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A ban + 2 weeks to appeal = Plenty of time to... think.

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Alex the Strange

Loyal Servant of Altera
It is clear that just over half a month ago I made a big mistake, and that it had a large affect on the community of admins that were only looking to help me, I betrayed them and let myself down. For this I am sorry

Waiting two weeks was a suggested time to wait before I attempt to re-reconcile, if you know what I mean? It has really given me time to evaluate my actions, and do lots of revision for my studies.

I hope that this ban-appeal is able to show the admins that I am really dedicated to the server, this is why I am so remoursful for the stupidity I displayed when defacing the kings playgorund, and only hope that you admins can come together and see my sincerity in these words. I really hope that I can come back onto the server and be part of the community again. I'm sorry.


<3 Hollow World
Auxilium banned, so I'd prefer him to be the one to remove it if he thought it warranted doing. My own point of view is that you shouldn't have been able to get in there and got into the Kings Playground due to the old spawn point mix up which affected a few of us months ago, getting there wasn't your fault, being daft when you realised you were there was.

What's the community got to say though? Other players should feel free to post here giving their opinions.


True Bandit
Not sure if my opinion matters, but I have reasons for letting him back and not.

Reasons why should let him back:
It seems like an honest mistake
He shouldn't of been aloud to be TP'd to the kings playground in the first place
He does seem dedicated to the server by listening most of the time as regards to ban appeals and follows them up with good grammer and structure.
Perma-Ban seems abit harsh for a mistake like this.
Brings more activity into the Wilds.

Reasons why not:
I've seem him aggrivate others intentionally, this has happened alot in the wilds to poke a reaction out of them. It's not nice.
Does alot of afk killing in the wilds, such as drowning people underwater in the safe zone, other things like this.
Has a few stupid moments, but it doesnt happen that often.

So overall, I say let him back on. It seems and honest mistake and I can't find many bad things to say about him compared to good. Sure, he has stupid moments or doesn't think. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes.

Think before you act in future Lord Abraham, hope to see you back on!


King ForumStalker
I say unban, his apology seems sincere. Just try not to break not natural blocks that you didnt place to prevent this happening again.


Cobblestone King
While I understand that confusion might have been part of this whole situation, I don't really get it that you still decided to deface an obvious player-made structure and only gather the valuable items, while ignoring the rest.
However, this is hopefully an honest ban appeal and it determined on what I am going to do with you.

Next Friday you will be allowed to join us again.


I won't let him come back because he mined all diamonds and golds from kings_playground...
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