Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [12/20/21 | 7PM EST] [Public] Feast and Games


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
" A winter feast and a festival game will be held in Queensport within the new domed assembly hall.
The feast is held in honor of great deeds done, and great deeds yet to be done. "


DATE: 20th December
RATING: Moderate​

The rules for the game are inspired by a forum game that was played way back in 2013. The game was originally meant to be played over letters (forum conversations) and was OOC, so some rule changes are made to work in this context.

Everyone is trying to take out someone else, and someone else is trying to take out them.

Each player is given a target, and a condition. The condition is the set of circumstances they must put their target in, in order for that target to be eliminated.

For example, Player A is told they must target Player B. In order to eliminate Player B, they must be seen offering a bouquet of flowers to Player C. In order to achieve this, Player A conspires with Player D by having them offer the flowers to Player C, and Player E to ask Player C to demand the flowers. Player C doesn't know the conditions that they would be knocked out under, so they went along with it all thinking they were conspiring with other players.

Why would anyone help anyone else, though? Because when players are eliminated, points are distributed. In this example, Player A gets 3 points for taking out their target. Players D and E both receive 1 point for conspiring to help Player A.

Does Player C have any defense? Yes: if they correctly identify and call out their assassin, they gain 3 points and their assassin is taken out of the game. If they do so incorrectly however, they lose 3 points.

After a player has been eliminated, they can still participate. They can gain points by conspiring with others. Another way they can gain points is if other players elect to use theirs as bribes, but the overseer of the game must be informed to prevent cheating by way of other players having their tokens stolen.

At the end of the game, there will be two winners. The last player standing, and the person with the most points. Their prize will be kept secret. If the game runs too long, it may be called early and just the person with the most points rewarded.

Asher will be acting as the overwatcher IC, which means I'll be doing it OOC. In order for any action to be considered valid, including the elimination of a player, there must be at least two witnesses or it be told to Asher as it is happening. Asher will be distributing the items representing points.


Anyone can attend, and anyone who wants to participate in the game when the feast starts is allowed to, but for the sake of planning ahead I'd like anyone who really wants to show up for the game to post with some information below.

Definitely able to make the time?:
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