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The Mage Law


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

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Pro Re Nata

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The Inquisition of Saint Jacqueline has written new ordinances. They apply within lands under their authority, and are recommended for other states to adopt similar ordinances. It is never the desire of the Inquisition to issue ultimatums or force harsh terms on others, but it has been the observance of its agents that there is much doubt as to the veracity and need for these ordinances, and so they shall be enforced. If mages are to share society, and knowledge of magic not be obliterated, reasonable restrictions on arcane magic are necessary.
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The Five Immutable Truths of Magic
I. The practice of arcane magic is a temptation for those of strong morals and weak ethics. Magic promises a solution to the problems of the world, while destabilizing it through insidious chaos.​
II. Arcane magic originates from within. Divine magic originates from the divine. To cast arcane magic is to fundamentally alter oneself to falsely imitate the divine and other higher powers, and enables them to cast magic originating from within. This destabilizes the planes and the mind.​
III. Casting magic that originates within oneself on the mortal plane weakens the boundaries between Material and Immaterial. This makes it easier for demons and other spirits to cross over.Active use of magic destabilizes the planes most dramatically within the local area of the caster, causing anomalies such as raining glass, gravity reversing, and other dangerous events.​
IV. Magic that is cast within the Immaterial or that originates from there, such as that of a divine servant using the magic of their patron, seems to not have this effect.​
With these things being the absolute truth, it follows that ordinances must be laid against the wanton practice of arcane magic to maintain safety and peace in a society that incorporates mages into it.​

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The Mage Law
I. Mages are not to freely cast their spells within the vicinity of cities or other major settlements. Mages may freely cast their spells in absolute isolation from where the local destabilization may cause significant harm.​
II. Mages may freely cast their spells in defense of themselves or others.​
III. Mages may establish their own communes far away from population centers, but mages shall not establish such communes in densely populated areas.​
IV. If a mage is to take residence in a city, the mage should notify the local authorities and subject themselves to reasonable suspicion and observance to ensure that all ordinances are followed.​
V. Mages may freely cast their spells if those spells are used to save a life and non-arcane healing methods would be insufficient.​
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Prosecution and Punishment
I. If a mage has two witnesses against themselves as having cast magic not in accordance with The Mage Law, the mage may be interrogated and arrested at the discretion of the relevent authorities.​
II. If the accusations are found to be made falsely against the mage, the witnesses shall be attributed a charge of attempted murder and given the appropriate punishment for such.​
III. If the accusations are found to be true and it is the first time in one year the ordinances have been violated, the mage shall be reminded of the ordinances and the immutable truths.​
IV. If it is the second time in one year, the mage shall be lashed five times.​
V. If it is the third time in one year, the mage shall be exiled for one year.​
VI. It is the fourth time in one year, the mage shall be exiled on threat of death or forceful dampening of their spark.​
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Special Dispensations
There may arise times where the use of arcane magic outside of these ordinances is necessary. In these instances, mages may receive or petition for special dispensations that permit them to use their magic more freely. These may be delivered by the local authority over the lands which would be damaged by the mages, or by some higher governing authority.​

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Legend of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
Well this seems like a good way to stop people playing mages and restrict choices in characters
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He/Him, They/Them
Discrimination and player character internal conflict will always occur on hollowworld. It is how it is.


Lord of Altera
Hopefully there's some fun RP to be had with it : )
As much as I want to agree with this, I can't.
Conflict can be good RP, as long as both sides are OK with it.
From what I've seen, Only the "Murder Mages" side are OK with this type of RP...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Yeah.


"Something need doing?"
the inquisition often makes grand melodramatic statements

doesn't mean they will do anything about it, and go out murdering mages!

I wouldn't worry about it


Legend of Altera
A poster is set up directly over the inquisitor's. No signature, the writer isn't /that/ bold

'New rule, everyone, since the inquisition's enforcing more left and right. From this day, all ignites and inquisitors will be burned at the stake for accepting magic from strange, unknown beings they don't understand and selling their soul and morals in exchange for lame powers. Happy hunting! -Mage and certified filthy heretic'

I am sorry for more posterwars



Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Another poster is put under the mage's one

Jokes on you, done already. - Inquisitor


Lord of Altera
Well this seems like a good way to stop people playing mages and restrict choices in characters
As much as I want to agree with this, I can't.
Conflict can be good RP, as long as both sides are OK with it.
From what I've seen, Only the "Murder Mages" side are OK with this type of RP...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Yeah.
Not quite ideal to bloat up Blarg’s post. But rp is rp, if you don’t want to listen to the inquisition. Then don’t, or just move to a location where you can do as you please. Its really not that problematic, one can always find a way around these things.


Lord of Altera
As much as I want to agree with this, I can't.
Conflict can be good RP, as long as both sides are OK with it.
From what I've seen, Only the "Murder Mages" side are OK with this type of RP...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Yeah.
As someone who plays a heretic, a mage and no blessed, I'm alright with it. It makes sense IC and I'm sure their intentions aren't to make things highly uncomfortable and annoying for other players, but they're acting on IC motivations and RPing. I doubt this will be as much of a problem as it appears to be on paper, and won't affect those who really don't want to be affected, even if they are mages.

dont prove me wrong you sons of bitches or quill will cast on your lands until ignis herself begs her to fucking stop


Lord of Altera
A poster is set up directly over the inquisitor's. No signature, the writer isn't /that/ bold

'New rule, everyone, since the inquisition's enforcing more left and right. From this day, all ignites and inquisitors will be burned at the stake for accepting magic from strange, unknown beings they don't understand and selling their soul and morals in exchange for lame powers. Happy hunting! -Mage and certified filthy heretic'

I am sorry for more posterwars

Over every poster?