure forms before Thordil next, similarly robed but with sections of armour, and as grand as any dwarven figure might be. Embers flicker from it that are akin to the sparks from hammering upon an anvil. "Do you vow to serve as His Exalt, to do his bidding?"
'Youw. Until my death, 'nd beyond.'
He nods, and the circule ring above moves down to nestle about his head, and just like before, it disperses leaving a copper marking behind that I will leave to you for flavour. The figure disperses.

The Mountain and I
High atop the mountain old
Rests a seat of plated gold
Beside those of steel, wood, stone
Four crafts shape for Him a throne

Ever as stubborn as He,
This ole mountain of mine,
Which will forever be,
The Proficient’s greatest shrine,

As the birds have flown up ‘n gone
Fleetingly the clouds ever fly by
Yet the thing remaining permanent
Forever the mountain and I
Loyalty from the Mould
There for laughter,
There for dreams,
Disappearin’ after,
Burst at the seams,

Carried away by th’wind,
By the changing tide,
Provided naught but stint,
Did your trust misguide

Those hewn from stone,
Forged from iron,
Gold that shone,
Astray they durnae turn,

Unmoving in heat
Steadfast in cold
Dreams cannot beat
Loyalty from the mould
High atop the mountain old
Rests a seat of plated gold
Beside those of steel, wood, stone
Four crafts shape for Him a throne

\\ //
| |
/ \
There are those, without stint
Here for laughter, Here for dreams
Yet carried away by the wind
By the changing of the tides

| -+- = -+- |
There are some hewn from stone
Forged from iron, in golden gleam
Standing ever close,
They follow Him who guides.

\\ //
| |
/ \
High atop the mountain old
Rests a seat of plated gold
Beside those of steel, wood, stone
Four crafts shape for Him a throne

| -+- = -+- |
Ever as stubborn as He,
Cold and old mountain of mine,
Which will forever be,
The Proficient’s greatest shrine,

\| |/
-/ \-
As the birds have gone
Fleetingly the clouds fly by
Yet remaining permanent
Forever the mountain and I

\\ //
| |
/ \
High atop the mountain old
Rests a seat of plated gold
Beside those of steel, wood, stone
Four crafts shape for Him a throne

\| |/
-/ \-
Unmoving in heat
And Steadfast in cold
Ain’t Nothing can beat
Loyalty from the mould
Loyalty from the…

\\ //
| |
/ \

High atop the mountain old
Rests a seat of plated gold
Beside those of steel, wood, stone
Four crafts shape for Him a throne

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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Spell list
Tier: 1
Divine: Universal
Action: Ritual
Components: S, V, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: C
Spell: With a ritual based around their chosen divine(such as lighting candles or incense, giving an offering, etc), a blessed may ask a single simple question - And are given a sign of some kind in return. This is limited to once per OOC week and may take several days for a response. At the lowest tier, it can be very vague and the response may not be given, verbal, or clear that one was granted at all. As the blessed grows higher in tier, the responses become clearer.
Cast (#): 3

Tier: 1
Divine: Universal
Action: Incantation
Components: S, V
Cost: 1sp
Duration: One minute
Spell: Enact a divine vision that is thematic to your deity in the mind of another. It creates vivid imagery within their imagination, urging thoughts of glory or terror depending on alignment. The recipient must be conscious and without aggression.
Cast (#): 1

Aura of Bliss
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Good, Neutral
Action: Incantation
Components: S, V
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Concentration
Spell: A glow emits around the Caster’s head for the duration of a speech, or held conversation. It can be visually thematic to a color of whichever neutral/good god they worship. Players around in speak range will be calmed. Effect doesn’t work on characters feeling extremely violent.
Cast (#): 27

Detect Creature/Undead
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Neutral
Action: Thought
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Concentration
Spell: The caster take a period of one minute to focus on their surroundings, remaining alert. They get a sense of roughly how many beasts or undead are present in the area that could cause harm - Such as wolves, bears, or even wendigo and giant spiders. This does not work on finding player characters, and is not so specific to pinpoint a location but does give a general direction. Works in RP chat range.
Cast (#): 2

Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Neutral
Action: Touch
Components: S
Cost: 1sp
Duration: One turn to one minute
Spell: Make physical contact with one targeted creature or beast in range of size Medium (humanoid), small or tiny. A faint hue, the color of the caster's deity, will emit from their body and stun them for one minute, or until the next single attack against them which will be given with an advantage. When cast against another mortal, they must roll off against the caster for the higher roll to dispel the effect. When stunned for more than two rounds, or if a target rolls high against the caster, they will be immune to Stun for the next 24 hours. The stunned target or creature is aware of their surrounds until the stun dispels, albeit dazed.
Cast (#): 10

Feast of the Brave
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Neutral
Action: Ritual
Components: S, V, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Until eaten.
Spell: Bless a meal that will taste divine. The Caster has a choice of what main dish, drink and appetizers will be tasted, fit for a blessed meal.The target will feel healthier and cures the following ailments after its consumption: bruises, headaches, and dehydration. It feeds one person per use.
Cast (#): 124

Aura of Unease
Tier: 1
Divine: Alignment Evil, Neutral
Action: Thought
Components: S, V
Cost: 1sp
Duration: Concentration
Spell: A glow emits around the Caster’s head for the duration of a speech, or held conversation. It can be visually thematic to a color of whichever neutral/evil god they worship. Players around in speak range will feel uneasy and unsettled. Effect doesn’t work on characters feeling extremely violent.
Cast (#): 1

Tier: 1
Divine: Korog
Action: Incantation
Components: S, M
Cost: 1sp
Duration: N/A
Spell: Transmute up to a bucket worth of any liquid into ale. It tastes of honey and carries a divine flavor. Those who drink this ale feel an invigoration akin to a sugar rush before collapsing into a long sleep once it wears off.
Cast (#): 3

Arcane Glyph Ward
Active Slots: [0/2]
Tier: 2
Divine: Universal
Action: Reaction
Component: S
Cost: 2sp
Duration: One Week
Spell: Embed a glyph of your divine on a small object. Arcane spells cast within a 3 block radius of its placement are forced to roll with an additional DC 10 check for failure. Passive spells are not included. This cannot be used on Artifacts. It works so long as the caster is on the same plane, and not dead. As a ritual, the caster may deactivate this glyph, regardless of proximity.
Cast (#): 6

Animate Construct
Tier: 2
Divine: Korog
Action: Ritual
Component: S, V, M
Cost: 2sp
Duration: 24hrs
Spell: Animate up to a humanoid sized construct, from size medium, small or tiny, that will be otherwise mechanically capable of movement (joints that could be moved manually, etc). The construct obeys basic commands to the best of its ability. The construct moves at a walking pace and can’t aid in combat, as it will freeze up, but may otherwise function as an assistant in various tasks. Explicitly does not aid in scenarios against other players, in order to stay in line with NPC rules.
Cast (#): 44

Gem Imbuement
Tier: 2
Divine: Korog
Action: Touch
Component: S, M
Cost: 2sp
Duration: 5 minutes
Spell: The Caster may extract gem or ore from stone, and even tap into craft for gems as well. They replace the gaps with earthen material in hand (wood, metal, stone). Said ore or gem comes out or is pushed into a craft, with no impurities unless concentration is interrupted. The gem size may vary, but be no larger than half a 1b. The gem carries a faint divine glow. Cannot be used on magical artifacts.
Cast (#): 37

Send Message
Tier: 3
Divine: Universal
Action: Incantation
Component: S
Cost: 2sp
Duration: N/A
Spell: The Caster may send a message of up to 20 words in any language to a single familiar person to you, in the same plane of existence as yourself. They may send a response within the same limitations.
Cast (#): 5

Change Weather
Tier: 3
Divine: Universal
Action: Ritual
Component: S, V, M
Cost: 2sp
Duration: 1 hour
Spell: The caster may temporarily choose to change the current weather in the atmosphere around a region to the following, natural, weather choices: Sunny, Rain, Windstorm, Hail.
Cast (#): 1

Detect Artifact
Tier: 3
Divine: Universal
Action: Ritual
Component: S, V, M
Cost: 2sp
Duration: 10 minutes
Spell: The Caster may detect the presence of a magical object or artifact within a 3b radius. If it’s of Divine influence, they may have an inkling of which Divine and a vague idea of what it may do. If it’s of Arcane influence- they are only aware that it is not of Divine make.
Cast (#): 0

