Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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_mikaachu_'s Application [Accepted- Adam]


1. What is your Minecraft username?

2. How old are you?
19 years old

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
I am from the United States, and my time zone is Eastern Time (I think??? I’m dumb)

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
Yes! I read I’m pretty sure all of them.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming: Metagaming is when you use knowledge that you know in the real world and intertwine it with the rp. You use information you’re not supposed say in the rp to gain power or control over a situation.
Powergaming: Powergaming is when you make your character extremely overpowered, as if they are the strongest being in the rp. Nothing can hurt this character and they always have something up their sleeve to save them from tragedy.

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
No, X-Ray mods are not allowed and can even get you banned I’m pretty sure.

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
Hi! My names Pluto, or Mika for short or for friends. I’m 19, turning 20 in November. I am Non-Binary and use They/Them pronouns! My favorite things to do are painting and digital art mainly, reading, writing, playing video games and watching anime or tv shows in general heh. The main games I play are usually Minecraft, Animal Crossing, the Persona games, and a bit of shooter games even though I’m not very good at them. I one day plan to be a streamer too once I move out (either a faceless one or a VTuber because I don’t particularly like how I look). I have 4 cats, 6 dogs and a rabbit, I used to have more lol.

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
Yes actually! My boyfriend told me about this server after he got back into rping! He would constantly tell me how happy he is to be doing this again and thought it’d be super fun to do it together :0

Character Name:
Fyn Belmont

Character Age:

Character Race:
Human (Kaltic)

Fyn Belmont has fluffy short black hair. He usually has it pulled back out of his face and when he doesn't, he gets quite annoyed and embarrassed. His eyes are also a very light blue, almost as bright as the ocean (He also has very prominent freckles all over his face and somewhat over his body). He wears a small fur coat over his right shoulder with a hood attached to it. Underneath his fur coat he wears a minimal armour plate with an arm piece connected to it on his left arm. Fyn also wears regular old worn out pants with a large belt to keep them up on his body, he also wears a pair of black-gray boots and a pair of black gloves over his hands. As for the last piece, he wears a black necklace around his neck almost at all times. (Ignore the bow please I was drawing this before I knew we didn't start out with weaponry )
(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 11.36.08 AM.png

Written Test!:

I sit inside the tavern with a couple of the other residents who lived in this place known as Storms Landing. It was a fairly quiet and held together town. It wasn’t the best place to live, but it definitely wasn’t the worst either. Living here was definitely a safe heaven for me, as it may be for anyone else who resides here.
The morning was going smoothly. People ate some foods, others drank Ale, while I; I just wanted nothing more than to go on an adventure. Trust me, living here isn’t bad and all, but I loved exploring. I wanted to see more than just this small land. I sat in my chair, pondering my thoughts for what felt like hours on end.
Why not? I’ll always venture back, I’m not leaving for forever... I thought to myself. I gave out a loud huff as my thoughts soon stopped bouncing around with indecision as I heard a hard voice begin to speak loudly amongst the people in the tavern.
“Have you ever been to the Sorrow’s? I’ve heard it’s quite the venture, and even dangerous aye?”
My eyes grew wide, this was perfect. Not only a new place to venture too, but it’s also a challenge? I think I’ve found where I want to go next…
With that I looked to the group of gentlemen who had just spoken about the Sorrow’s. I requested if I was able to accompany them on their journey, and luckily and reluctantly they allowed my request. I had not known these men before this encounter, so I was quite surprised they agreed so quickly. A large smile grew across my face as we all began to head out of the tavern together. At last...An adventure!

