Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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A Closer Look At Your Character!


I think I might like it here
Hey there!
Lately I've been doing that thing that a lot of roleplayers do, and that's browse something like devianart to find a picture of what their character may look like. Or hey, maybe that's just cause I'm untalented and can't draw unlike some of you! So maybe you've drawn your character. Either way, I want to see what you've got. I can get a pretty good idea as to what your characters look like from your skins, but I think this is more fun. I'm going to start off by showing Ari. I've been unable to find her as a child, but I have found her as a young adult along with Jayden. Here it is:

So I think this is simple enough, and kinda fun. So yea, if you have a picture post it below :)


Legend of Altera
I didn't realise it until now, and well Robert looks almost exactely the same aaas; Renly Baratheon- Almost though, a bit bigger and taller, but basically the same.

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Dark Council Elite
46 - Glados.png

This is like the best thing I've ever layed hands on, I still squee when I see it.

This is mildly outdated though, as per eye being given back and new armor!


Ooh, love this. My current main (and favourite out of all that I've RP'd as) character, Syr, has been around for a year today, and throughout that time of RP he's undergone some fairly neat appearance changes that coincided with his personality developments as he aged.

Age 10: The age Syr started at. Really just looked like your average child at this point.

Age 14-16: As he grew older, he began to get a more 'defined' look, similar to Robb Stark.

Age 19: Once bumped up to 19, he took onto this look.
Syr 19-ish.png
He remained with this general appearance for some time.

Age 24 or so: Around here, he started growing out his hair, beginning to grow a bit more older.
Benjen Stark 2.jpg - gradually shifting to - Benjen Stark.jpg

Age 29: And now, here he is. He'll probably look like this for a while.
Current Syr.png


43 - Scardrac.png
@SallyPirate chibi! Good representation of Scardrac as a chibi.

There aren't many pictures that I have found that would accurately describe Scardrac enough for me to use as a reference picture. But Cesare Borgia in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood would have to be the closest. This would be when he looked around 27, around when he was corrupted as a demon the first time around.

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is Barken
Drachen, infant. Really, just your typical baby, only with red eyes. Emilia, his mother, is displayed opposite of him in this picture. Courtesy of @madyson0915 .
Scan 16.jpeg

Drachen: 12 years old. At this point, Drachen had began puberty, and was being to experience the voice changes, and other changes. Art courtesy of the fantastic @madyson0915 .
Scan 7.jpeg

Drachen: 16 years of age. At this point, Drachen had been training for eight years, and was subsequently fit. He was handsome, at this point, and was sporting a more mature look. Again, fantastic art from @madyson0915 .

Scan 32.jpeg


is Barken
Drachen, age 20. At this point, Drachen had settled into his life, evidently as a pirate.

Drachen, age 25+. This is the current version of Drachen. He has settled upon a look, and decides to stick to it.

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