Dispel Magic
Tier: 4
Divine: Universal
Action: Incantation
Component: S, V
Cost: 4sp
Duration: N/A
Spell: The Caster may dispel magic up to one Arcane Master Tier spell, or Tier III Divine Spell, of choice within visible rp range. They must have some inkling of what the chosen magic spell is doing, does or will do. If used on a passive, knack, or affinity, it will be nullified for an hour, If used on objects, area of effect or against creatures- the DM involved has a choice of how the effect will work.
Cast (#): 1

Mountain's Pillar
Tier: 4
Divine: Korog
Action: Incantation
Component: S, V
Cost: 3sp
Duration: 15 minutes
Spell: The caster’s tool must strike against the floor, akin to a hammer against an anvil, to cause a reverberating tremor in a 10b radius from where they stand. For the first combat round - all targets of large, medium and small sizes are pushed away from the impact for 5b. Five mountain pillars will emerge from the ground, each encompassing 1b and 5b in height. The Caster may choose where they rise from. The pillar may carry the weight of objects twice the Caster’s weight, at most, before it becomes dispelled and the pillars crumble back to the ground.
Cast (#): 2

Tier: 4
Divine: Korog
Action: Ritual
Component: S, V, M
Cost: 3sp
Duration: 2 hours
Spell: The Caster selects an area field around them with a 20b radius. The laughter of a joyous tavern and clinking ale mugs echoes around faintly. Those inside the field feel their violent or good-will tendencies suppressed.
Cast (#): 2

Additional granted boons (# of times cast)

Once per month/two weeks, the craftsman bearing this boon may produce a work that emerges as Korog’s finest (beautifully fitted armor). Praise to Korog must be given during the crafting process dedicating the work to him. Korog’s symbol becomes engraved on the craft. This prevents enchantments to be cast on the craft. (32 Crafts)

The Forgemaster's Hammer

For each accumulated number of crafts by works using the Forgemaster’s Hammer, the craft is open to gain abilities the Craftsman may choose to imbue upon it from the following. The effects may stack if applicable (#of crafts made via the boon Masterpiece):
(1) - Immunity to rust and thwarts the fall of dust. Korog’s symbol becomes engraved on the craft. This prevents enchantments to be cast on the craft. (Armor, Object crafts and Weapons/Tools)
(5) - Climate protection from hot or freezing temperatures of natural forms - From the Nether to the frozen tundra of Altera. It does not account for extreme or focused elemental damage. (Armor)
(10) - Gems imbued upon the craft carry a constant light glow, illuminating an orange sheen in a 3b radius. (Armor, Craft and Weapons/Tools)
(15) - The craft becomes resilient against breakage, cracks and damage from magical and non-magical means (Unbreaking III). (Armor, Object crafts, Weapons/Tools)
(20) - Increase the sharpness of the Craft to be able to cut through one of the following, so long as they aren't protected by magical means: wood, stone, metal. (Weapons/Tools)

Incursion upgrade: Metal seems to flow with ease beneath the blows of this hammer. It may disrupt the workings of a lesser smith, but a master of his craft will find his work to emerge with more haste. (~1.25-1.5x craft speed).
Unmoving: When activated while within 20 blocks of the hammer, the Forgemaster's Hammer becomes immovable by any means for up to five minutes. Unless willed to end early, it will remain at whatever point in space it started the effect at.

Divine Manacles
Physical Description: A set of shimmering gold manacles that are nigh indestructible. They feel warm to the touch, but when encased around an individuals wrists they almost burn - Enough to distract them but leave only faintly reddened skin once removed.
Ability: The individual they are used on is given an overwhelming sense of calm after an initial shock from the heat. They find that bloodlust is quelled and rational thought returns whilst they remain on. They are incredibly hard to destroy, unless exposed to extremes (thrown in a volcano, for example).
Attuned to: They can change hands between any Good/Neutral Blessed members.
Note: Does not burn Arcane users(beyond what is said in the desc.) Does not interfere with other Divine artifacts.

Sacred Ash (Ignis' flames)
Physical Description: Originally a basin of ashes in which individuals can take a handful in a pouch. They are light grey and warm to the touch.
Ability: Applying some over the heart of an individual keeps them calm and more resistant to the effects of the Soulstealer Skraag so long as the ash remains. This can last up to 24 hours OOC. Individuals will not give in to bloodlust or rage, and keep rational thoughts for the duration.
Attuned to: Those at the meeting on 17th August.

