Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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__NAYDA__ - Application [Declined - Sally]

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1. Name: __NAYDA__

2. Age: 14 Years Old

3. Gender: Male

4. Country: Australia

5. Yes, I do agree to all Terms & Conditions

6. I was a well known builder back home, until "The Plague" ravaged our village. "The Plague" attacked many innocent people, young and old alike. I was forced to leave everyone behind, everything I knew and everyone I loved. I rode my horse through many forests and over many rivers. I had to learn to survive in the wild, and I used my building skills to make small shelters.

I learnt how to hunt and mine. The hunting helped me avoid the "expolders" as our village called them. I needed to mine so I could make torches to light the way ahead, and after many weeks of this I stumbled into a new town. There was a sign, it read: Hollow World.

7. My name is Matthew. I have freckles, short, light brown spiky hair and blue eyes. I enjoy to play Lacrosse, which is an uncommon sport in Australia. Other games I enjoy to play on the computer and X-Box 360 are: Gears of War 1, 2 3, the Halo series, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Age of Empires III and many more!
I also enjoy to play Warhammer 40k, which is a table-top war game that uses miniatures as units. That is a bit about me!

Sorry, no pictures!
Yes, I understand that using any black magic is not allowed on the server and I may be banned.



*facedesk* Copy the whitelist base and paste it here. Q6 and Q7 needs MORE SENTENCES!!!.
Answer the other questions too. Your application is FAR from being accepted -.-

Q6's story is VERY OVERUSED. Try doing something more original.

You are more like an orphan with 1337 surviving skills. I will quote:

SallyRose said:
It's not the dead family/friends/village that bugs me the most, it's that these people use it for an excuse to make their character something 'special' or 'unique'.
People can be depressed without everyone dying, sometimes it's a chemical thing, sometimes it's caused by a breakup, an accident, maybe just something that happened because of how they are.
Character's can have a different perspective on how they view things without anything happening. Some people live in the moment, some people lament over the past, others look towards the future.
Some people are happy-go-lucky, some hold grudges over the past, some can even hate over the simplest things.

Personality is the most important piece of your character.


The original mute
To specify, an introduction should be done from your characters perspective. It should be "I did this, and thought this of it. It caused this to happen, and I felt this" not"i did this, and then this happened. So I did this, which caused this."
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