We had set out for our journey to the Sorrows. The men had an abundance of weaponry and food, while myself only had my fraile bow and a few scraps to last for myself. I really should have come more prepared…
We all traveled far through different lands all day and even all night. Night time was the most treacherous of them all, especially the closer we got to the Sorrows… The undead were absolutely unbearable, they were almost everywhere you would look.
The group of men took down so many, as many as they possibly could actually until the land was clear enough for us to travel farther inward. Though while these men gruesomely did all this...I kept my distance the best I could which many of them, if not all of them didn’t quite appreciate. With a large huff I sat at their sides as they began to camp out for the night, hoping no more undead would show up to try to cut our adventures short. We all soon went to sleep as fast as we all could, though it did take me some time for myself.
When I awoke, I was hoping we would be all ready to continue our journey, but alas, that is quite the opposite of what really happened. I looked around myself at the now empty area I was in. There was nothing left. No food, no weapons or even coverage to keep me safe from the undead. Everything was gone. I looked around and I couldn’t even find my own bow and arrows.
“W-What!? T-They took my belongings!?” I yelled in anger and just plain confusion as well.
“You drunken bastards!” I yell loudly. With that, I stood to my feet, wiping any dirt I could off of me. How am I supposed to get back home?! I’m terrible with directions! Oh dear...This is bad! With a loud angered huff. I begin to walk the same direction we were heading before. Maybe someone will be in the Sorrows, who knows. They could even be already in the Sorrows. Either way, I needed to find some form of shelter before nightfall, if I don’t, well that’ll be quite the problem.
I began to search for anyone or anything to keep me sheltered, though it was taking me hours upon hours, I wasn’t finding nearly anything. No homes, no civilization, nothing. I was soon starting to lose hope of ever getting out of this place alive…
I looked around the dark land I was in, not knowing where I had traveled to. It was dark and full of horrifying creatures that wanted nothing more than to cut my adventures short.
In a quick panic of searching around distressfully, I soon saw a frail light shining through the tree’s a bit away from me. With nothing more than a slight hunch that maybe, possibly anyone could be living in this place would be inside. The question was, were they willing to help some traveler? With only a slight shear of hope, I headed towards the house that I now saw was a somewhat broken down cottage.
Even if someone does reside here, it doesn’t look very safe… I quickly began to knock on the front door, eager to get in. After a few moments of complete silence, I then heard it; humming.
Joy filled my body as I then heard shuffled footsteps begin to approach the doorway, and with that, a very small Halfling peered around the corner.
“O-Oh hello there! I wasn’t sure anyone actually lived here” I said in almost disbelief. After taking a few glances at me, then around my surroundings. The halfling soon opened the door all the way, letting me into his small home in the forest. I thanked him greatly as I stepped inside.
After meeting this halfing; that I now knew the name of to be Ginnian, we soon became quite close. He offered to let me stay in his home and even have his food as long as I agreed to hunt for more if need be. I was quite happy living with Ginnian, he was extremely smart and continuously tried to get me into reading about these creatures he’s seen living here before. I grew quite fond of him and his exciting reads.
After months of being with Ginnian in this cottage, I had decided I wanted to go traveling to a new land, some place not far but not too close either. Ginnian and I said our farewells to each other before I departed. I promised I would return with something interesting for him to write about, that was the only reason I wanted to venture out. I wanted to try to give him a new exciting creature to write about...But alas that did not happen.
Through my hard travels, I had gotten myself lost...Again. I had no map nor compass or anything to direct me back to home. I had no idea where I was....Not the slightest clue.
I tried getting back for so long, I tried getting back to Ginnian as soon as I could to not make him worry, but that never happened. I was desperately lost.
I was wondering for so long, that was until I finally found something. It wasn’t Ginnian’s home, no, but instead it was the port, the port that would bring you back to Storm’s Landing. I exhaled loudly with pure happiness as my body began to fill with a slight shear of hope finally.
After paying what I needed to get home, the ship soon sailed off back towards Storm’s Landing. At least there I can find someone who knows the way around the Sorrows possibly, and even if I can’t, I can get some kind of directions hopefully.
I immediately found myself back in the town where I had first been living in, the small town I so very much missed. I looked around eagerly to find any other travelers who may have ventured here.
I need to get back to Ginnian, I have to! It’s been so long… I ran up to someone eagerly, tapping them on their armoured shoulder.
“E-Excuse me kind sir, would you possibly know anyone who knows the way to the Sorrows?” I asked a bit quietly, afraid I would confuse or upset the man. He looked confused at first until he just pointed away towards a bundle of tattered buildings.
“I know a fellow who once lived in the Sorrow’s. His home is right that way” He said kindly before walking off. I nod to him happily as I gave him a heartfelt thank you. With that, I hurried to the home he had pointed to, trying so desperately to compose myself as to not come off as frantic. As I reached the home, I began to knock on the door eagerly. It took them a moment, but soon I heard the sound of humming getting louder as they reached their doorway.
H-Humming? Swiftly the door opened to show a face I thought I would never see again. My eyes grew wide and a smile spread largely across my cheeks.
“A-Alas, I’ve returned home..”


He/Him, They/Them


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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