Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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3rd time lucky :)

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I've looked through multiple ban appeals and most people have been given a second chance, even someone who was banned for x-ray but I did read that it still allowed him to connect so he notified you guys but it does say any x-ray appeals will be deleted, so if you guys found it in your hearts to unban him I would be extremely grateful if you could give me a second chance
I've also noticed that a player named yehozz I think was unbanned but im not sure if he was unbanned but any way he was banned for inappropriate language, im not sure what he said or did but if he was given a second chance I feel that you could give me another chance but that's up to you to decide.
I have just been on a few different servers since being banned and none of them were as fun and friendly as yours.
And i cant say enough how sorry i am for my actions but i cant change the past but i can change my attitude to the server and maturity, please find the mercy to forgive me and hopefully give me a second chance like the others.


We allowed some people come back after xraying, but that was after 3-4 months of them not logging onto our server. Xraying still has a no-appeal rule, and only after atleast 3 months has passed would we consider looking at someones appeal again, but that most certainly is not a garauntee for that person to be able to come back.


Lord of Altera
I don't see why you would point out that. Just because they find it in their heart to give you a second chance doesn't mean it will happen every time someone puts up a ban appeal.
Pointing it out may have made it seem like you expect to be unbanned. that isn't good.

Not to sound like a prune but you probably shouldn't have said that.
*sings* you don't always get h'what you want! XD


Lord of Altera
The first two times, your appeal was denied. What makes you think it won't be denied the third time? Saying that other people also got another chance is not a good argument here. We want to know what will be a good reason to let you back into the server.
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