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The Mage Law


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I think everyone is somewhat overestimating the power of the inquisiton in practical terms. There is no OOC element to this post, which perhaps there should have been a brief explanation.

Just don't, like, cast right in front of aleksei and be like haha God man you are a big poopy dope and a fool. And don't do that in a place where there is no strong central authority to offend. The "year" timer is the ambiguous IC year timer that could mean a week or a month OOC and I really doubt these rules are going to be enforced in many places at all. I don't particularly care what people do with their characters, and I like magic OOC and I think planar convergence is cool, but obviously big dumb poo poo inquisiton man would not.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
As much as I want to agree with this, I can't.
Conflict can be good RP, as long as both sides are OK with it.
From what I've seen, Only the "Murder Mages" side are OK with this type of RP...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Yeah.
I am a firm believer in people being able to talk to one another in regards to RP situations - I do not believe the Inquisition members are going to go out on their own and upset players by killing their mages or anything of the sort. This poster states it's over lands of the Inquisition (and has been stated a few times its hardly to be enforced) as well - Not over all lands or wherever it is they wander. I'm hoping it to be fun RP for those who wish to be involved in it, and whilst it's fine to disagree with me I think it's through some misunderstanding with what the poster means/is.

I'll send you a message on discord too to chat about it if you like though naturally blargtheawesome is going to be the one who can explain his things more than I - I'd encourage anyone feeling panicked or worried or upset (I've heard some are) to talk to him about it just to make sure you're not feeling uncomfy.


Guardian Of The Vibes
idk i think being a cool secret mage with secret magic buds who knows things others don't and get to be cool and secret is a pretty cool situation. this has been a thing on and off for a long time on the server, it isn't a new IC server conflict to have mages and anti-mages.

blarg isn't going to be a huge butthole OOC about it if you really don't want to participate IC or lose your character, he just likes introducing interesting RP and the central force to any good driving story is conflict. still, if you don't want that, people aren't gonna like metagame and teleport into candlewood to murk all the mages they know of (and ofc if they did you could go to staff about that).

just keep in mind you might miss out on certain RP or events that carry risk in exchange for cool IC stuff. which is totally fine if that's the vibe for you.
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A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff
I don't know what the IC geopolitical climate of the server is like nowadays, but having a looming force of (questionable) authority to hold and enforce various judgements of heretical behavior has seemed to have been an at least passive sort of constant in Altera. It happens all the time with both mage and divine characters, and what kind of depth would any character have in achieving their goals and desires if there weren't obstacles to be surmounted?

There's certainly a pleasant niche for domestic and more pacifist-leaning RP in our community, and more power to those with such a preference, but this IC announcement shouldn't be seen as something trying to alienate players or put targets on certain types of characters. The overarching narrative timeline of the server isn't going to maintain momentum without players stimulating conflict themselves, yet there's plenty of space on the map and OOC accommodations for those who aren't interested in that. Rewarding storytelling blooms through risk and trailblazing.

poo poo men will do as poo poo men do


Lord of Altera
I'm clearing things up by posting another reply. To anyone who is saying murder mage, mage hunt, punish mages; sure ok you have a little point but tell me one thing. Does this not make your character have an IC reason to avoid inquisitors now? Can you quote me exactly where it just says if you are a mage you die. I mean that; because it's real annoying to see how bitchy people on this server can be over players lining out their law rather than just saying "Mage = die". There are rules set forth that make inquisitors not able to just fuck up mages; we get punished in our sphere for doing so and now some of us; Leonhardt; are blessed and can't act like that anymore. Take that into consideration as the inquisition is attempting to be a more orderly look at Ignis, not just murder hoboing if there is something we don't like but rather, discussing and setting out boundaries of play.