Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Gift of Giving - CLOSED!


Events Staff
Very Sweet
A silver box has appeared upon a pedestal in Storm's Landing, not far from the tavern. It cannot be moved or nudged, burnt nor watered, but holds a small slit and a sign below states simply:

"Enter your one wish for a Gift, and for Whom."

- - -

Post below a wish, and a name to accompany it. You may get it, and you may not, regardless of how insane it sounds, but I'll try my best, lore'd items or otherwise. You can submit it for yourself or a friend. Don't feel bad for doing it for yourself. One wish per player, not per character. Happy Christmas.
[ The box won't move or budge but if you try to destroy it or tamper it, emote it below and I'll be sure to cross you off the list. ]

"This is an example of a wish I'd like, please and thank you. - Elz"


Bored Brit
"I wish for a useable eye, that can ignite/snuff torches within sight with a single blink- for when I eventually lose this one and need a replacement. - Podric Flanders"


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Basil initially tries to jostle it to get it to open and then does the little ritual.

"My old staff, for me. Basil Phoenix."

+ He is able to jostle it, and there is a resounding tut in his ear, but his wish is accepted into the box after. +

"I wish for a useable eye, that can ignite/snuff torches within sight with a single blink- for when I eventually lose this one and need a replacement. - Podric Flanders"
+ He hears the ringing of a bell, and then his wish is accepted. +


Lord of Altera
Branko would look curiously at the gift and would give a shrug deciding why not

"I wish for a Greyling child." - Branko Callas


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
There is a moment of confusion upon seeing the box before Amund did the do.

"I wish for the Dwarf, Khroroth, to become the Progenitor of all Vyres of his Line, to supersede the crazed butcher." - Khroroth


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Branko would look curiously at the gift and would give a shrug deciding why not

"I wish for a Greyling child." - Branko Callas
+ A hmm in his ear before the wish is accepted into the box. +

There is a moment of confusion upon seeing the box before Amund did the do.

"I wish for the Dwarf, Khroroth, to become the Progenitor of all Vyres of his Line, to supersede the crazed butcher." - Khroroth
+ The parchment spits back out the box with a sad trumpet noise. +


Lord of Altera
Rowley takes a few moments staring at the box, before shrugging.

"A Magic Focus for Antone Rosenthal." - Antone Rosenthal.


Retired Staff
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Antone stares at the box with a good deal of suspicion, then sighs and decides to risk it.

"I wish for a flame-resistant cloak." - Rowley Durandal


Not A Pirate
Retired Staff
After the first time seeing the box Ardaric would return a few times before finally deciding on what to put in.

"I wish for my mind to be always my own, insurmountable and resilient to all manner of conquest." - Ardaric Tideborne


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Rowley takes a few moments staring at the box, before shrugging.

"A Magic Focus for Antone Rosenthal." - Antone Rosenthal.
+ A hmm of uncertainty, before it is accepted into the box. +

Antone stares at the box with a good deal of suspicion, then sighs and decides to risk it.

"I wish for a flame-resistant cloak." - Rowley Durandal
+ A bell ring, and the parchment is accepted into the box. +

After the first time seeing the box Ardaric would return a few times before finally deciding on what to put in.

"I wish for my mind to be always my own, insurmountable and resilient to all manner of conquest." - Ardaric Tideborne
+ A hmm that sounds very much like a 'maaaaybe', before it is accepted into the box. +

Fluffy Bristle

Lord of Altera
Isla stares at the gift, blinking a few times, before letting out a sigh.

"I... I wish for- for guidance. And- if you can't give me that, just... something to protect myself with. It can be fancy- it can be mundane, just... anything will do." - Isla Vawdrey


Lord of Altera
*Taelin looked down at the box, just like-.*

"A teacher to train me with combat so I can make my family and friends proud!"


Lord of Altera
Reyne would happen upon the box, read the text, and kneel before it; muttering his wish.

"I wish for fertile ground upon my isles that may birth great trees and nurse a meager crop. For Aschefall and her people. In memory of Wilhelm."

The young Jager would mumble something about "looking so bleak all the time" before rising.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Isla stares at the gift, blinking a few times, before letting out a sigh.

"I... I wish for- for guidance. And- if you can't give me that, just... something to protect myself with. It can be fancy- it can be mundane, just... anything will do." - Isla Vawdrey
+ The sensation of a pat on her back, before the parchment is accepted. +

*Taelin looked down at the box, just like-.*

"A teacher to train me with combat so I can make my family and friends proud!"
+ A hmm, the parchment floating about a bit before it slips into the box. +

Reyne would happen upon the box, read the text, and kneel before it; muttering his wish.

"I wish for fertile ground upon my isles that may birth great trees and nurse a meager crop. For Aschefall and her people. In memory of Wilhelm."

The young Jager would mumble something about "looking so bleak all the time" before rising.
+ A clasp upon his shoulder, before the parchment is accepted into the box. +


Lord of Altera
+Karn passed by the box on the way to the cathedral to spend time at Skraag's shrine. Karn wandered back with parchment to turn in.+

"I wish for Branko Callas, my son. To receive a rusty coin. So he will always remember my teachings, where he came from, specially that it is within his will to carve his future."- Karn Clawheart.

The Cartoon Witch

Lord of Altera
Upon seeing the box, she'd blink and think for a moment. One wish coming to mind but decided against it. She shook her head and wrote on the parchment.

"I wish for an unbreakable flower pot with soil within it, that when watered, will grow any common herb or fruit that comes to my mind only." -Kaarina Dynall.


Better than sliced bread
"I wish for a million wishes-- There's a laugh as he scribed. Jest, jest. I wish to have eyes in likeness of The Gambler, so that I may read others better." -Cymic

"Never been much good at tha' one."


is Barken
Not one for tricks nor tomfoolery, Richard spent the evening following his observation of the gift-box mulling the idea over with a tall flagon of honeyed mead. The northman settled about a tavern seat, his lips curled in dismay and distress both - with apprehension crawling, and turning his lips about in a harsh scowl.

Later that evening, Richard returns to the gift-box - his corrupted, shattered gaze falling over the phenomenon and those who crowded it. He considered its dimensions, and awaited for an hour's time on the precipice of its will... before approaching, gently, with intent about his glum face. He settled to a knee before the box, and flattened his palms to its sides; his eyes fluttering shut, and he thought of the night-sky above.

"May my cousin Sigmund pass onward in the stars above, and avoid Ignis' wrath in his new home. May where he lay be fruitful, and borne of good will for his lost spark. May he know he is missed, and that in his absence, I have not forgotten him. This is all, and thank you."

He rose from his knees, and stepped from the gift-box with eyes kept low. The former Iron Hand wandered, and heard the gleeful chatter of hopeful participants.
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Lord of Altera
Rolland thinks for a moment, and his ooga booga brain that likes sharp things prevails.

"I ask for a mighty weapon from times passed. Ones with a noble story, one who now has no owner- that was lost to the ages, so that I may wield it to create new stories. Like the relics I read about in the Compendium! Bonus points if it's Valiant based, but I'm not picky. Thank you, oh mighty box."