Note: Does not burn Arcane users. Does not interfere with other Divine artifacts.

Passives(s) or Sustained Effects
Heavy Weight
Tier: 3
Divine: Korog
Action: Passive Effect
Component: N/A
Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Spell: The Caster is able to carry equipment or objects that are twice their average carrying capacity. They also feel twice as heavy for anyone trying to move them. The passive does not function if the bearer is incapacitated, or otherwise wills it to temporarily deactivate. The Caster’s arms, legs and neck begins to reflect a sheen the color of stone, wood or metal- depending on their chosen craft. It feels-like and remains to be skin.

Current Divine Status
-Living according to His tenets
-Teaching those around him about The Proficient
-Spreading His craft
-Building golems in His name
-Using his resources and influence to maintain the balance of the realm

Additional granted boons (# of times cast)

Once per month/two weeks, the craftsman bearing this boon may produce a work that emerges at the utmost maximum of their abilities (beautifully fitted armor, perfectly balanced sword, etc.). Praise to Korog must be given during the crafting process dedicating the work to him. (31)

The Forgemaster's Hammer

Works produced using the hammer and Korog's boon are incredibly resilient to damage.
Metal seems to flow with ease beneath the blows of this hammer. It may disrupt the workings of a lesser smith, but a master of his craft will find his work to emerge with more haste. (~1.25-1.5x craft speed).

Unmoving: When activated while within 20 blocks of the hammer, the Forgemaster's Hammer becomes immovable by any means for up to five minutes. Unless willed to end early, it will remain at whatever point in space it started the effect at.

[Korog Passive - Tier V]
The blessed finds they can carry an additional 120lbs with ease, and have a good eye for seeing if gemstones are not genuine. They are also able to make themselves feel 120lbs heavier at will. The veins in their hands and forearms take on a metallic hue through the skin, and these areas are as tough as leather, less prone to nicks and burns from working at the forge. They are able to be comfortable in extreme temperatures, the desert sun may burn them but the heat does not cause them to sweat.
The cold of the tundra may cause frostbite, but they do not buckle from the intensity.

[Boon Use]
List of crafts produced with Korog's Blessing or both the Blessing and The Forgemaster's Hammer [B+FH]:

  1. Valkyrie (poleaxe) {B}
  2. Perpetuality (longsword) {B}
  3. The Statue of Korog (bronze skin, brass hair and beard, steel armour, glowstone within the head to make the light gray gems in Korog's eyes glow) {B}
  4. Sword for Ventare {B}
  5. The Hammer of Korog {B}
  6. The Plate of Permanence {B+FH} Damaged by Incursion and Forlorn but still functional, kept as a relic of those two campaigns
  7. Honour Guard (shield with Thordil's brass handprint in the center) {B+FH}
  8. Waraxe-poleaxe hybrid for the Strands {B+FH}
  9. Golden arm-band inscripted with the Dwarves persent at Kublai's coronation {B+FH}
  10. Severance (poleaxe) {B+FH}
  11. Sword for Linden {B+FH}
  12. Grey Lady thematic black and 'purple' plate armour for Ventare {B+FH}
  13. Massive black and brass double bardiche for Kam {B+FH}
  14. Fronslin's black steel plate armour {B+FH}
  15. A scorpion of epic proportions, crafted to face off against The Blight Dragon (currently in: Rimtar) {B+FH}
  16. Linden's goat armour {B+FH}
  17. Black steel sword for Fronslin {B+FH}
  18. Statue of Tryg and Odette Strand {B+FH}
  19. Replacement set of armour {B+FH}
  20. A massive Rimtar Steel warhammer/maul, bearing the same intricate scrimshaw and symbols as the Forgemaster's Hammer {B+FH}
  21. Longsword for Asero
  22. Scimitar for Ayda
  23. A Rimtar Steel saber for Ardaric Tideborne {B+FH}
  24. Steel, 'Black Gold' and gold from the Magical Mirror's frame Korog statue the size of an arm. Its diamond eyes faintly glow with Divinity. {B + FH + Gem Imbuement} Taken by Korog
    The Artifact Change is in effect from this point onwards.
  25. Rimtar Steel weapon, Fang, designed by Thôrdil and possesses increased sharpness against metal {B+FH} [X]
    Given to Cassius
  26. Rimtar steel armour for Ventare {B+FH}
  27. Armour for Kopii
  28. Mûrzena, a large Rimtar Steel pickaxe with intricate golden detailwork
  29. Plate of The Steadfast: Rimtar Steel and Steel armour for Thôrdil, including metal extended 'war skirt' {B+FH}
  30. Armour for Raalvara {B+FH}
  31. Steel & Rimtar Steel roundshield {B+FH}
  32. Armour for Eren {B+FH}
  33. Armour for Marceau {B+FH}
  34. Valiant's blade repaired {B+FH}
  35. An axe of no equal, traded for Jaret's Maul with Crossroads {B+FH}
[Personal Minor Repairs]
-Iron Chisel-like dagger
-Iron smithing hammer (used to teach Roy smithing)
-Old locket containing a small sketch
-Small smithing prongs
-A small bust of a smiling Elven woman
-A small clay pot
-An old iron ring with runes upon it
-An old golden band
-A small golden hammer

[Perpetual Golems of Craft]
-Human-sized iron Golem designed after Korog's golems at the Incursion Finale event 'Crusade'.
-Hárrvey, a Dwarf-sized steel golem modeled after a male Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Minirva, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar steel golem modeled after a female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Rháklar, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar Steel and golden golem modeled after a female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Anaetirr, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar Steel and brass golem modeled after a male Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Goorwurd, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar Steel and bronze golem modeled after a male Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Feirhard, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar Steel and copper golem modeled after a female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron. The ruby 'heart' embedded in her 'skin' gives off a dim Divine glow {Gem Imbuement}.
-Fûrhálm, a Dwarf-sized Rimtar Steel and Bárúmium (purplish) golem modeled after a male Dwarf wearing a smithing apron. The topside of his head consists of a big chunk of ruby that dimly glows with Divinity {Gem Imbuement}.
-Maghcrawn, a Dwarf-sized steel and golden golem modeled aftera female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Bagburd, a Dwarf-sized steel and brass golem modeled after a male Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Leaoer, a Dwarf-sized steel and bronze golem modeled after a female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Mnogoarin, a Dwarf-sized steel and copper golen modeled after a female Dwarf wearing a smithing apron.
-Loyhák, a Dwarf-sized steel and Bárúmium golem modeled after a demale Dwarf, wearing a smithing apron. There is an axe-like pattern removed from the middle of their chestplate, showing a glowing red ruby.

-Twelve yet unnamed Dwarves, looking akin to Thôrdil. They are made of steel, with most of their "skin" being Rimtar Steel in a plate mail pattern.
Their arms are raised, a hammer held aloft, as if preparing to strike their hammers unto an anvil.
-Hurrár, Dunhár, Láerár to help with the Rimtar forge and hauling of things through the halls and near the lava.

-Zustid and Babin, formed by Korog from the Hárrvey, Minirva, Rháklar, Anaetirr, Goorwurd, Feirhard, Fûrhálm, Maghcrawn, Bagburd, Leaoer, Mnogoarin and Lovhák. Having been sent to fight Archon and his sentinels by Korog, Zustid perished in battle. Zustid's body was then corrupted by Strange, who sent him to fight those defending Archon from Pigmen and Strange. Babin lived to tell the tale, chasing off the Pigman army with a special cannonball created by Thôrdil and Korog.

Umber colour code: #b06d16
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Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Tower of Korog update:
Exterior mostly finished, the protruding platforms remain empty until sufficient Golems have been produced to place upon them.

[Note: not a full original, a pal from a building server helped me with it. He said he got inspiration from some youtuber but I forgot whom so I cant credit]

Another update: Hammer of Hurr Nor added to the log


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Added one each to past and current endeavours!


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
The Tower of Korog has been completed and dedicated to Korog!


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
-Added the Dedications section for songs and poetry
-With the current state of things and Korog's approval, goals have been adjusted slightly


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Added some happenings, and dragged the Oaths/promises on here


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
-Tier 4 achieved on the night of the First and the Last confrontation.
-Generally updated both the content and somewhat the lay-out.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Due to a lack of dividers I like, I did a mirror of Thordil's sword made by Elz to have something pretty as my divider
If there is an issue with that, feel free to let me know and I'll take it down :)
Credit at the bottom